The role of satmya in an individual begins right from the formation of embryo and continues throughout life. Adaptations during intrauterine period are influenced by the diet and lifestyle of mother. Adaptations after birth are influenced by the geographical area, seasons and habitual use of substances and regimens/practices. These determine the healthy and diseased state of an individual. One should follow the rules of satmya to preserve and maintain his health. And if one gets diseased the physician should consider satmya as an important contributing factor. Satmya influences the ability of a couple to procreate a healthy progeny and its effect reflects in the next generation also.
[[File:Pic 2.JPG|500px|Image 2:Satmya in Life Cycle]]
[[File:Pic 2.JPG|400px|'''Image 2:''' '''Satmya in life cycle'''|thumb]]
'''Image 2:''' '''Satmya in life cycle'''
The role of satmya in an individual begins right from the formation of embryo and continues throughout life. Adaptations during intrauterine period are influenced by the diet and lifestyle of mother. Adaptations after birth are influenced by the geographical area, seasons and habitual use of substances and regimens/practices. These determine the healthy and diseased state of an individual. One should follow the rules of satmya to preserve and maintain his health. And if one gets diseased the physician should consider satmya as an important contributing factor. Satmya influences the ability of a couple to procreate a healthy progeny and its effect reflects in the next generation also.