सात्म्यं नाम तद् यदात्मन्युपशेते; सात्म्यार्थो ह्युपशयार्थः|
सात्म्यं नाम तद् यदात्मन्युपशेते; सात्म्यार्थो ह्युपशयार्थः|
Satmya (habituation) means that which suits the self. Satmya and upashaya have the same meaning. Thus,satmya is integral part of preservation of health and treatment. [Cha.Sa.[[Vimana sthana]] 1/20]
Habituation(Satmya) means that which suits the self. Satmya and upashaya have the same meaning. Thus,satmya is integral part of preservation of health and treatment. [Cha.Sa.[[Vimana sthana]] 1/20]
सात्म्यं नाम तद्यत् सातत्येनोपसेव्यमानमुपशेते|
सात्म्यं नाम तद्यत् सातत्येनोपसेव्यमानमुपशेते|
The substance which produces wholesome effect is called 'satmya' to that person. The prefix ‘Oka’ is appliedto denote habituation done after spontaneous exposure.[[Cha.Sa.[[Vimana Sthana]] 8/118]
The substance which produces wholesome effect is called 'satmya' to that person. The prefix ‘Oka’ is applied to denote habituation done after spontaneous exposure.[[Cha.Sa.[[Vimana Sthana]] 8/118]