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# Kamala(jaundice)
# Kamala(jaundice)
=== D)Time of administration ===
Vaitaranabastican be given after meal also.
== Mode of action of basti ==
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Basti introduced into the rectum (pakwashaya)acts upon the whole body and on every system of the body. It draws out impurities from head to toe by its potency just as the sun evaporates water from the earth by its heat. [Cha.Sa.Siddhi Sthana 7/64]
As the cloth absorbs the dye from water mixed with kusumba(safflower) plant, in the same way
Basti eliminates the mala from the body which have undergone liquefaction due to snehana and svedana. [A. Hru. Sutra Sthana 19]
The bastidravya churns and collects the accumulated dosha and stool (shakrut) from umbilical, hypogastric and pelvic region (nabhi, kati, parshwa and kukshi pradesha), causes oleation (snehana) to the body and expels out the dosha.[Cha. Sa. Siddhi Sthana1/40]
=== Mode of action ofvaitaranabasti: ===
'''Note:''' The pharmacological properties of ingredients after their rectal administration are not yet studied. The properties of ingredients after oral administration are studied and presented here for reference.
'''Saindhava lavana (rock salt):''' Saindhava lavanais the purest form of rock salt, considered the best among all varieties of salt and advisable for daily consumption. It possesses 85% NaCl and 15% trace materials, whereas anothersaltcontains 97% NaCl.It is salty and slightly sweet in taste; madhuravipaka (sweet post digestive effect), sheetaveerya (cold potency), light to digest and unctuous in nature. In bastitherapy, rock salt is added to prepare an emulsion. It helps to dissolve and expel dosha from the intestines.7The role of subtle (sukshma), unctuous (snigdha) and sharp (tikshna) properties are as below:
<dd>- By virtue of subtle (suskhmaguna),bastidravyareaches up to the molecular level. It helps to pass the drug molecule in systemic circulation through the mucosa.</dd>
<dd>- Sharp (tikshnaguna) breaks down the morbid mala & dosha bondings (sanghata), hence helpful for the elimination of waste due to its irritant property.</dd>
<dd>- Unctuous (snigdhaguna)is capable of liquefying the doshaand breaking it into minute particles.</dd>
== References ==
== References ==

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