The vitiated ''kapha'' obstructs channels of respiration leading to aggravation of ''vata'' resulting in prolonged expiration and shallow inspiration (breath doesn’t get deeply inspired). The patient looks up with moving eye balls as if he is scared of something. When he gets afflicted with this type of ''shwasa'' he suffers from unconsciousness, dryness of mouth, restlessness. The upward movement of ''vayu'' is aggravated resulting in obstruction of downward movement and unconsciousness, black outs and he succumbs to death quickly. [49-51]
The vitiated [[kapha]] obstructs channels of respiration leading to aggravation of [[vata]] resulting in prolonged expiration and shallow inspiration (breath doesn’t get deeply inspired). The patient looks up with moving eye balls as if he is scared of something. When he gets afflicted with this type of ''shwasa'' he suffers from unconsciousness, dryness of mouth, restlessness. The upward movement of [[vayu]] is aggravated resulting in obstruction of downward movement and unconsciousness, black outs and he succumbs to death quickly. [49-51]