The chetanavahi or chetovahi srotasa (channels of consciousness) is obstructed in diseases like intoxication (mada), syncope (murchcha) and coma (sannyasa). [Shivadasa sen commentary on Cha.Sa. [[Chikitsa Sthana]] 9/5] The vitiated [[dosha]] obstruct these channels and cause diseases like psychosis and epilepsy. [Bhela Samhita Nidana Sthana 7/2, 8/3, 8/8] The channels can further lead to a severe disease called ‘atattvabhinivesha’ (a disease of perversion of intellect). [Cha.Sa. [[Chikitsa Sthana]] 10/57-60] Obstruction to channels carrying psychic impulses (sanjnavahi srotasa) by [[rajas]] and [[tamas]] causes a confused state of mind. [Su.Sa. Uttara Tantra 61/8] Accumulation of [[dosha]] in heart causes depletion of mental strength and leads to psychosis. [A.S. Uttara Tantra 10/2, A.Hr. Uttara Tantra 7/2] manovaha srotas is closely connected with rasavaha srotas. The activities are conducted mainly by [[vata]] [[dosha]] and regulated by sadhaka [[pitta]] and avalambaka [[kapha]]. | The chetanavahi or chetovahi srotasa (channels of consciousness) is obstructed in diseases like intoxication (mada), syncope (murchcha) and coma (sannyasa). [Shivadasa sen commentary on Cha.Sa. [[Chikitsa Sthana]] 9/5] The vitiated [[dosha]] obstruct these channels and cause diseases like psychosis and epilepsy. [Bhela Samhita Nidana Sthana 7/2, 8/3, 8/8] The channels can further lead to a severe disease called ‘atattvabhinivesha’ (a disease of perversion of intellect). [Cha.Sa. [[Chikitsa Sthana]] 10/57-60] Obstruction to channels carrying psychic impulses (sanjnavahi srotasa) by [[rajas]] and [[tamas]] causes a confused state of mind. [Su.Sa. Uttara Tantra 61/8] Accumulation of [[dosha]] in heart causes depletion of mental strength and leads to psychosis. [A.S. Uttara Tantra 10/2, A.Hr. Uttara Tantra 7/2] manovaha srotas is closely connected with rasavaha srotas. The activities are conducted mainly by [[vata]] [[dosha]] and regulated by sadhaka [[pitta]] and avalambaka [[kapha]]. |