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¨ Peya prepared by boiling with nagara and amalaka fried with ghee and mixed with sugar is jwaraghna (alleviates jwara). It should be given to a patient suffering from asweda (absence of sweating), anidra (sleeplessness) and trishna (morbid thirst). (179-188)
¨ Peya prepared by boiling with nagara and amalaka fried with ghee and mixed with sugar is jwaraghna (alleviates jwara). It should be given to a patient suffering from asweda (absence of sweating), anidra (sleeplessness) and trishna (morbid thirst). (179-188)
Indications of soup:
==== Indications of soup ====
मुद्गान्मसूरांश्चणकान् कुलत्थान् समकुष्टकान्||१८८||  
मुद्गान्मसूरांश्चणकान् कुलत्थान् समकुष्टकान्||१८८||  
यूषार्थे यूषसात्म्यानां  ज्वरितानां प्रदापयेत्|१८९|  
यूषार्थे यूषसात्म्यानां  ज्वरितानां प्रदापयेत्|१८९|  
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Yusha is wholesome for some patients of jwara. This yusha may be prepared from mudga, masura, chanaka, kulattha and makushtha.(188-189)
Yusha is wholesome for some patients of jwara. This yusha may be prepared from mudga, masura, chanaka, kulattha and makushtha.(188-189)
Indications of vegetables:
==== Indications of vegetables ====
पटोलपत्रं सफलं कुलकं पापचेलिकम्||१८९||  
पटोलपत्रं सफलं कुलकं पापचेलिकम्||१८९||  
कर्कोटकं कठिल्लं च विद्याच्छाकं ज्वरे हितम्|१९०|
कर्कोटकं कठिल्लं च विद्याच्छाकं ज्वरे हितम्|१९०|
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karkoTakaM kaThillaM ca vidyAcchAkaM jvare hitam|190|
karkoTakaM kaThillaM ca vidyAcchAkaM jvare hitam|190|
The leaves and fruits of patola, kulaka (karvellaka), papachelika (patha), karkotaka, kathilla (red variety of punarnava) shakas are useful in the patients of jwara. (189-190)
The leaves and fruits of patola, kulaka (karvellaka), papachelika (patha), karkotaka, kathilla (red variety of punarnava) shakas are useful in the patients of jwara. (189-190)
Indication of animal meat soups:
==== Indication of animal meat soups ====
लावान् कपिञ्जलानेणांश्चकोरानुपचक्रकान्||१९०||  
लावान् कपिञ्जलानेणांश्चकोरानुपचक्रकान्||१९०||  
कुरङ्गान् कालपुच्छांश्च हरिणान् पृषताञ्छशान्|  
कुरङ्गान् कालपुच्छांश्च हरिणान् पृषताञ्छशान्|  
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The soup prepared from lava, kapinjala (white variety of tittiri), ena (krushna sara), chakora, upachakraka (a variety of chakora), kuranga, kala puccha (a type of harina), harina (coppery coloured dear), priashata (spotted dear) and shasha (rabbit) are alleviators of jwara and hence should be given to the patients of jwara for whom meat is wholesome. These meat soups may be made slightly sour or taken as such. The wise physician should administer these soups at apropriate time.  
The soup prepared from lava, kapinjala (white variety of tittiri), ena (krushna sara), chakora, upachakraka (a variety of chakora), kuranga, kala puccha (a type of harina), harina (coppery coloured dear), priashata (spotted dear) and shasha (rabbit) are alleviators of jwara and hence should be given to the patients of jwara for whom meat is wholesome. These meat soups may be made slightly sour or taken as such. The wise physician should administer these soups at apropriate time.  
Some physicians do not advise the meat soups of animals such as kukkuta, mayura, tittiri, krauncha and vartaka as they are heavy to digest and hot potency. In jwara if vayu gets aggravated because of langhana, then the physician acquainted with the signs of the doshas should give the meat soup of these animals also at apropriate time.  (190-194)
Some physicians do not advise the meat soups of animals such as kukkuta, mayura, tittiri, krauncha and vartaka as they are heavy to digest and hot potency. In jwara if vayu gets aggravated because of langhana, then the physician acquainted with the signs of the doshas should give the meat soup of these animals also at apropriate time.  (190-194)
==== Anupana(beverages) ====
घर्माम्बु चानुपानार्थं तृषिताय प्रदापयेत्||१९४||  
घर्माम्बु चानुपानार्थं तृषिताय प्रदापयेत्||१९४||  
मद्यं वा मद्यसात्म्याय यथादोषं यथाबलम्|१९५|  
मद्यं वा मद्यसात्म्याय यथादोषं यथाबलम्|१९५|  
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Hot water should be given to drink to a thirsty person. Depending upon the doshas involved and the strength of the patient madya (wines) may be given to those patients for whom it is wholesome. (194-195)
Hot water should be given to drink to a thirsty person. Depending upon the doshas involved and the strength of the patient madya (wines) may be given to those patients for whom it is wholesome. (194-195)
Contra-indications in jwara:
==== Contra-indications in jwara ====
गुरूष्णस्निग्धमधुरान् कषायांश्च नवज्वरे||१९५||  
गुरूष्णस्निग्धमधुरान् कषायांश्च नवज्वरे||१९५||  
आहारान् दोषपक्त्यर्थं प्रायशः परिवर्जयेत्|  
आहारान् दोषपक्त्यर्थं प्रायशः परिवर्जयेत्|  
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Food ingredients, which are heavy to digest, hot in potency, with unctuous property, sweet and astringent taste should preferably be avoided in a patient suffering from nava jwara (the patient of first stage of jwara) in order to fascilitate the paka of the doshas.  
Food ingredients, which are heavy to digest, hot in potency, with unctuous property, sweet and astringent taste should preferably be avoided in a patient suffering from nava jwara (the patient of first stage of jwara) in order to fascilitate the paka of the doshas.  
So, the diet and drinks, which are wholesome to the patient of jwara have been described here. (195-196)
So, the diet and drinks, which are wholesome to the patient of jwara have been described here. (195-196)
Decoctions indicated in jwara:
==== Decoctions indicated in jwara ====
अत ऊर्ध्वं प्रवक्ष्यन्ते कषाया ज्वरनाशनाः|  
अत ऊर्ध्वं प्रवक्ष्यन्ते कषाया ज्वरनाशनाः|  
पाक्यं शीतकषायं वा मुस्तपर्पटकं पिबेत्||१९७||  
पाक्यं शीतकषायं वा मुस्तपर्पटकं पिबेत्||१९७||  
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5.  The decoction of patha and ushira alongwith udichya.
5.  The decoction of patha and ushira alongwith udichya.
The above mentioned, decoctions which are used for the alleviation of jwara are jwaraghna. They stimulate the power of digestion, help in the pachana (metabolic transformation) of the doshas; alleviate thirst, anorexia and cure mukha vairasya (bad taste of the mouth). (197-199)
The above mentioned, decoctions which are used for the alleviation of jwara are jwaraghna. They stimulate the power of digestion, help in the pachana (metabolic transformation) of the doshas; alleviate thirst, anorexia and cure mukha vairasya (bad taste of the mouth). (197-199)
Kashaya in vishama jwara:
==== Kashaya in vishama jwara ====
कलिङ्गकाः पटोलस्य पत्रं कटुकरोहिणी||२००||  
कलिङ्गकाः पटोलस्य पत्रं कटुकरोहिणी||२००||  
पटोलः सारिवा मुस्तं पाठा कटुकरोहिणी|  
पटोलः सारिवा मुस्तं पाठा कटुकरोहिणी|  
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The decoction of either jati, amalaka and musta or that of dhanavayavasakam along with guda (jaggery) should be given to the patient suffering from jwara where the doshas are in vibaddha state (adhered to dhatus).
The decoction of either jati, amalaka and musta or that of dhanavayavasakam along with guda (jaggery) should be given to the patient suffering from jwara where the doshas are in vibaddha state (adhered to dhatus).
The decoction of triphala, trayamana, mrudvika and katu rohini alleviates pitta and shleshma and causes the anulomana of doshas. This decoction when taken along with trivruta and sharkara cures jwara caused by the aggravation of pitta and shleshma. (207-209)
The decoction of triphala, trayamana, mrudvika and katu rohini alleviates pitta and shleshma and causes the anulomana of doshas. This decoction when taken along with trivruta and sharkara cures jwara caused by the aggravation of pitta and shleshma. (207-209)
Formulations used in sannipata jwara:
==== Formulations used in sannipata jwara ====
बृहत्यौ वत्सकं मुस्तं देवदारु महौषधम्|  
बृहत्यौ वत्सकं मुस्तं देवदारु महौषधम्|  
कोलवल्ली च योगोऽयं सन्निपातज्वरापहः||२१०||  
कोलवल्ली च योगोऽयं सन्निपातज्वरापहः||२१०||  
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A decoction prepared from both the varities of bruhati, vatsaka, musta, devadaru, mahaushadha, and kolavalli cures sannipata jwara. Shati, pushkaramula, vyaghri, shringi, duralabha, guduchi, nagara, patha, kirata, katurohini, - all together are called by the name of shaṭyādi varga. The decoction made from these drugs helps in curing sannipāta jwara along with kāsa (coughs), hṛd graham (a kind of heart disease), pārshva artī (pain in the flanks), shvāsa (breathlessness) and tandrā (drowsiness).
A decoction prepared from both the varities of bruhati, vatsaka, musta, devadaru, mahaushadha, and kolavalli cures sannipata jwara. Shati, pushkaramula, vyaghri, shringi, duralabha, guduchi, nagara, patha, kirata, katurohini, - all together are called by the name of shaṭyādi varga. The decoction made from these drugs helps in curing sannipāta jwara along with kāsa (coughs), hṛd graham (a kind of heart disease), pārshva artī (pain in the flanks), shvāsa (breathlessness) and tandrā (drowsiness).
Both the varieties of bṛhatī, pauṡhkar, bhārgī, shaṭī, ṡṛngī, durālabhā, seeds of vatsaka, patola and katu rohiṇī – are together called the bṛhatyādi gaṇa and the decoction made from it cures the sannipāta jwara. And is also useful in complications like kasa. (210-214)   
Both the varieties of bṛhatī, pauṡhkar, bhārgī, shaṭī, ṡṛngī, durālabhā, seeds of vatsaka, patola and katu rohiṇī – are together called the bṛhatyādi gaṇa and the decoction made from it cures the sannipāta jwara. And is also useful in complications like kasa. (210-214)   
कषायाश्च यवाग्वश्च पिपासाज्वरनाशनाः|  
कषायाश्च यवाग्वश्च पिपासाज्वरनाशनाः|  
निर्दिष्टा भेषजाध्याये भिषक्तानपि योजयेत्||२१५||  
निर्दिष्टा भेषजाध्याये भिषक्तानपि योजयेत्||२१५||  
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nirdiShTA bheShajAdhyAye bhiShaktAnapi yojayet||215||  
nirdiShTA bheShajAdhyAye bhiShaktAnapi yojayet||215||  
Different types of decoctions and gruels are also described in the first four chapters of Sutra sthana which also cure pipāsā (thirst) and jwara. They may also be used by the physician for the treatment of jwara. (215)
Different types of decoctions and gruels are also described in the first four chapters of Sutra sthana which also cure pipāsā (thirst) and jwara. They may also be used by the physician for the treatment of jwara. (215)
Advantage of ghee:
==== Advantage of ghee ====
ज्वराः कषायैर्वमनैर्लङ्घनैर्लघुभोजनैः|  
ज्वराः कषायैर्वमनैर्लङ्घनैर्लघुभोजनैः|  
रूक्षस्य ये न शाम्यन्ति सर्पिस्तेषां भिषग्जितम्||२१६||  
रूक्षस्य ये न शाम्यन्ति सर्पिस्तेषां भिषग्जितम्||२१६||  
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rūkṣaṁ tējō jvarakaraṁ tējasā rūkṣitasya ca|  
rūkṣaṁ tējō jvarakaraṁ tējasā rūkṣitasya ca|  
yaḥ syādanubalō dhātuḥ snēhavadhyaḥ [1] sa cānilaḥ||217||  
yaḥ syādanubalō dhātuḥ snēhavadhyaḥ [1] sa cānilaḥ||217||  
jvarAH kaShAyairvamanairla~gghanairlaghubhojanaiH|  
jvarAH kaShAyairvamanairla~gghanairlaghubhojanaiH|  
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rUkShaM tejo jvarakaraM tejasA rUkShitasya ca|  
rUkShaM tejo jvarakaraM tejasA rUkShitasya ca|  
yaH syAdanubalo dhAtuH snehavadhyaH [1] sa cAnilaH||217||
yaH syAdanubalo dhAtuH snehavadhyaH [1] sa cAnilaH||217||
If in a person of ununctuous disposition, jwara doesn’t get cured by the use of decoctions, emesis, fasting and by light diet, then jwara in such a person should be cured by the use of medicated ghṛt. Jwara is manifested by ununctuous state of tejasa in such a person and a patient suffering from jwara further develops ununctuousness due to the action of this tejas (pitta). The vata gets aggravated due to the action of this tejasa and it can be corrected by the use of some unctuous material like ghṛit. (216-217)
If in a person of ununctuous disposition, jwara doesn’t get cured by the use of decoctions, emesis, fasting and by light diet, then jwara in such a person should be cured by the use of medicated ghṛt. Jwara is manifested by ununctuous state of tejasa in such a person and a patient suffering from jwara further develops ununctuousness due to the action of this tejas (pitta). The vata gets aggravated due to the action of this tejasa and it can be corrected by the use of some unctuous material like ghṛit. (216-217)
कषायाः सर्व एवैते सर्पिषा सह योजिताः|  
कषायाः सर्व एवैते सर्पिषा सह योजिताः|  
प्रयोज्या ज्वरशान्त्यर्थमग्निसन्धुक्षणाः शिवाः||२१८||  
प्रयोज्या ज्वरशान्त्यर्थमग्निसन्धुक्षणाः शिवाः||२१८||  
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prayojyA jvarashAntyarthamagnisandhukShaNAH shivAH||218||
prayojyA jvarashAntyarthamagnisandhukShaNAH shivAH||218||
Ghṛit should be added to all those decoctions described above for the alleviation of jwara. They stimulate the power of digestion and endow auspiciousness. (218)
Ghṛit should be added to all those decoctions described above for the alleviation of jwara. They stimulate the power of digestion and endow auspiciousness. (218)
Various medicated ghee formulations:
Various medicated ghee formulations:
पिप्पल्यश्चन्दनं मुस्तमुशीरं कटुरोहिणी|  
पिप्पल्यश्चन्दनं मुस्तमुशीरं कटुरोहिणी|  

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