The sages, desirous of long life, also received that benevolent ''veda'' (compendium of knowledge) of enhancing life from Bharadwaja. The great sages further grasped properly the knowledge of ''samanya'' (similarity), ''vishesha'' (dissimilarity), ''guna'' (property), ''dravya'' (substance), ''karma'' (action) and ''samvaya'' (inherence) by which they followed the tenets of the compendium and attained highest well-being and non-perishable life span. [27-29] | The sages, desirous of long life, also received that benevolent ''veda'' (compendium of knowledge) of enhancing life from Bharadwaja. The great sages further grasped properly the knowledge of ''samanya'' (similarity), ''vishesha'' (dissimilarity), ''guna'' (property), ''dravya'' (substance), ''karma'' (action) and ''samvaya'' (inherence) by which they followed the tenets of the compendium and attained highest well-being and non-perishable life span. [27-29] |