| <p style="text-align:justify;">Nyayas (maxims) are specifically used when characterizing a situation. Explanation of Nyaya is found from the Vedic period to Purana, Upanishad, Kavya, Darshana, etc. Ayurveda, being the upaveda of Atharvaveda, also explains various maxims to enlighten their treatise and for the easy understanding of the topics. As these maxims are commonly used by the people, Ayurveda Acharyas found it an easy tool for clarification of the views that they want to put forth in their quotations (sutras). Later the commentators of these sutras integrated several nyayas to explore the exact meaning of the actual verses. <br/>In a compilation of nyayas, it is explained that the nyayas can be dealt with under three distinct heads, and are either illustrations (drishtanta), rules, or principles (as in the case of paribhashas), topics (adhikaras) (as in the case of the kapinjala nyaya) (Colonel G.A. Jacob, 1911).<ref name="ref9">Manjusha AT, Irshad H, Ramadas PV, Mund JS. Nyaya and its relevance in Ayurveda. Global Journal of Research on Medicinal Plants & Indigenous Medicine. 2015 Dec 1;4(12):247.</ref></p> | | <p style="text-align:justify;">Nyayas (maxims) are specifically used when characterizing a situation. Explanation of Nyaya is found from the Vedic period to Purana, Upanishad, Kavya, Darshana, etc. Ayurveda, being the upaveda of Atharvaveda, also explains various maxims to enlighten their treatise and for the easy understanding of the topics. As these maxims are commonly used by the people, Ayurveda Acharyas found it an easy tool for clarification of the views that they want to put forth in their quotations (sutras). Later the commentators of these sutras integrated several nyayas to explore the exact meaning of the actual verses. <br/>In a compilation of nyayas, it is explained that the nyayas can be dealt with under three distinct heads, and are either illustrations (drishtanta), rules, or principles (as in the case of paribhashas), topics (adhikaras) (as in the case of the kapinjala nyaya) (Colonel G.A. Jacob, 1911).<ref name="ref9">Manjusha AT, Irshad H, Ramadas PV, Mund JS. Nyaya and its relevance in Ayurveda. Global Journal of Research on Medicinal Plants & Indigenous Medicine. 2015 Dec 1;4(12):247.</ref></p> |
| |It is described as suggesting that we do easy work first when both easy and difficult work are before us. This Nyaya is used when multiple jobs/activities must be completed, and priority is assigned to them based on the duration of each job. | | |It is described as suggesting that we do easy work first when both easy and difficult work are before us. This Nyaya is used when multiple jobs/activities must be completed, and priority is assigned to them based on the duration of each job. |