Bhutagni is required for the third stage of digestion, which forms unique material for the sense organs. Five bhutagni exist for taking the five elements portion of the digested food mass and converting them into nourishing substances for the five sense organs. Some of these specialized materials are the rods and cones responsible for photosensitivity in the eye, special liquids around the taste buds on the tongue, the mucus membrane material inside the nose that aids in smell, and special cartilage forming the architecture of the ear. Such substances specific to each sense organ are prepared by bhutagni. [Cha.Sa.[Chikitsa Sthana]] 15/3-4, 12-14]
Bhutagni is required for the third stage of digestion, which forms unique material for the sense organs. Five bhutagni exist for taking the five elements portion of the digested food mass and converting them into nourishing substances for the five sense organs. Some of these specialized materials are the rods and cones responsible for photosensitivity in the eye, special liquids around the taste buds on the tongue, the mucus membrane material inside the nose that aids in smell, and special cartilage forming the architecture of the ear. Such substances specific to each sense organ are prepared by bhutagni. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 15/3-4, 12-14]