48. Pitta-vyādhayo viśeṣeṇa Mahārogādhyāyoktāḥ Paittika type of disorders mentioned in Mahārogādhyāya of Caraka-Saṃhitā
48. Pitta-vyādhayo viśeṣeṇa Mahārogādhyāyoktāḥ Paittika type of disorders mentioned in Mahārogādhyāya of Caraka-Saṃhitā
For the above-mentioned diseases, virechana-karma is the foremost therapy. As the extinguisher of fire normalizes a house on fire, similarly virechana-karma cures the diseases by eliminating aggravated pitta. [13]
For the above-mentioned diseases, ''virechana karma'' is the foremost therapy. As the extinguisher of fire normalizes a house on fire, similarly ''virechana karma'' cures the diseases by eliminating aggravated ''pitta''. [13]