Those who are enlightened and knowledgeable are absolutely free from ''rajas'' and ''tamas'' (psychological ''doshas''). By virtue of this, they possess knowledge of ''trikala'' (past, present and future) and are known as authorities (''aptas''). They are also known as the wise and the enlightened (''vibuddha'') persons. Their words are considered absolute truth without any doubt. As they are free from ''rajas'' and ''tamas'', how could they tell lie? [18-19]
Those who are enlightened and knowledgeable are absolutely free from ''rajas'' and ''tamas'' (psychological ''[[dosha]]s''). By virtue of this, they possess knowledge of ''trikala'' (past, present and future) and are known as authorities (''aptas''). They are also known as the wise and the enlightened (''vibuddha'') persons. Their words are considered absolute truth without any doubt. As they are free from ''rajas'' and ''tamas'', how could they tell lie? [18-19]