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'''The page is under construction:''' following are references taken from Charak Samhita.

== Qualities of curd ==







Curd is an appetizer and an aphrodisiac. It increases unctuousness and strength, is sour on digestion, hot in potency, is effective in treating [[vata]] disorders and is auspicious and nourishing. It is recommended in rhinitis, diarrhea, cold, irregular fevers, anorexia, dysuria and emaciation. [ [[Annapanavidhi Adhyaya]] 225-226]

Generally, curd is prohibited in autumn, summer and spring seasons. It is also unwholesome in [[raktapitta]] (bleeding disorders) and disorders of [[kapha]]. [[[Annapanavidhi Adhyaya]] 227]

== Effects of consuming different types of curd ==

त्रिदोषंमन्दकं, जातंवातघ्नंदधि, शुक्रलः।

सरः, श्लेष्मानिलघ्नस्तुमण्डःस्रोतोविशोधनः॥२२८॥

Immature or partly formed curd aggravates all the three [[dosha]]. Completely formed curd is effective in treating [[vata]]. The cream of curds is seminiferous and the whey is considered effective in treating [[kapha]] and [[vata]] and cleaning the channels. [ [[Annapanavidhi Adhyaya]] 228]

== Guidelines for consumption of dadhi (curd) and hazards of improper consumption==

न नक्तं दधि भुञ्जीत न चाप्यघृतशर्करम्| नामुद्गयूषं नाक्षौद्रं नोष्णं नामलकैर्विना ||६१||

ज्वरासृक्पित्तवीसर्पकुष्ठपाण्ड्वामयभ्रमान्| प्राप्नुयात्कामलां चोग्रां विधिं हित्वा दधिप्रियः||६२||

Curd should not be consumed at night. Otherwise, if curd is to be taken, it should be mixed with ghee, sugar, green gram soup, honey or amalaka (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.). It should not be heated also. [ [[Naveganadharaniya Adhyaya]] 61]

[[Jwara]] (fever), [[Raktapitta]] (bleeding from different parts of the body), [[visarpa]] (erysipelas), [[kushtha]] (obstinate skin diseases), [[pandu]] (anemia like disorders), [[bhrama]] (giddiness, vertigo) and severe [[kamala]] (jaundice and other hepato-biliary disorders) occur if the prescribed rules for consumption of curd are not followed by one who is fond of curd. [ [[Naveganadharaniya Adhyaya]] 62]

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