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Created page with "Boerhavia diffusa Linn. {{Infobox |title = Punarnava |label1 = Section/Chapter |data1 = Herb database/Punarnava |label2 = Botanical name(s) |data2 = Boerhavia diffusa Linn. |..."
Boerhavia diffusa Linn.

|title = Punarnava
|label1 = Section/Chapter
|data1 = Herb database/Punarnava
|label2 = Botanical name(s)
|data2 = Boerhavia diffusa Linn.
|label3 = Contributors
|data3 = --
|label4 = Year of publication
|data4 = 2021
|label5 = Publisher
|data5 = [[Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Centre]]
|label6 = DOI
|data6 = Awaited

==English name ==

Spreading hogweed

== Synonyms in Charak Samhita==


== Reference in Charak Samhita and its actions ==

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Herbs and their activities
! !! Reference in Charak Samhita !! Activity
| 1 || Sutra sthana 2/12 || Asthapana
| 2 || Sutra sthana 4/9(22) || Svedopagmahakashay
| 3 || Sutra sthana 4/9(26) || Anuvasanopagmahakashay
| 4 || Sutra sthana 4/9(36) || Kasaharamahakashaya
| 5 || Sutra sthana 4/9(50) || Vayasthapanmahakashaya

== Ayurvedic pharmacological properties ==

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Properties
! !! Pharmacological criteria !! Properties
| 1 || Taste ([[rasa]]) || Sweet (madhura), Bitter (tikta), Astringent (kashaya)
| 2 || Potency ([[veerya]]) || Hot (ushna)
| 3 || Post digestion effect ([[vipaka]]) || Sweet (madhura)
| 4 || Qualities ([[guna]])|| Light (laghu), Rough (ruksha)
| 5 || Actions ([[karma]]) || Pacify [[vata]], [[pitta]] and [[kapha]]

== Current availability==


== Current researches ==

[[Category: Database of herbs and minerals | Herbs]]
This article is under development ..


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