It is caused by ''kapha'' dominated condition. ''Kapha'' by its ''snigdha, guru, mridu'' and ''sheeta guna'' when increased above normal condition it leads to obstructive changes at the integumentary system. Reduced blood supply causes blackish brown discoloration. Further obstructive changes reduce the local immunity and give a chance for dermatophytes to penetrate the skin barrier. It results in eruptions and thereby causing excessive exudation. Secondary infection and reduced blood supply is cause for pruritus. It can be compared with wet eczema.
It is caused by ''[[kapha]]'' dominated condition. ''[[Kapha]]'' by its ''snigdha, guru, mridu'' and ''sheeta [[guna]]'' when increased above normal condition it leads to obstructive changes at the integumentary system. Reduced blood supply causes blackish brown discoloration. Further obstructive changes reduce the local immunity and give a chance for dermatophytes to penetrate the skin barrier. It results in eruptions and thereby causing excessive exudation. Secondary infection and reduced blood supply is cause for pruritus. It can be compared with wet eczema.
Table 2. Comparison of Ksudhra kustha with its Modern resemblance:
Table 2. Comparison of Ksudhra kustha with its Modern resemblance: