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225 bytes added ,  02:08, 12 February 2018
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iti haridrAdighRutam|
iti haridrAdighRutam|
Ghr̥ita prepared with haridrā, triphalā, nimba, balā, madhūka and buffalo’s milk and ghee is an excellent cure for kāmalā (53).
Ghr̥ita prepared with haridrā, triphalā, nimba, balā, madhūka and buffalo’s milk and ghee is an excellent cure for kāmalā (53).
Darvyadi ghritam:
==== Darvyadi ghritam ====
गोमूत्रे द्विगुणे दार्व्याः कल्काक्षद्वयसाधितः|  
गोमूत्रे द्विगुणे दार्व्याः कल्काक्षद्वयसाधितः|  
दार्व्याः पञ्चपलक्वाथे कल्के कालीयके परः||५४||  
दार्व्याः पञ्चपलक्वाथे कल्के कालीयके परः||५४||  
Line 486: Line 488:  
One prastha of buffalo’s ghee prepared by adding two prasthas of cow’s urine and the paste of two akṡa of the paste of dārvī as per sneha kalpana cures pāndu roga.
One prastha of buffalo’s ghee prepared by adding two prasthas of cow’s urine and the paste of two akṡa of the paste of dārvī as per sneha kalpana cures pāndu roga.
One prastha of buffalo’s ghee prepared by adding with the decoction of five palas of dārvī and the paste of kālīyaka as per sneha kalpana cures kāmalā (54-55).
One prastha of buffalo’s ghee prepared by adding with the decoction of five palas of dārvī and the paste of kālīyaka as per sneha kalpana cures kāmalā (54-55).
Preparations for pāndu roga:
==== Preparations for pāndu roga ====
स्नेहैरेभिरुपक्रम्य स्निग्धं मत्वा विरेचयेत्||५५||  
स्नेहैरेभिरुपक्रम्य स्निग्धं मत्वा विरेचयेत्||५५||  
पयसा मूत्रयुक्तेन बहुशः केवलेन वा|  
पयसा मूत्रयुक्तेन बहुशः केवलेन वा|  
Line 588: Line 592:  
• Then again, the patient suffering from pāndu roga should take a course of harītaki with cow’s urine (for seven days) and then should take food either with milk or sweetened meat soup and  
• Then again, the patient suffering from pāndu roga should take a course of harītaki with cow’s urine (for seven days) and then should take food either with milk or sweetened meat soup and  
• Physicians should give lauha bhasma impregnated for seven nights with cow’s urine along with milk for the alleviation of pāndu roga (55-69).
• Physicians should give lauha bhasma impregnated for seven nights with cow’s urine along with milk for the alleviation of pāndu roga (55-69).
Navāyasa chūrnam:
==== Navāyasa chūrnam ====
त्र्यूषणत्रिफलामुस्तविडङ्गचित्रकाः समाः|  
त्र्यूषणत्रिफलामुस्तविडङ्गचित्रकाः समाः|  
नवायोरजसो भागास्तच्चूर्णं क्षौद्रसर्पिषा||७०||  
नवायोरजसो भागास्तच्चूर्णं क्षौद्रसर्पिषा||७०||  
Line 605: Line 611:  
iti navAyasacUrNam|  
iti navAyasacUrNam|  
Take sunthi, pippali, maricha, harītakī, bibhītaki, amalakī, mustā, Vvdanga and chitraka in one part each and nine parts of Lauha bhasma and mix together. Intake of this recipie along with honey and ghī cures anemia, heart diseases, kuśtha (group of skin diseases), arśa (hemorrhoids) and kāmalā. This medicine propounded by Kriṣṇaātreya is called navāyasa chūrṇa (70-71).
Take sunthi, pippali, maricha, harītakī, bibhītaki, amalakī, mustā, Vvdanga and chitraka in one part each and nine parts of Lauha bhasma and mix together. Intake of this recipie along with honey and ghī cures anemia, heart diseases, kuśtha (group of skin diseases), arśa (hemorrhoids) and kāmalā. This medicine propounded by Kriṣṇaātreya is called navāyasa chūrṇa (70-71).
Mandūravatakā :
==== Mandūravatakā ====
गुडनागरमण्डूरतिलांशान्मानतः समान्|  
गुडनागरमण्डूरतिलांशान्मानतः समान्|  
पिप्पलीद्विगुणां कुर्याद्गुटिकां पाण्डुरोगिणे||७२||  
पिप्पलीद्विगुणां कुर्याद्गुटिकां पाण्डुरोगिणे||७२||  
Line 648: Line 656:  
Mandūra vātaka – jaggery, sunthi, mandūra and tila in one part each along with two parts of pippalī should be triturated and made in the form of pills. This medicine is suitable for the treatment of the patients with pāndu roga.
Mandūra vātaka – jaggery, sunthi, mandūra and tila in one part each along with two parts of pippalī should be triturated and made in the form of pills. This medicine is suitable for the treatment of the patients with pāndu roga.
Sunthī, pippalī, maricha, harītakī, bibhītakī, amalakī, mustā, vianga, cavya, citraka, bark of dāruharidrā, mākṣika (copper pyrite), pipalīmula and devadāru in the quantity of two pala each should be made to powders separately. Mandūra bhasma which is dark in color like collyrium, should be cooked by adding eight times of cow’s urine and the powders of the above drugs should be mixed to this. Vaṭakas (large sized pills) of the size of udumbara should be made out of this combination. This should be taken by the patient in the appropriate doses according to his agni (power of digestion and metabolism) along with butter milk. The patient should take wholesome food after its digestion. These pills named as mandūra vātaka are the life givers for the patients of pāndu. It also cures kuśtha, ajīrṇa (indigestion), sotha (oedema), urustambha (stiffening of the thighs), disease caused by aggravation of the kapha, arśa (hemorrhoids), kāmalā (jaundice), meha (polyuria) and plīha (splenic diseases).
Sunthī, pippalī, maricha, harītakī, bibhītakī, amalakī, mustā, vianga, cavya, citraka, bark of dāruharidrā, mākṣika (copper pyrite), pipalīmula and devadāru in the quantity of two pala each should be made to powders separately. Mandūra bhasma which is dark in color like collyrium, should be cooked by adding eight times of cow’s urine and the powders of the above drugs should be mixed to this. Vaṭakas (large sized pills) of the size of udumbara should be made out of this combination. This should be taken by the patient in the appropriate doses according to his agni (power of digestion and metabolism) along with butter milk. The patient should take wholesome food after its digestion. These pills named as mandūra vātaka are the life givers for the patients of pāndu. It also cures kuśtha, ajīrṇa (indigestion), sotha (oedema), urustambha (stiffening of the thighs), disease caused by aggravation of the kapha, arśa (hemorrhoids), kāmalā (jaundice), meha (polyuria) and plīha (splenic diseases).
Thus ends the description of two types of mandūra vātaka. (72-77)
Thus ends the description of two types of mandūra vātaka.(72-77)
Tapayadi lauha:
==== Tapayadi lauha ====
ताप्याद्रिजतुरूप्यायोमलाः पञ्चपलाः पृथक्|  
ताप्याद्रिजतुरूप्यायोमलाः पञ्चपलाः पृथक्|  
चित्रकत्रिफलाव्योषविडङ्गैः पलिकैः सह||७८||  
चित्रकत्रिफलाव्योषविडङ्गैः पलिकैः सह||७८||  
Line 666: Line 676:  
Tāpyādi yoga – Tāpya, silājatu, silver, mandūra in the amount of five pala each should be added to one pala each of chitraka, harītakī, bibhītaka, amalaki, sunthi, pippali, maricha and vidanga; and eight pala of sugar. This recipie should be taken by the patient habitually (by a pāndu rogī) in the dose of one karśa along with adequate amount of honey. After the digestion of this drug the patient should take wholesome food in small quantity and should avoid using kulattha, kākamācī etc. and pigeon meat (78-80).
Tāpyādi yoga – Tāpya, silājatu, silver, mandūra in the amount of five pala each should be added to one pala each of chitraka, harītakī, bibhītaka, amalaki, sunthi, pippali, maricha and vidanga; and eight pala of sugar. This recipie should be taken by the patient habitually (by a pāndu rogī) in the dose of one karśa along with adequate amount of honey. After the digestion of this drug the patient should take wholesome food in small quantity and should avoid using kulattha, kākamācī etc. and pigeon meat (78-80).
==== Yōgarāja ====
त्रिफलायास्त्रयो भागास्त्रयस्त्रिकटुकस्य च||८०||  
त्रिफलायास्त्रयो भागास्त्रयस्त्रिकटुकस्य च||८०||  
भागश्चित्रकमूलस्य विडङ्गानां तथैव च|  
भागश्चित्रकमूलस्य विडङ्गानां तथैव च|  
Line 683: Line 695:  
विशेषाद्धन्त्यपस्मारं कामलां गुदजानि च|  
विशेषाद्धन्त्यपस्मारं कामलां गुदजानि च|  
इति योगराजः|
इति योगराजः|
triphalāyāstrayō bhāgāstrayastrikaṭukasya ca||80||  
triphalāyāstrayō bhāgāstrayastrikaṭukasya ca||80||  
bhāgaścitrakamūlasya viḍaṅgānāṁ tathaiva ca|  
bhāgaścitrakamūlasya viḍaṅgānāṁ tathaiva ca|  
pañcāśmajatunō bhāgāstathā rūpyamalasya ca||81||  
pañcāśmajatunō bhāgāstathā rūpyamalasya ca||81||  
Line 715: Line 727:  
Yogarāja – harītakī, bibhītakī, amalakī, shunthī, pippalī, maricha, chitraka mūla (root) and vidanga in the amount of one part each; five parts each of silājatu, raupya mala (silver), purified mākṡika and lauha bhasma; eight parts of sugar – all should be made to a fine powder and mixed with adequate amount of honey and kept in clean iron jar. This recipie should be taken by the patient in a quantity equal to a fruit of udambara according to the power of digestion every day and should be given the desired food excluding kulattha, kākamācī etc. and pigeon meat; only after the digestion of the taken drug. This ambrosia like recipe is called yogarāja. It is an excellent rejuvenative recipe which cures all diseases and bestows auspiciousness. It specially cures pāndu, poisoning, kāsa, yakṡmā, viśama jwara (irregular fevers), ajīrṇa, meha, soṡha, swāsa, aruci, apasmāra (epilepsy), kāmalā and arśa.  
Yogarāja – harītakī, bibhītakī, amalakī, shunthī, pippalī, maricha, chitraka mūla (root) and vidanga in the amount of one part each; five parts each of silājatu, raupya mala (silver), purified mākṡika and lauha bhasma; eight parts of sugar – all should be made to a fine powder and mixed with adequate amount of honey and kept in clean iron jar. This recipie should be taken by the patient in a quantity equal to a fruit of udambara according to the power of digestion every day and should be given the desired food excluding kulattha, kākamācī etc. and pigeon meat; only after the digestion of the taken drug. This ambrosia like recipe is called yogarāja. It is an excellent rejuvenative recipe which cures all diseases and bestows auspiciousness. It specially cures pāndu, poisoning, kāsa, yakṡmā, viśama jwara (irregular fevers), ajīrṇa, meha, soṡha, swāsa, aruci, apasmāra (epilepsy), kāmalā and arśa.  
Thus ends the description of yogarāja (80-86).
Thus ends the description of yogarāja (80-86).
Preparations for pāndu:
==== Preparations for pāndu ====
भावितानि दशाहानि रसैर्द्वित्रिगुणानि वा|  
भावितानि दशाहानि रसैर्द्वित्रिगुणानि वा|  
Line 802: Line 816:  
Dārvyādi leha: Powder of the bark of dāruharidrā, harītakī, bibhītaka, amalakī, pippalī, sunthi, maricha, vydanga and lauha bhasma mixed with ghee and honey, taken as a linctus by the patients suffering from pāndu and kāmalā.
Dārvyādi leha: Powder of the bark of dāruharidrā, harītakī, bibhītaka, amalakī, pippalī, sunthi, maricha, vydanga and lauha bhasma mixed with ghee and honey, taken as a linctus by the patients suffering from pāndu and kāmalā.
Two other recipes – Patients suffering from kāmalā should take the powder of one part each of lauha bhasma, harītakī and haridrā along with honey and ghee and may also take the linctus of the powder of abhayā prepared by mixing with jagery and honey (87-99).
Two other recipes – Patients suffering from kāmalā should take the powder of one part each of lauha bhasma, harītakī and haridrā along with honey and ghee and may also take the linctus of the powder of abhayā prepared by mixing with jagery and honey (87-99).
==== Dhātryāvaleha ====
द्विपलांशां तुगाक्षीरीं नागरं मधुयष्टिकाम्|  
द्विपलांशां तुगाक्षीरीं नागरं मधुयष्टिकाम्|  
प्रास्थिकीं पिप्पलीं द्राक्षां शर्करार्धतुलां शुभाम्||१००||  
प्रास्थिकीं पिप्पलीं द्राक्षां शर्करार्धतुलां शुभाम्||१००||  
Line 822: Line 838:  
iti dhAtryavalehaH|  
iti dhAtryavalehaH|  
Dhātryāvaleha – Vanśalocana, sunthī, maduyaśṭī powders, each in two pala; one prastha each of pippalī and drākṡā; and half a tulā of sugar crystal added with one droṇa of amalakī fruit juice and cooked till it changes into linctus form. One prastha of honey is added to it after it cools down. Intake of one pāṇitala of this linctus cures kāmalā, pitta vikārās, pāndu, kāsa and halīmaka (100-101).
Dhātryāvaleha – Vanśalocana, sunthī, maduyaśṭī powders, each in two pala; one prastha each of pippalī and drākṡā; and half a tulā of sugar crystal added with one droṇa of amalakī fruit juice and cooked till it changes into linctus form. One prastha of honey is added to it after it cools down. Intake of one pāṇitala of this linctus cures kāmalā, pitta vikārās, pāndu, kāsa and halīmaka (100-101).
==== Mandūravatakāh ====
त्र्यूषणं त्रिफला चव्यं चित्रको देवदारु च||१०२||  
त्र्यूषणं त्रिफला चव्यं चित्रको देवदारु च||१०२||  
विडङ्गान्यथ मुस्तं च वत्सकं चेति चूर्णयेत्|  
विडङ्गान्यथ मुस्तं च वत्सकं चेति चूर्णयेत्|  
Line 845: Line 863:  
iti maNDUravaTakAH|
iti maNDUravaTakAH|
Manḍūra Vataka-II: Śunṭhī, pippalī, maricha, harītakī, bibhītaka, amalakī, cavyya, chitraka, devadārū, viḍanga, mustā and vatsaka  in one part each, made in the form of powder and added to equal quantity (12 parts) of manḍūra bhasma, should then be boiled by adding eight times of cow’s urine over mild fire. After the recipe cools pills of one akśa each should be prepared and taken according to the power of digestion. This cures plīhā, pāndu, grahaṇī, and arśa. The patient should take butter milk and vāṭya (a roasted barley preperation) while taking this pill (102-104).   
Manḍūra Vataka-II: Śunṭhī, pippalī, maricha, harītakī, bibhītaka, amalakī, cavyya, chitraka, devadārū, viḍanga, mustā and vatsaka  in one part each, made in the form of powder and added to equal quantity (12 parts) of manḍūra bhasma, should then be boiled by adding eight times of cow’s urine over mild fire. After the recipe cools pills of one akśa each should be prepared and taken according to the power of digestion. This cures plīhā, pāndu, grahaṇī, and arśa. The patient should take butter milk and vāṭya (a roasted barley preperation) while taking this pill (102-104).   
Gauḍō ariṣṭaḥ:
==== Gauḍō ariṣṭaḥ ====
मञ्जिष्ठा रजनी द्राक्षा बलामूलान्ययोरजः||१०५||  
मञ्जिष्ठा रजनी द्राक्षा बलामूलान्ययोरजः||१०५||  
लोध्रं चैतेषु गौडः स्यादरिष्टः पाण्डुरोगिणाम्|  
लोध्रं चैतेषु गौडः स्यादरिष्टः पाण्डुरोगिणाम्|  
Line 857: Line 877:     
Manjiśṭhā, rajanī, drakṡā, balā mūla (roots), lauha bhasma, and lodhra should be added to jaggery and processed according to the method prescribed for ariṡṭa. It is called gauḍo-ariṡṭa and is useful for the patients suffering from pāndu roga (105).
Manjiśṭhā, rajanī, drakṡā, balā mūla (roots), lauha bhasma, and lodhra should be added to jaggery and processed according to the method prescribed for ariṡṭa. It is called gauḍo-ariṡṭa and is useful for the patients suffering from pāndu roga (105).
==== Bījakāriṣṭa ====
बीजकात्षोडशपलं त्रिफलायाश्च विंशतिः||१०६||  
बीजकात्षोडशपलं त्रिफलायाश्च विंशतिः||१०६||  
द्राक्षायाः पञ्च लाक्षायाः सप्त द्रोणे जलस्य तत्|  
द्राक्षायाः पञ्च लाक्षायाः सप्त द्रोणे जलस्य तत्|  
Line 893: Line 915:  
Bījaka taken in the amount of sixteen pala, twenty pala of triphalā, five pala of drākṡā and seven pala of lākṡā are added to one droṇa of water and boiled till one fourth of water remains. Water should then be taken out by straining. One Tulā of sugar, one pala of honey and one pala powder of each of the sunṭhī, pippalī, maricha, vyāghranakha, kramuka, elavāluka, madhūka and kuṡṭha are added to the above made decoction and the potion be stored in a jar smeared with ghee kept inside a barley heap for ten nights during summer and for twenty nights in winter. Intake of this potion cures grahaṇī, pāndu, arśa, sotha, gulma, mūtra kṛchha (dysuria), aśmarī (stones in the urinary tract), meha, kāmalā and diseases caused by all the three dośhās. This is called bijaka ariśṭa and it was propounded by Ātreya.
Bījaka taken in the amount of sixteen pala, twenty pala of triphalā, five pala of drākṡā and seven pala of lākṡā are added to one droṇa of water and boiled till one fourth of water remains. Water should then be taken out by straining. One Tulā of sugar, one pala of honey and one pala powder of each of the sunṭhī, pippalī, maricha, vyāghranakha, kramuka, elavāluka, madhūka and kuṡṭha are added to the above made decoction and the potion be stored in a jar smeared with ghee kept inside a barley heap for ten nights during summer and for twenty nights in winter. Intake of this potion cures grahaṇī, pāndu, arśa, sotha, gulma, mūtra kṛchha (dysuria), aśmarī (stones in the urinary tract), meha, kāmalā and diseases caused by all the three dośhās. This is called bijaka ariśṭa and it was propounded by Ātreya.
Thus, ends the description of bijaka ariśṭa (106-110).
Thus, ends the description of bijaka ariśṭa (106-110).
==== Dhātryariṣṭa ====
धात्रीफलसहस्रे द्वे पीडयित्वा रसं तु तम्||१११||  
धात्रीफलसहस्रे द्वे पीडयित्वा रसं तु तम्||१११||  
क्षौद्राष्टांशेन संयुक्तं कृष्णार्धकुडवेन च|  
क्षौद्राष्टांशेन संयुक्तं कृष्णार्धकुडवेन च|  
Line 916: Line 940:  
iti dhAtryariShTaH|  
iti dhAtryariShTaH|  
Dhātryariśṭa - Two thousand fruits of amalakī should be crushed and the juice extracted should be mixed with one eighth the quantity of honey, half kuḍava of pippalī and half tulā of sugar. It should then be kept in an earthern jar smeared with ghee for one fortnight. It should be taken in appropriate dose in the morning and the patient should take wholesome food in small quantity after the digestion of the drug. This arisṭa cures kāmalā, pāndu, hṛdroga, vātarakta , viṡama jwara, kāsa, hikkā, aruci and svāsa. Thus, ends the description of dhātrya ariśṭa (111-113).
Dhātryariśṭa - Two thousand fruits of amalakī should be crushed and the juice extracted should be mixed with one eighth the quantity of honey, half kuḍava of pippalī and half tulā of sugar. It should then be kept in an earthern jar smeared with ghee for one fortnight. It should be taken in appropriate dose in the morning and the patient should take wholesome food in small quantity after the digestion of the drug. This arisṭa cures kāmalā, pāndu, hṛdroga, vātarakta , viṡama jwara, kāsa, hikkā, aruci and svāsa. Thus, ends the description of dhātrya ariśṭa (111-113).
Medicated water:
==== Medicated water ====
स्थिरादिभिः शृतं तोयं पानाहारे प्रशस्यते||११४||  
स्थिरादिभिः शृतं तोयं पानाहारे प्रशस्यते||११४||  
पाण्डूनां, कामलार्तानां मृद्वीकामलकीरसः|११५|  
पाण्डूनां, कामलार्तानां मृद्वीकामलकीरसः|११५|  
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pANDUnAM, kAmalArtAnAM mRudvIkAmalakIrasaH|115|
pANDUnAM, kAmalArtAnAM mRudvIkAmalakIrasaH|115|
Water boiled with the drugs belonging to sthirādi group is useful for drinking and the preparation of foods for pāndu rogi; while the patient of kāmalā should use the juice of drākṡā and amalakī rasa (114-115).
Water boiled with the drugs belonging to sthirādi group is useful for drinking and the preparation of foods for pāndu rogi; while the patient of kāmalā should use the juice of drākṡā and amalakī rasa (114-115).
Principles of treatment according to doṣha:
==== Principles of treatment according to doṣha ====
पाण्डुरोगप्रशान्त्यर्थमिति प्रोक्तं महर्षिणा||११५||  
पाण्डुरोगप्रशान्त्यर्थमिति प्रोक्तं महर्षिणा||११५||  
विकल्प्यमेतद्भिषजा पृथग्दोषबलं प्रति|  
विकल्प्यमेतद्भिषजा पृथग्दोषबलं प्रति|  
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shlaiShmike kaTutiktoShNaM [1] , vimishraM sAnnipAtike|117|
shlaiShmike kaTutiktoShNaM [1] , vimishraM sAnnipAtike|117|
The above mentioned drugs are described for the cure of pāndu roga by the great sage (Punarvasu Ātreya). The physician should make suitable changes (combinations and permutations) in the above depending upon the strength of the dośhā in the patient. The therapy should be dominated by unctuous drugs (oil, ghee etc) for vātika type of pāndu; by bitter and cooling drugs for paittika type and by pungent, bitter and hot drugs for kaphaaj type of pāndu (115-117).
The above mentioned drugs are described for the cure of pāndu roga by the great sage (Punarvasu Ātreya). The physician should make suitable changes (combinations and permutations) in the above depending upon the strength of the dośhā in the patient. The therapy should be dominated by unctuous drugs (oil, ghee etc) for vātika type of pāndu; by bitter and cooling drugs for paittika type and by pungent, bitter and hot drugs for kaphaaj type of pāndu (115-117).
Treatment of mrittikā bhakṡaṇa janya pāndu:
==== Treatment of mrittikā bhakṡaṇa janya pāndu ====
निपातयेच्छरीरात्तु मृत्तिकां भक्षितां भिषक्||११७||  
निपातयेच्छरीरात्तु मृत्तिकां भक्षितां भिषक्||११७||  
युक्तिज्ञः शोधनैस्तीक्ष्णैः प्रसमीक्ष्य बलाबलम्|  
युक्तिज्ञः शोधनैस्तीक्ष्णैः प्रसमीक्ष्य बलाबलम्|  
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kriyAvisheSha eSho~asya mato hetuvisheShataH|124|  
kriyAvisheSha eSho~asya mato hetuvisheShataH|124|  
Different types of treatment should be given to the patient suffering from mrittikā bhakśaṇa janya pāndu, according to the different types of dośha aggravated. However, due to the specific type of aetiological factor involved (clay eating), this type of pandu needs special type of treatment (123-124).
Different types of treatment should be given to the patient suffering from mrittikā bhakśaṇa janya pāndu, according to the different types of dośha aggravated. However, due to the specific type of aetiological factor involved (clay eating), this type of pandu needs special type of treatment (123-124).
Śākhāśrita kāmala (kamala in body tissue with obstructive pathology):
==== Śākhāśrita kāmala (kamala in body tissue with obstructive pathology) ====
तिलपिष्टनिभं यस्तु वर्चः सृजति कामली||१२४||  
तिलपिष्टनिभं यस्तु वर्चः सृजति कामली||१२४||  
श्लेष्मणा रुद्धमार्गं तत् पित्तं कफहरैर्जयेत्|  
श्लेष्मणा रुद्धमार्गं तत् पित्तं कफहरैर्जयेत्|  
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The excess usage of ununctuous, cold and sweet ingredients; excessive exercise; suppression of the natural urges leads to the the aggravation of vāta infilterated with kapha and the displacement of pitta from its site, resulting in the development of the following features:  
The excess usage of ununctuous, cold and sweet ingredients; excessive exercise; suppression of the natural urges leads to the the aggravation of vāta infilterated with kapha and the displacement of pitta from its site, resulting in the development of the following features:  
The eyes, skin and urine of the patient become yellow while his stools become white in colour. Additionally, the patients suffer from aṭopa (tympanitis), viśṭambha (constipation associated with flatulence),and heaviness in the cardiac region, due to the displacement of pitta in the peripheral tissues (shākhā), there is diminution in the flow of pitta (to the gastrointestinal tract) resulting in the gradual development of weakness, agnimāndya (low digestion), pārśva (pain in the sides of chest), hikkā (hiccup), shvāsa (dysnoea), aruchi (anorexia) and jwara (124-128).
The eyes, skin and urine of the patient become yellow while his stools become white in colour. Additionally, the patients suffer from aṭopa (tympanitis), viśṭambha (constipation associated with flatulence),and heaviness in the cardiac region, due to the displacement of pitta in the peripheral tissues (shākhā), there is diminution in the flow of pitta (to the gastrointestinal tract) resulting in the gradual development of weakness, agnimāndya (low digestion), pārśva (pain in the sides of chest), hikkā (hiccup), shvāsa (dysnoea), aruchi (anorexia) and jwara (124-128).
Treatment of sākhāśriat kāmala:
==== Treatment of sākhāśriat kamala ====
बर्हितित्तिरिदक्षाणां रूक्षाम्लैः कटुकै रसैः||१२८||  
बर्हितित्तिरिदक्षाणां रूक्षाम्लैः कटुकै रसैः||१२८||  
शुष्कमूलककौलत्थैर्यूषैश्चान्नानि भोजयेत्|  
शुष्कमूलककौलत्थैर्यूषैश्चान्नानि भोजयेत्|  
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nivRuttopadravasya syAt pUrvaH kAmaliko vidhiH|132|  
nivRuttopadravasya syAt pUrvaH kAmaliko vidhiH|132|  
Katu (pungent), tīkṡṇa (sharp), uśṇa (hot), lavaṇa (saline) and extremely amla (sour) drugs should be continued till the stool of the patient acquires the colour of pitta and the vāta gets alleviated.  When the pitta returns to its own habitat, the stool gets coloured with pitta and the patient is relieved of complications, then further, the line of treatment described earlier for the treatment of kāmalā (kośṭhāśṛta) should be used (130-132).
Katu (pungent), tīkṡṇa (sharp), uśṇa (hot), lavaṇa (saline) and extremely amla (sour) drugs should be continued till the stool of the patient acquires the colour of pitta and the vāta gets alleviated.  When the pitta returns to its own habitat, the stool gets coloured with pitta and the patient is relieved of complications, then further, the line of treatment described earlier for the treatment of kāmalā (kośṭhāśṛta) should be used (130-132).
Halīmaka (obstructive jaundice):
==== Halīmaka (obstructive jaundice) ====
यदा तु पाण्डोर्वर्णः स्याद्धरितश्यावपीतकः||१३२||  
यदा तु पाण्डोर्वर्णः स्याद्धरितश्यावपीतकः||१३२||  
बलोत्साहक्षयस्तन्द्रा मन्द्राग्नित्वं मृदुज्वरः|  
बलोत्साहक्षयस्तन्द्रा मन्द्राग्नित्वं मृदुज्वरः|  
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halImakaM tadA tasya vidyAdanilapittataH|134|  
halImakaM tadA tasya vidyAdanilapittataH|134|  
If a patient suffering from pāndu develops green, black or yellow colour and suffers from diminution of strength and enthusiasm; drowsiness, agnimāndya (low digestiion), mild fever, lack of libido (stṛsu aharśo), angamarda (malaise/ body ache), dyspnoea, triśṇā (morbid thirst), anorexia and giddiness, the ailment is called halīmaka and is caused by the aggravation of vāta and pitta dośha (132-134).
If a patient suffering from pāndu develops green, black or yellow colour and suffers from diminution of strength and enthusiasm; drowsiness, agnimāndya (low digestiion), mild fever, lack of libido (stṛsu aharśo), angamarda (malaise/ body ache), dyspnoea, triśṇā (morbid thirst), anorexia and giddiness, the ailment is called halīmaka and is caused by the aggravation of vāta and pitta dośha (132-134).
Treatment of halīmaka:
==== Treatment of halīmaka ====
गुडूचीस्वरसक्षीरसाधितं माहिषं घृतम्||१३४||  
गुडूचीस्वरसक्षीरसाधितं माहिषं घृतम्||१३४||  
स पिबेत्त्रिवृतां स्निग्धो रसेनामलकस्य तु|  
स पिबेत्त्रिवृतां स्निग्धो रसेनामलकस्य तु|  
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Patients suffering from halīmaka should take the recipe prepared from buffalo ghee by adding the juice of guḍūchī and milk. After oleation with this oil the patient should take trivṛta mixed with the juice of amalakī which causes purgation. Thereafter food and drinks which are dominated by sweet taste and are alleviators of pitta and kapha should be given.
Patients suffering from halīmaka should take the recipe prepared from buffalo ghee by adding the juice of guḍūchī and milk. After oleation with this oil the patient should take trivṛta mixed with the juice of amalakī which causes purgation. Thereafter food and drinks which are dominated by sweet taste and are alleviators of pitta and kapha should be given.
The patient should take drākṡāleha described earlier (vide verse 100-102 in this chapter in the name of dhātryavaleha) and recipes of medicated ghee prepared by boiling with sweet drugs (vide verse 51 -52). The patient should habitually indulge in taking different types of yāpanā bastī (a type of medicated enema), kṡāra bastī and anuvāsana bastī (discussed in Siddhī Sthāna). He should also take different recipes of ariśṭa prepared from grapes (drākṡāriṡṭa) for the promotion of power of digestion. Abhayā leha described in the treatment of kāsa (Cha Chi. 18/57-62) may also be taken. Alternatively the patient may also take pippalli, madhūka and balā along with milk depending upon the dośhās aggravated and the strength of the patient (134-138).
The patient should take drākṡāleha described earlier (vide verse 100-102 in this chapter in the name of dhātryavaleha) and recipes of medicated ghee prepared by boiling with sweet drugs (vide verse 51 -52). The patient should habitually indulge in taking different types of yāpanā bastī (a type of medicated enema), kṡāra bastī and anuvāsana bastī (discussed in Siddhī Sthāna). He should also take different recipes of ariśṭa prepared from grapes (drākṡāriṡṭa) for the promotion of power of digestion. Abhayā leha described in the treatment of kāsa (Cha Chi. 18/57-62) may also be taken. Alternatively the patient may also take pippalli, madhūka and balā along with milk depending upon the dośhās aggravated and the strength of the patient (134-138).
==== Summary ====
तत्र श्लोकौ-  
तत्र श्लोकौ-  
पाण्डोः पञ्चविधस्योक्तं हेतुलक्षणभेषजम्||१३८||  
पाण्डोः पञ्चविधस्योक्तं हेतुलक्षणभेषजम्||१३८||  
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• Different varieties of kāmalā
• Different varieties of kāmalā
• Halīmaka, which is a serious disease along with its signs and symptoms; and treatment (138-139).
• Halīmaka, which is a serious disease along with its signs and symptoms; and treatment (138-139).
Shloka –
इत्यग्निवेशकृते तन्त्रेऽप्राप्ते दृढबलसम्पूरिते चिकित्सास्थाने  
इत्यग्निवेशकृते तन्त्रेऽप्राप्ते दृढबलसम्पूरिते चिकित्सास्थाने  
पाण्डुरोगचिकित्सितं नाम षोडशोऽध्यायः||१४0||  
पाण्डुरोगचिकित्सितं नाम षोडशोऽध्यायः||१४0||  
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pANDurogacikitsitaM nAma ShoDasho~adhyAyaH||16||  
pANDurogacikitsitaM nAma ShoDasho~adhyAyaH||16||  
Thus ends the sixteenth chapter in Cikitsā Sthāna dealing with the treatment of pāndu roga in the work of Agniveśa which was redacted by Caraka and because of its unavailability was supplemented by Dṛḍhabala (140).
Thus ends the sixteenth chapter in Cikitsā Sthāna dealing with the treatment of pāndu roga in the work of Agniveśa which was redacted by Caraka and because of its unavailability was supplemented by Dṛḍhabala (140).
Tattva vimarsha: 
=== Tattva Vimarsha ===
• The important pathological factors in pandu are aggravated three dosha with dominant pitta leading to slow metabolism at level of blood (rakta) , the fatty tissue (medas) dhatu and ojas qualities (affecting the vitality).  
• The important pathological factors in pandu are aggravated three dosha with dominant pitta leading to slow metabolism at level of blood (rakta) , the fatty tissue (medas) dhatu and ojas qualities (affecting the vitality).  
• The dietary factors like alkaline, sour, saline, hot and mutually contradictory foods, unwholesome food, niśpāva (a type of pulses), māśa, piṇyāka (oil cake) and til oil; lifestyle factors like indulging in day sleep, performing exercise and sex before digestion of the food, disobedience of the seasonal regimens (ṛtu vaiśamya), suppression of the natural urges; iatrogenic factors like Improper administration of panchakarma measures (pratikarma vaiśamya) and the psychological factors like affliction of mind with passion, worry, fear, anger, grief are responsible for pandu.  
• The dietary factors like alkaline, sour, saline, hot and mutually contradictory foods, unwholesome food, niśpāva (a type of pulses), māśa, piṇyāka (oil cake) and til oil; lifestyle factors like indulging in day sleep, performing exercise and sex before digestion of the food, disobedience of the seasonal regimens (ṛtu vaiśamya), suppression of the natural urges; iatrogenic factors like Improper administration of panchakarma measures (pratikarma vaiśamya) and the psychological factors like affliction of mind with passion, worry, fear, anger, grief are responsible for pandu.  
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• Strong elimination therapy is advised to remove the swallowed mud from the body after considering the strength of the patient. After the body is cleansed, different types of medicated ghee should be prescribed to the patient for promotion of strength.  
• Strong elimination therapy is advised to remove the swallowed mud from the body after considering the strength of the patient. After the body is cleansed, different types of medicated ghee should be prescribed to the patient for promotion of strength.  
• Halīmaka and is caused by the aggravation of vāta and pitta dośha. Hence the treatment focus on pacification of vata and pitta dosha.  
• Halīmaka and is caused by the aggravation of vāta and pitta dośha. Hence the treatment focus on pacification of vata and pitta dosha.  
Vidhi vimarsha:
=== Vidhi Vimarsha ===
Current clinical practices in treatment of pandu and kamala ( referred from Chikitsa pradeep):  
Current clinical practices in treatment of pandu and kamala ( referred from Chikitsa pradeep):  
Type Medicine Dose Time Anupana
Type Medicine Dose Time Anupana
Line 1,143: Line 1,187:  
Koshta ashrita kamala As like pitta dominant pandu
Koshta ashrita kamala As like pitta dominant pandu
Research studies on pandu:
=== Research studies on pandu ===
Some studies are available on the net which prove the efficacy of various Āyurvedic drugs having iron (in the form of lauha and mandura) compounds in the management of iron deficiency anemias –
Some studies are available on the net which prove the efficacy of various Āyurvedic drugs having iron (in the form of lauha and mandura) compounds in the management of iron deficiency anemias –
1. Kumath V. A Comprehensive Study of Haritaki with Special Reference to the Efficacy of Terminalia chebula Retz. On Pāndu Roga, MD thesis. P. G. Department. of Dravyaguna,Government. Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh: Autonomous Dhanvantari Ayurveda College and Hospital; 2006.
1. Kumath V. A Comprehensive Study of Haritaki with Special Reference to the Efficacy of Terminalia chebula Retz. On Pāndu Roga, MD thesis. P. G. Department. of Dravyaguna,Government. Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh: Autonomous Dhanvantari Ayurveda College and Hospital; 2006.
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So, further studies need to be done in order to know the efficacy of these drugs and mechanisms in the various types of anemias.  
So, further studies need to be done in order to know the efficacy of these drugs and mechanisms in the various types of anemias.  
Principle of treatment for kāmalā:
=== Principle of treatment for kāmalā ===
The management of kāmala by the drugs stated in the chapter has been found to show good results but the mechanism of their action is still not clear. Practically few studies are available on the net which prove the efficacy of Āyurvedic compounds in the management of hepatocellular jaundice as –  
The management of kāmala by the drugs stated in the chapter has been found to show good results but the mechanism of their action is still not clear. Practically few studies are available on the net which prove the efficacy of Āyurvedic compounds in the management of hepatocellular jaundice as –  
• Nirmal kumar* and anil kumar singh. Phalatrikadi kvatha - an ayurvedic hepatoprotective drug. International journal of research in pharmacy and chemistry.2013, 3(3) Available online at
• Nirmal kumar* and anil kumar singh. Phalatrikadi kvatha - an ayurvedic hepatoprotective drug. International journal of research in pharmacy and chemistry.2013, 3(3) Available online at

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