All the universe is a teacher for a person with sharp intelligence. Self can learn everything by the power of intellect. [Cha. Sa. [[Vimana Sthana]] 8/14] One can acquire knowledge, even beyond the limit of senses, with the help of intelligence. [Cha. Sa. [[Sutra Sthana]] 11/7] This article describes the concept of buddhi (intellect) in Ayurveda, its application in medical practices, and its relevance in healthcare management. | All the universe is a teacher for a person with sharp intelligence. Self can learn everything by the power of intellect. [Cha. Sa. [[Vimana Sthana]] 8/14] One can acquire knowledge, even beyond the limit of senses, with the help of intelligence. [Cha. Sa. [[Sutra Sthana]] 11/7] This article describes the concept of buddhi (intellect) in Ayurveda, its application in medical practices, and its relevance in healthcare management. |