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A patient suffering from ''vatapittaja'' variety of ''jwara'' desires for cold things, while, a patient suffering from ''jwara'' caused by ''vata'' and ''kapha dosha'' longs for hot things. However, when both of these types of ''doshas'' get mixed then such patient manifests both the kinds of symptoms. [37-38]
A patient suffering from ''vatapittaja'' variety of ''jwara'' desires for cold things, while, a patient suffering from ''jwara'' caused by ''vata'' and ''kapha dosha'' longs for hot things. However, when both of these types of ''doshas'' get mixed then such patient manifests both the kinds of symptoms. [37-38]
==== Attenuating nature of vata dosha ====
==== Attenuating nature of ''vata dosha'' ====
योगवाहः परं वायुः संयोगादुभयार्थकृत्||३८||  
योगवाहः परं वायुः संयोगादुभयार्थकृत्||३८||  
दाहकृत्तेजसा युक्तः, शीतकृत् सोमसंश्रयात्|३९|  
दाहकृत्तेजसा युक्तः, शीतकृत् सोमसंश्रयात्|३९|  
yōgavāhaḥ paraṁ vāyuḥ saṁyōgādubhayārthakr̥t||38||  
yōgavāhaḥ paraṁ vāyuḥ saṁyōgādubhayārthakr̥t||38||  
dāhakr̥ttējasā yuktaḥ, śītakr̥t sōmasaṁśrayāt|39|
dāhakr̥ttējasā yuktaḥ, śītakr̥t sōmasaṁśrayāt|39|
yogavAhaH paraM vAyuH saMyogAdubhayArthakRut||38||  
yogavAhaH paraM vAyuH saMyogAdubhayArthakRut||38||  
dAhakRuttejasA yuktaH, shItakRut somasaMshrayAt|39|
dAhakRuttejasA yuktaH, shItakRut somasaMshrayAt|39|
Vata dosha is exceedingly yogavahi (which accentuates the properties of others) in nature. It produces both type of effects on combination with the two doshas. On combining with tejas it produces burning sensation while in combination with soma it produces cooling effect. (38-39)
''Vata dosha'' is exceedingly ''yogavahi'' (which accentuates the properties of others) in nature. It produces both type of effects on combination with the two ''doshas''. On combining with ''tejas'' it produces burning sensation while in combination with ''soma'' it produces cooling effect. [38-39]
==== Features of internal and external jwara ====
==== Features of internal and external jwara ====

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