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The characteristics of the eight factors mentioned in the above verses are inter-dependent (for example, a substance of optimum quantity taken in the right season and in the right place). Any regimen prescribed should be done after gaining a thorough understanding of the food articles from these eight aspects for them to be wholesome. Food or any other ''dravya'' that is liked but is unwholesome and likely to result in unpleasant consequences should not be used by ignorance or carelessness. [23]
The characteristics of the eight factors mentioned in the above verses are inter-dependent (for example, a substance of optimum quantity taken in the right season and in the right place). Any regimen prescribed should be done after gaining a thorough understanding of the food articles from these eight aspects for them to be wholesome. Food or any other ''dravya'' that is liked but is unwholesome and likely to result in unpleasant consequences should not be used by ignorance or carelessness. [23]
===''Ahara vidhi vidhana'' (principles for taking meals) ===
=== Methods of taking meals (Ahara vidhi vidhana) ===
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The prescribed method of eating for the healthy and the sick (in certain cases) who take wholesome food timely and habitually is that one should eat warm, unctuous food in proper quantity, after the previously consumed food is digested. The food eaten should be non-antagonistic (i.e., not unsuitable to one’s constitution or habit) and should be consumed in a favorable place, with all the favorable accessories, not too fast, not too slow, not while talking or laughing, and with full concentration. [24]
The prescribed method of eating for the healthy and the sick (in certain cases) who take wholesome food timely and habitually is that one should eat warm, unctuous food in proper quantity, after the previously consumed food is digested. The food eaten should be non-antagonistic (i.e., not unsuitable to one’s constitution or habit) and should be consumed in a favorable place, with all the favorable accessories, not too fast, not too slow, not while talking or laughing, and with full concentration. [24]
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==== Eat warm and freshly cooked food ====
तस्य साद्गुण्यमुपदेक्ष्यामः- उष्णमश्नीयात्; उष्णं हि भुज्यमानं स्वदते, भुक्तं चाग्निमौदर्यमुदीरयति, क्षिप्रं जरां गच्छति, वातमनुलोमयति, श्लेष्माणं च परिह्राससयति; तस्मादुष्णमश्नीयात् (१) |२५|
तस्य साद्गुण्यमुपदेक्ष्यामः- उष्णमश्नीयात्; उष्णं हि भुज्यमानं स्वदते, भुक्तं चाग्निमौदर्यमुदीरयति, क्षिप्रं जरां गच्छति, वातमनुलोमयति, श्लेष्माणं च परिह्राससयति; तस्मादुष्णमश्नीयात् (१) |२५|
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(I will now explain their merits). One should eat warm (food) because it tastes well and the food consumed stimulates the digestive fire, gets digested quickly, and reduces mucus [25.1]
(I will now explain their merits). One should eat warm (freshly cooked food) because it tastes well and the food consumed stimulates the digestive process, gets digested quickly, normalizes functions of vata dosha and reduces kapha dosha (which obstructs digestion process).[25.1]
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==== Eat unctuous food ====
स्निग्धमश्नीयात्; स्निग्धं हि भुज्यमानं स्वदते, भुक्तं चानुदीर्णमग्निमुदीरयति, क्षिप्रं जरां गच्छति, वातमनुलोमयति, शरीरमुपचिनोति, दृढीकरोतीन्द्रियाणि, बलाभिवृद्धिमुपजनयति, वर्णप्रसादं चाभिनिर्वर्तयति; तस्मात् स्निग्धमश्नीयात् (२) |२५|
स्निग्धमश्नीयात्; स्निग्धं हि भुज्यमानं स्वदते, भुक्तं चानुदीर्णमग्निमुदीरयति, क्षिप्रं जरां गच्छति, वातमनुलोमयति, शरीरमुपचिनोति, दृढीकरोतीन्द्रियाणि, बलाभिवृद्धिमुपजनयति, वर्णप्रसादं चाभिनिर्वर्तयति; तस्मात् स्निग्धमश्नीयात् (२) |२५|
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One should eat unctuous because it tastes well, the food consumed stimulates any unstimulated digestive fire, gets digested quickly, helps in passing flatulence, develops the body, provides firmness to sense organs, increases strength, and enhances complexion. [25.2]
One should eat unctuous because it tastes well, the food consumed stimulates any dormant digestive process, gets digested quickly, normalizes functions of vata, nourishes body, provides firmness to sense organs, increases strength, and enhances complexion. [25.2]
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==== Eat in proper quantity ====
मात्रावदश्नीयात्; मात्रावद्धि भुक्तं वातपित्तकफानपीडयदायुरेव विवर्धयति केवलं, सुखं गुदमनुपर्येति, न चोष्माणमुपहन्ति, अव्यथं च परिपाकमेति; तस्मान्मात्रावदश्नीयात् (३) |२५|
मात्रावदश्नीयात्; मात्रावद्धि भुक्तं वातपित्तकफानपीडयदायुरेव विवर्धयति केवलं, सुखं गुदमनुपर्येति, न चोष्माणमुपहन्ति, अव्यथं च परिपाकमेति; तस्मान्मात्रावदश्नीयात् (३) |२५|
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One should eat in proper quantity without disturbing ''vata, pitta'' and ''kapha'' because that only helps promote one’s life-span, easily passes down the bowels, does not disturb the ''agni'' (digestive fire), and gets digested without discomfort. [25.3]
One should eat in proper quantity without disturbing ''vata, pitta'' and ''kapha'' because that only helps promote one’s life-span, easily passes down the bowels, does not disturb the ''agni'' (digestive fire), and gets digested without discomfort. [25.3]
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==== Eat after complete digestion of previous meals ====
जीर्णेऽश्नीयात्; अजीर्णे हि भुञ्जानस्याभ्यवहृतमाहारजातं पूर्वस्याहारस्य रसमपरिणतमुत्तरेणाहाररसेनोपसृजत् सर्वान् दोषान् प्रकोपयत्याशु, जीर्णे तु भुञ्जानस्य स्वस्थानस्थेषु दोषेष्वग्नौ चोदीर्णे जातायां च बुभुक्षायां विवृतेषु च स्रोतसां मुखेषु विशुद्धे चोद्गारे हृदये विशुद्धे वातानुलोम्ये विसृष्टेषु च वातमूत्रपुरीषवेगेष्वभ्यवहृतमाहारजातं सर्वशरीरधातूनप्रदूषयदायुरेवाभिवर्धयति केवलं; तस्माज्जीर्णेऽश्नीयात् (४) |२५|
जीर्णेऽश्नीयात्; अजीर्णे हि भुञ्जानस्याभ्यवहृतमाहारजातं पूर्वस्याहारस्य रसमपरिणतमुत्तरेणाहाररसेनोपसृजत् सर्वान् दोषान् प्रकोपयत्याशु, जीर्णे तु भुञ्जानस्य स्वस्थानस्थेषु दोषेष्वग्नौ चोदीर्णे जातायां च बुभुक्षायां विवृतेषु च स्रोतसां मुखेषु विशुद्धे चोद्गारे हृदये विशुद्धे वातानुलोम्ये विसृष्टेषु च वातमूत्रपुरीषवेगेष्वभ्यवहृतमाहारजातं सर्वशरीरधातूनप्रदूषयदायुरेवाभिवर्धयति केवलं; तस्माज्जीर्णेऽश्नीयात् (४) |२५|
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==== Eat suitable combination of food ====
वीर्याविरुद्धमश्नीयात्; अविरुद्धवीर्यमश्नन् हि विरुद्धवीर्याहारजैर्विकारैर्नोपसृज्यते; तस्माद्वीर्याविरुद्धमश्नीयात् (५) |२५|
वीर्याविरुद्धमश्नीयात्; अविरुद्धवीर्यमश्नन् हि विरुद्धवीर्याहारजैर्विकारैर्नोपसृज्यते; तस्माद्वीर्याविरुद्धमश्नीयात् (५) |२५|
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==== Eat at right place and with right accessories ====
इष्टे देशे इष्टसर्वोपकरणं चाश्नीयात्; इष्टे हि देशे भुञ्जानो नानिष्टदेशजैर्मनोविघातकरैर्भावैर्मनोविघातं प्राप्नोति, तथैवेष्टैः सर्वोपकरणैः; तस्मादिष्टे देशे तथेष्टसर्वोपकरणं चाश्नीयात् (६) |२५|
इष्टे देशे इष्टसर्वोपकरणं चाश्नीयात्; इष्टे हि देशे भुञ्जानो नानिष्टदेशजैर्मनोविघातकरैर्भावैर्मनोविघातं प्राप्नोति, तथैवेष्टैः सर्वोपकरणैः; तस्मादिष्टे देशे तथेष्टसर्वोपकरणं चाश्नीयात् (६) |२५|
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iṣṭē dēśē iṣṭasarvōpakaraṇaṁ cāśnīyāt; iṣṭē hi dēśē bhuñjānō nāniṣṭadēśajairmanōvighātakarairbhāvairmanōvighātaṁ prāpnōti, tathaivēṣṭaiḥ sarvōpakaraṇaiḥ; tasmādiṣṭē dēśē tathēṣṭasarvōpakaraṇaṁ cāśnīyāt (6)|25|
iṣṭē dēśē iṣṭasarvōpakaraṇaṁ cāśnīyāt; iṣṭē hi dēśē bhuñjānō nāniṣṭadēśajairmanōvighātakarairbhāvairmanōvighātaṁ prāpnōti, tathaivēṣṭaiḥ sarvōpakaraṇaiḥ; tasmādiṣṭē dēśē tathēṣṭasarvōpakaraṇaṁ cāśnīyāt (6)|25|
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One should eat in a favorable place and with favorable accessories because it is important to feel comfortable and satisfied while eating. [25.6]
One should eat in a favorable place and with favorable accessories because it is important to feel comfortable and satisfied while eating. [25.6]
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==== Do not eat too fast ====
नातिद्रुतमश्नीयात्; अतिद्रुतं हि भुञ्जानस्योत्स्नेहनमवसादनं भोजनस्याप्रतिष्ठानं च, भोज्यदोषसाद्गण्योपलब्धिश्च न नियता; तस्मान्नातिद्रुतमश्नीयात् (७) |२५|
नातिद्रुतमश्नीयात्; अतिद्रुतं हि भुञ्जानस्योत्स्नेहनमवसादनं भोजनस्याप्रतिष्ठानं च, भोज्यदोषसाद्गण्योपलब्धिश्च न नियता; तस्मान्नातिद्रुतमश्नीयात् (७) |२५|
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One should not eat too quickly to ensure the food does not get into the wrong passage, and that the person is able to ascertain the qualities and taste of the food or even detect any defects in the food. [25.7]
One should not eat too quickly to ensure the food does not get into the wrong passage, and that the person is able to ascertain the qualities and taste of the food or even detect any defects in the food. [25.7]
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==== Do not eat too slowly ====
नातिविलम्बितमश्नीयात्; अतिविलम्बितं हि भुञ्जानो न तृप्तिमधिगच्छति, बहु भुङ्क्ते, शीतीभवत्याहारजातं, विषमं च पच्यते; तस्मान्नातिविलम्बितमश्नीयात् (८) |२५|
नातिविलम्बितमश्नीयात्; अतिविलम्बितं हि भुञ्जानो न तृप्तिमधिगच्छति, बहु भुङ्क्ते, शीतीभवत्याहारजातं, विषमं च पच्यते; तस्मान्नातिविलम्बितमश्नीयात् (८) |२५|
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nātivilambitamaśnīyāt; ativilambitaṁ hi bhuñjānō na tr̥ptimadhigacchati, bahu bhuṅktē, śītībhavatyāhārajātaṁ, viṣamaṁ [3] ca pacyatē; tasmānnātivilambitamaśnīyāt (8)|25|
nātivilambitamaśnīyāt; ativilambitaṁ hi bhuñjānō na tr̥ptimadhigacchati, bahu bhuṅktē, śītībhavatyāhārajātaṁ, viṣamaṁ [3] ca pacyatē; tasmānnātivilambitamaśnīyāt (8)|25|
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One should not eat too slow, because by eating too slow one does not get satisfaction, eats much, and the food becomes cold and is digested irregularly. [25.8]
One should not eat too slow, because by eating too slow one does not get satisfaction, eats much, and the food becomes cold and is digested irregularly. [25.8]
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==== Eat with proper concentration on eating and with normal mental state ====
अजल्पन्नहसन् तन्मना भुञ्जीत; जल्पतो हसतोऽन्यमनसो वा भुञ्जानस्य त एव हि दोषा भवन्ति, य एवातिद्रुतमश्नतः; तस्मादजल्पन्नहसंस्तन्मना भुञ्जीत (९) |२५|
अजल्पन्नहसन् तन्मना भुञ्जीत; जल्पतो हसतोऽन्यमनसो वा भुञ्जानस्य त एव हि दोषा भवन्ति, य एवातिद्रुतमश्नतः; तस्मादजल्पन्नहसंस्तन्मना भुञ्जीत (९) |२५|
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ajalpannahasan tanmanā bhuñjīta; jalpatō hasatō'nyamanasō vā bhuñjānasya ta ēva hi dōṣā bhavanti, ya ēvātidrutamaśnataḥ; tasmādajalpannahasaṁstanmanā bhuñjīta (9)|25|
ajalpannahasan tanmanā bhuñjīta; jalpatō hasatō'nyamanasō vā bhuñjānasya ta ēva hi dōṣā bhavanti, ya ēvātidrutamaśnataḥ; tasmādajalpannahasaṁstanmanā bhuñjīta (9)|25|
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One should eat with utmost concentration on the food, while not talking or laughing. By taking food while talking or laughing or with mind elsewhere, he is inflicted with the same defects as by eating too fast. [25.9]
One should eat with utmost concentration on the food, while not talking or laughing. By taking food while talking or laughing or with mind elsewhere, he is inflicted with the same defects as by eating too fast. [25.9]
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==== Eat with self-awareness ====
आत्मानमभिसमीक्ष्य भुञ्जीत सम्यक्; इदं ममोपशेते इदं नोपशेत इत्येवं विदितं ह्यस्यात्मन आत्मसात्म्यं भवति; तस्मादात्मानमभिसमीक्ष्य भुञ्जीत सम्यगिति||२५||
आत्मानमभिसमीक्ष्य भुञ्जीत सम्यक्; इदं ममोपशेते इदं नोपशेत इत्येवं विदितं ह्यस्यात्मन आत्मसात्म्यं भवति; तस्मादात्मानमभिसमीक्ष्य भुञ्जीत सम्यगिति||२५||
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