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**The ''doshas'' undergo ''paka'' after a very long time (conversion into the healthy state of the ''doshas'' do not occur early). [103-109]
**The ''doshas'' undergo ''paka'' after a very long time (conversion into the healthy state of the ''doshas'' do not occur early). [103-109]
==== Prognosis of sannipata jwara ====
==== Prognosis of ''sannipata jwara'' ====
दोषे विबद्धे नष्टेऽग्नौ सर्वसम्पूर्णलक्षणः||१०९||  
दोषे विबद्धे नष्टेऽग्नौ सर्वसम्पूर्णलक्षणः||१०९||  
सन्निपातज्वरोऽसाध्यः कृच्छ्रसाध्यस्त्वतोऽन्यथा|११०|
सन्निपातज्वरोऽसाध्यः कृच्छ्रसाध्यस्त्वतोऽन्यथा|
निदाने त्रिविधा प्रोक्ता या पृथग्जज्वराकृतिः||११०||  
निदाने त्रिविधा प्रोक्ता या पृथग्जज्वराकृतिः||११०||  
संसर्गसन्निपातानां तया चोक्तं स्वलक्षणम्|१११|
संसर्गसन्निपातानां तया चोक्तं स्वलक्षणम्|१११|
dōṣē vibaddhē naṣṭē'gnau sarvasampūrṇalakṣaṇaḥ||109||  
dōṣē vibaddhē naṣṭē'gnau sarvasampūrṇalakṣaṇaḥ||109||  
sannipātajvarō'sādhyaḥ kr̥cchrasādhyastvatō'nyathā|110|  
sannipātajvarō'sādhyaḥ kr̥cchrasādhyastvatō'nyathā|
nidānē trividhā prōktā yā pr̥thagjajvarākr̥tiḥ||110||  
nidānē trividhā prōktā yā pr̥thagjajvarākr̥tiḥ||110||  
saṁsargasannipātānāṁ tayā  cōktaṁ svalakṣaṇam|111|  
saṁsargasannipātānāṁ tayā  cōktaṁ svalakṣaṇam|111|  
doShe vibaddhe naShTe~agnau sarvasampUrNalakShaNaH||109||  
doShe vibaddhe naShTe~agnau sarvasampUrNalakShaNaH||109||  
sannipAtajvaro~asAdhyaH kRucchrasAdhyastvato~anyathA|110|  
sannipAtajvaro~asAdhyaH kRucchrasAdhyastvato~anyathA|
nidAne trividhA proktA yA pRuthagjajvarAkRutiH||110||  
nidAne trividhA proktA yA pRuthagjajvarAkRutiH||110||  
saMsargasannipAtAnAM tayA  coktaM svalakShaNam|111|
saMsargasannipAtAnAM tayA  coktaM svalakShaNam|111|
If there is obstruction (or non – elimination) of the dosha, the agnis are completely destroyed and if all the signs and symptoms are fully manifested, then sannipata jwara is incurable; otherwise it is treatable with difficulty.  
The clinical features of jwaras caused by the individual doshas vata, pitta and kapha have been described separately in the nidana sthana. From these sign and symptoms, the features of dwandaja types and the sannipataja typs can be known and decided. (109-110)
If there is obstruction (or non – elimination) of the ''dosha'', the ''agnis'' are completely destroyed and if all the signs and symptoms are fully manifested, then ''sannipata jwara'' is incurable; otherwise it is treatable with difficulty.  
The clinical features of ''jwaras'' caused by the individual ''doshas vata, pitta'' and ''kapha'' have been described separately in the [[Nidana Sthana]]. From these sign and symptoms, the features of ''dwandaja'' types and the ''sannipataja'' types can be known and decided. [109-110]
==== Classification of agantuja jwara ====
==== Classification of agantuja jwara ====

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