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== Etymology and derivation ==
* The vegetations that die when their fruits mature are called ‘aushadhi’. Example, the plants of banana and grain.<ref>Dev R.R.K., editor, (1st ed.). Shabdakalpadrum, Kand 1. Delhi: Amar Publications, 2018; 303.</ref>
The rasa (essence) is called osa. Entity that contains this rasa is called ‘aushadhi’. As disease-free state is obtained through rasa, so the entity that contains rasa is called aushadha.<ref>Satyapala, editor, (1st ed.). Commentary Vidyotini of Kashyap Samhita, Khila Sthana; Bheshajyopakramaniya Adhyaya: Chapter 3, Verse 27. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, 2015; 366.</ref>
* Aushadha is the plant which perish after fruits mature. [Cha. Sa. Sutra Sthana 1/73].
'''Synonyms''' [Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 1/1/3]
* Chikitsita: That which alleviates disorders.
* Vyadhihara: destroyer of diseases.
* Pathya: beneficial for the channels in body.
* Sadhana: that which is an instrument for performance.
* Prayaschitta: expiation.
* Prashamana: pacification.
* Prakritisthapana: that which helps recovery.
* Hita: wholesome.
* Bheshaja: therapeutics
== Classification ==

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