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vātapittaślēṣmaṇāṁ punaḥ sthānasaṁsthānaprakr̥tiviśēṣānabhisamīkṣya  tadātmakānapi casarvavikārāṁ stānēvōpadiśanti buddhimantaḥ||5||
vātapittaślēṣmaṇāṁ punaḥ sthānasaṁsthānaprakr̥tiviśēṣānabhisamīkṣya  tadātmakānapi casarvavikārāṁ stānēvōpadiśanti buddhimantaḥ||5||
sarva eva nijA vikArA nAnyatra vAtapittakaphebhyo nirvartante, yathAhi- shakuniH sarvaM <ref>Manohar P R. Clinical diagnosis in [[Ayurveda]]: Challenges and solutions. Ancient Sci Life 2012;31:149-50 </ref> divasamapi paripatan svAM chAyAM nAtivartate, tathAsvadhAtuvaiShamyanimittAH sarve vikArA vAtapittakaphAnnAtivartante|  
sarva eva nijA vikArA nAnyatra vAtapittakaphebhyo nirvartante, yathAhi- shakuniH sarvaM divasamapi paripatan svAM chAyAM nAtivartate, tathAsvadhAtuvaiShamyanimittAH sarve vikArA vAtapittakaphAnnAtivartante|  
vAtapittashleShmaNAM punaH sthAnasaMsthAnaprakRutivisheShAnabhisamIkShya <ref>William Morris et al.,Stacy Gomes, Marilyn Allen,Glob Adv Health Med. 2012 September; 1(4): 38–41 </ref> tadAtmakAnapi ca sarvavikArAM stAnevopadishanti buddhimantaH||5||
vAtapittashleShmaNAM punaH sthAnasaMsthAnaprakRutivisheShAnabhisamIkShya tadAtmakAnapi ca sarvavikArAM stAnevopadishanti buddhimantaH||5||
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=== ''Udara roga'' ===
=== ''Udara roga'' ===
Cardinal feature of ''udara roga'' is swelling in abdomen so all diseases having presentation with abdominal swelling/distension can be taken under common term ''udara roga''. In general diseases of stomach and bowel can be included in it. <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 184 </ref>[Madhukosh on M.Ni.35/1, Ch.Su.18/31]
Cardinal feature of ''udara roga'' is swelling in abdomen so all diseases having presentation with abdominal swelling/distension can be taken under common term ''udara roga''. In general diseases of stomach and bowel can be included in it. <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 184 </ref>[Madhukosh on M.Ni.35/1, Ch.Su.18/31]
So, ''udara rogas'' described in [[Ayurveda]] can be correlated with different intra-abdominal conditions in which abdominal swelling/distension is the prime feature eg. abdominal tumours, hepato/splenomegaly, intestinal obstruction, perforation, ascites etc. Subtypes of ''udara roga'' are named and described on the cause of swelling/distension. First four types are named after ''dosha'' involved. Description of ''pleehodara'' in [[Chikitsa Sthana]] closely resembles with spleen enlargement. ''Pliha'' refers to spleen so all conditions with predominant splenomegaly which cause visible abdominal swelling/distension can be taken by the term ''pleehodara''. ''Baddha'' means obstruction, and so obstructive conditions leading to abdominal swelling/distension can be clubbed as ''baddhodara''. Cause and symptoms closely resembles with that of intestinal obstruction so intestinal obstruction could be the possible modern correlate. ''Chhidra'' refers to cavity or hole. In description of ''chhidrodara'' it is clearly mentioned that intestine is injured which leads to exudation of material from intestine to abdominal cavity from the injured site. This condition closely resembles intestinal perforation. ''Udaka'' literally refers to water. ''Udakodara'' or ''jalodara'' is a condition in which fluid is accumulated in intestine. Based on resemblance in clinical features it can be correlated with ascites.
So, ''udara rogas'' described in [[Ayurveda]] can be correlated with different intra-abdominal conditions in which abdominal swelling/distension is the prime feature eg. abdominal tumours, hepato/splenomegaly, intestinal obstruction, perforation, ascites etc. Subtypes of ''udara roga'' are named and described on the cause of swelling/distension. First four types are named after ''dosha'' involved. Description of ''pleehodara'' in [[Chikitsa Sthana]] closely resembles with spleen enlargement. ''Pliha'' refers to spleen so all conditions with predominant splenomegaly which cause visible abdominal swelling/distension can be taken by the term ''pleehodara''. ''Baddha'' means obstruction, and so obstructive conditions leading to abdominal swelling/distension can be clubbed as ''baddhodara''. Cause and symptoms closely resembles with that of intestinal obstruction so intestinal obstruction could be the possible modern correlate. ''Chhidra'' refers to cavity or hole. In description of ''chhidrodara'' it is clearly mentioned that intestine is injured which leads to exudation of material from intestine to abdominal cavity from the injured site. This condition closely resembles intestinal perforation. ''Udaka'' literally refers to water. ''Udakodara'' or ''jalodara'' is a condition in which fluid is accumulated in intestine. Based on resemblance in clinical features it can be correlated with ascites.
=== ''Mutraghata'' ===
=== ''Mutraghata'' ===
In ''mutraghata'' main symptom is either oliguria or enuria due to suppression of urine formation and obstructive uropathy.''Vijayarakshita'' has mentioned difference between ''mutrakrichra'' and ''mutraghata''. In ''mutrakrichra'' there is painful and frequent micturition <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 825 </ref> so it can be correlated with dysuria as in urinary tract infection. All conditions in which urinary output is low or absent can be interpreted as ''mutraghata''.[ Ma.Ni.31/1, Dalhana on S.U.58/1, Chakrapaani on C.Chi.26/43-44]
In ''mutraghata'' main symptom is either oliguria or enuria due to suppression of urine formation and obstructive uropathy.''Vijayarakshita'' has mentioned difference between ''mutrakrichra'' and ''mutraghata''. In ''mutrakrichra'' there is painful and frequent micturition <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 825 </ref> so it can be correlated with dysuria as in urinary tract infection. All conditions in which urinary output is low or absent can be interpreted as ''mutraghata''.[ Ma.Ni.31/1, Dalhana on S.U.58/1, Chakrapaani on C.Chi.26/43-44]
Four types of ''mutraghata'' are classified according to ''dosha'' <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 114 </ref>:  
Four types of ''mutraghata'' are classified according to ''dosha'' <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 114 </ref>:  
*''Ashmarija mutraghata'' (''Ashmari'' means stone) can be taken as obstruction of urine due to urolithiasis.  
*''Ashmarija mutraghata'' (''Ashmari'' means stone) can be taken as obstruction of urine due to urolithiasis.  
*In the same way based on the nomenclature ''sharkaraja mutraghata'' can be taken as condition with gravels in urinary tract,  
*In the same way based on the nomenclature ''sharkaraja mutraghata'' can be taken as condition with gravels in urinary tract,  
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=== ''Reto dosha'' ===
=== ''Reto dosha'' ===
''Retas'' refers to sperm <ref> Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 887 </ref> so various clinical conditions in which sperm is vitiated can be denoted as common term ''reto dosha'' (Sperm disorders) such as oligospermia, azoospermia and sperm dyskynesia. Sub classification of ''reto dosha'' has been done on any alteration in physical characteristic of ''retas'' with impaired spermatogenesis and impaired sperm emission. [Verse no. 4(1)]
''Retas'' refers to sperm <ref> Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 887 </ref> so various clinical conditions in which sperm is vitiated can be denoted as common term ''reto dosha'' (Sperm disorders) such as oligospermia, azoospermia and sperm dyskynesia. Sub classification of ''reto dosha'' has been done on any alteration in physical characteristic of ''retas'' with impaired spermatogenesis and impaired sperm emission. [Verse no. 4(1)]
=== ''Kushtha'' ===
=== ''Kushtha'' ===
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=== ''Pidaka'' ===
=== ''Pidaka'' ===
''Pidaka'' refers to conditions like boil and abscess. <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 625 </ref> These are the inflammatory swelling affecting diabetic or non diabetic immune compromised persons.
''Pidaka'' refers to conditions like boil and abscess. <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 625 </ref> These are the inflammatory swelling affecting diabetic or non diabetic immune compromised persons.
=== ''Visarpa'' ===
=== ''Visarpa'' ===
''Visarpa'' word literally refers to spreading, moving or gliding property. <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 1001 </ref> It is acute disease which spreads quickly, so all acute inflammatory conditions like erysipelas, herpes, erythema multiforme and acute lymphadenitis can be called ''visarpa''.[ Cha.Chi. 21/11, Chakrapani on C.Chi. 21/11, Dalhana on S.Ni.10/3, Madhukosha Teeka on M.Ni.52/1]
''Visarpa'' word literally refers to spreading, moving or gliding property. <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 1001 </ref> It is acute disease which spreads quickly, so all acute inflammatory conditions like erysipelas, herpes, erythema multiforme and acute lymphadenitis can be called ''visarpa''.[ Cha.Chi. 21/11, Chakrapani on C.Chi. 21/11, Dalhana on S.Ni.10/3, Madhukosha Teeka on M.Ni.52/1]
It can be said that ''kushtha'' covers almost all dermatological disorders whereas ''pidakas'' are inflammatory swelling which occurs as complications of prameha but can occur in other conditions also. ''Visarpa'' is relatively serious condition and can be taken as acute spreading inflammatory skin conditions. [Verse no. 4(2)]
It can be said that ''kushtha'' covers almost all dermatological disorders whereas ''pidakas'' are inflammatory swelling which occurs as complications of prameha but can occur in other conditions also. ''Visarpa'' is relatively serious condition and can be taken as acute spreading inflammatory skin conditions. [Verse no. 4(2)]
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=== ''Udavarta'' ===
=== ''Udavarta'' ===
''Udavarta'' word refers to excretion <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 185 </ref> and is caused by suppression of natural urges due to which path of ''vata'' is obstructed resulting in hampering of normal functioning and movement of ''vata''. [Madhukosha Teeka on M.Ni. 27/1] Conditions characterized by retention of feces, urine and flatus, associated with pain and leading to or caused by anti-peristaltic movements in the body.
''Udavarta'' word refers to excretion <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 185 </ref> and is caused by suppression of natural urges due to which path of ''vata'' is obstructed resulting in hampering of normal functioning and movement of ''vata''. [Madhukosha Teeka on M.Ni. 27/1] Conditions characterized by retention of feces, urine and flatus, associated with pain and leading to or caused by anti-peristaltic movements in the body.
=== ''Gulma'' ===
=== ''Gulma'' ===
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=== ''Kasa'' ===
=== ''Kasa'' ===
''Kasa'' refers to a condition in which air is expelled from the lungs with a sudden explosive sound of cough. <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 281 </ref> ''Kasa'' includes all pathological conditions in which coughing is cardinal feature. [ Cha.Chi.18/8, Su.Utt.52/5]
''Kasa'' refers to a condition in which air is expelled from the lungs with a sudden explosive sound of cough. <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 281 </ref> ''Kasa'' includes all pathological conditions in which coughing is cardinal feature. [ Cha.Chi.18/8, Su.Utt.52/5]
=== ''Shvasa'' ===
=== ''Shvasa'' ===
''Shvasa'' word implies respiration. ''Shvasa vyadhi'' refers to pathological conditions in which there is difficulty in breathing. <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 1106 </ref> ''Shvasa'' is a condition in which person breathes rapidly like a leather bag which inflates and deflates with speed. ''Shvasa'' refers to impaired cardiorespiratory function including systemic causes. [Madhukosha Teeka on M. Ni. 12.15]
''Shvasa'' word implies respiration. ''Shvasa vyadhi'' refers to pathological conditions in which there is difficulty in breathing. <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 1106 </ref> ''Shvasa'' is a condition in which person breathes rapidly like a leather bag which inflates and deflates with speed. ''Shvasa'' refers to impaired cardiorespiratory function including systemic causes. [Madhukosha Teeka on M. Ni. 12.15]
=== ''Hikka'' ===
=== ''Hikka'' ===
''Hikka'' is a disease in which ''hik hik'' sound is produced. It can be correlated with hiccup <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 1298 </ref> and its pathological variation mentioned in Ayurvedic texts ranges from mild to severe life threatening conditions. [ Su.U. 50/6, Madhukosha on Ma.Ni. 12/3]
''Hikka'' is a disease in which ''hik hik'' sound is produced. It can be correlated with hiccup <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 1298 </ref> and its pathological variation mentioned in Ayurvedic texts ranges from mild to severe life threatening conditions. [ Su.U. 50/6, Madhukosha on Ma.Ni. 12/3]
=== ''Trishna'' ===
=== ''Trishna'' ===
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=== ''Arochaka'' ===
=== ''Arochaka'' ===
''Arochaka'' refers to a clinical condition in which person has loss of taste, appetite and aversion to food. <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 88 </ref>
''Arochaka'' refers to a clinical condition in which person has loss of taste, appetite and aversion to food. <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 88 </ref>
=== ''Shiroroga'' and ''Hridroga'' ===
=== ''Shiroroga'' and ''Hridroga'' ===
''Shira'' is head and ''hridaya'' is heart.Thus, ''Shiroroga'' are diseases of head and related structures <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 1073 </ref> while ''hridroga'' are cardiovascular diseases <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 1302 </ref>
''Shira'' is head and ''hridaya'' is heart.Thus, ''Shiroroga'' are diseases of head and related structures <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 1073 </ref> while ''hridroga'' are cardiovascular diseases <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 1302 </ref>
=== ''Pandu'' ===
=== ''Pandu'' ===
''Pandu'' is pallor of skin<ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 616 </ref>  and mucosa and is consistent with anemia.
''Pandu'' is pallor of skin<ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 616 </ref>  and mucosa and is consistent with anemia.
=== ''Unmada'' ===
=== ''Unmada'' ===
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=== ''Akshi roga, karna roga'' and ''mukha roga'' ===
=== ''Akshi roga, karna roga'' and ''mukha roga'' ===
''Akshi Roga'' refers to ophthalmic disorders, ''karna roga'' to diseases of ear <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 257 </ref> and ''mukha roga'' as disorders of mouth.
''Akshi Roga'' refers to ophthalmic disorders, ''karna roga'' to diseases of ear <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 257 </ref> and ''mukha roga'' as disorders of mouth.
=== ''Grahani'' ===
=== ''Grahani'' ===
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=== ''Klaibya'' ===
=== ''Klaibya'' ===
''Klaibya'' denotes impotence.<ref> Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 324 </ref>
''Klaibya'' denotes impotence.<ref> Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 324 </ref>
=== ''Shotha'' ===
=== ''Shotha'' ===
''Shotha'' is a condition with swelling/distension. <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 1091 </ref>
''Shotha'' is a condition with swelling/distension. <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 1091 </ref>
=== ''Kilasa'' ===
=== ''Kilasa'' ===
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=== ''Raktapitta'' ===
=== ''Raktapitta'' ===
''Raktapitta'' stand for a group of disorders of bleeding<ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 861 </ref>/coagulopathies.
''Raktapitta'' stand for a group of disorders of bleeding<ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 861 </ref>/coagulopathies.
=== ''Jwara'' ===
=== ''Jwara'' ===
''Jwara'' refers to fever.<ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 428 </ref>
''Jwara'' refers to fever.<ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 428 </ref>
=== ''Vrana'' ===
=== ''Vrana'' ===
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'''''Prameha''''': ''Prameha'' is passage of excessive and turbid urine from many causes.
'''''Prameha''''': ''Prameha'' is passage of excessive and turbid urine from many causes.
'''''Yoni Vyapada''''': ''Yoni Vyapada'' refers to different conditions afflicting female genitals. <ref>Williams Monier, Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 858 </ref> Broadly it refers to various gynecological disorders. [Verse no. 4(9)]
'''''Yoni Vyapada''''': ''Yoni Vyapada'' refers to different conditions afflicting female genitals. <ref>Monier Williams , Sanskrit – English Dictionary, Motilal Varanasi Publications, Reprint- 1997, Page no 858 </ref> Broadly it refers to various gynecological disorders. [Verse no. 4(9)]
Exogenous causes are important cause of morbidity and mortality and so they are included in international classification of diseases. In separate chapter injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes & external causes of morbidity and mortality have been mentioned in ICD-10. Exogenous causes were given importance in ancient times also and so their role in disease diagnosis and treatment has been emphasized in above verse. [Verse no. 7]
Exogenous causes are important cause of morbidity and mortality and so they are included in international classification of diseases. In separate chapter injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes & external causes of morbidity and mortality have been mentioned in ICD-10. Exogenous causes were given importance in ancient times also and so their role in disease diagnosis and treatment has been emphasized in above verse. [Verse no. 7]

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