Agni mahabhuta being a conversion factor is placed in middle among the [[panchamahabhuta]]s. It has the capability to convert the [[akasha]] and [[vayu]]mahabhuta to [[jala]] and [[prithvi]]mahabhuta and vice versa. So it originates as the third mahabhuta during evolution.<ref>Gautam K. Critical study of “Bhutebhyohiparamyasmatnastichintachikitsite” w.s.r. to Santarpanotthaprameha& it’s management [MD Dissertation]. Jamnagar: Gujarat Ayurved University; 2007</ref>. | Agni mahabhuta being a conversion factor is placed in middle among the [[panchamahabhuta]]s. It has the capability to convert the [[akasha]] and [[vayu]]mahabhuta to [[jala]] and [[prithvi]]mahabhuta and vice versa. So it originates as the third mahabhuta during evolution.<ref>Gautam K. Critical study of “Bhutebhyohiparamyasmatnastichintachikitsite” w.s.r. to Santarpanotthaprameha& it’s management [MD Dissertation]. Jamnagar: Gujarat Ayurved University; 2007</ref>. |