<li style="font-weight:bold">Madhutailika basti<br/><span style="font-weight:normal">When honey (madhu) and oil (taila) are given equal importance in enema, then it is known as madhutailika basti<ref name="ref19">Damayanthie Fernando (2011): Assessment of Clinical Efficacy of ErandamuladiYapana Basti and ErandaBijaKshiraPaka in the management of Kati Graha w.s.r. to Lumbar Spondylosis. Department of Panchakarma, IPGT&RA Jamnagar</ref>. Yapana basti, yuktharadha basti and siddha basti are synonyms of madhutailika basti<ref name="ref20">Shital G Bhagiya (2015): A Comparative Clinical Study of Lekhana Basti and Shamana Sneha (Triphaladi Taila) In the Management of Sthaulya W.S.R. To Obesity.Department Of panchakarma, GAAC, Ahmedabad.</ref>. It helps remove the doshas and bring up the strength and complexion of a patient. The peculiarity of this kind of enema is that there will be no restrictions on diet, beverages, travel, and sexual intercourse. The enema shows many benefits to the patient with no complications at all. [Su.Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 38/114]<ref name="ref3" /></span></li> | <li style="font-weight:bold">Madhutailika basti<br/><span style="font-weight:normal">When honey (madhu) and oil (taila) are given equal importance in enema, then it is known as madhutailika basti<ref name="ref19">Damayanthie Fernando (2011): Assessment of Clinical Efficacy of ErandamuladiYapana Basti and ErandaBijaKshiraPaka in the management of Kati Graha w.s.r. to Lumbar Spondylosis. Department of Panchakarma, IPGT&RA Jamnagar</ref>. Yapana basti, yuktharadha basti and siddha basti are synonyms of madhutailika basti<ref name="ref20">Shital G Bhagiya (2015): A Comparative Clinical Study of Lekhana Basti and Shamana Sneha (Triphaladi Taila) In the Management of Sthaulya W.S.R. To Obesity.Department Of panchakarma, GAAC, Ahmedabad.</ref>. It helps remove the doshas and bring up the strength and complexion of a patient. The peculiarity of this kind of enema is that there will be no restrictions on diet, beverages, travel, and sexual intercourse. The enema shows many benefits to the patient with no complications at all. [Su.Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 38/114]<ref name="ref3" /></span></li> |