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tēṣāmapi ca vikārā jvarātīsāraśōphaśōṣaśvāsamēhakuṣṭhādayaḥ|  
tēṣāmapi ca vikārā jvarātīsāraśōphaśōṣaśvāsamēhakuṣṭhādayaḥ|  
iti dōṣāḥ kēvalā vyākhyātā vikāraikadēśaśca||5||  
iti dōṣāḥ kēvalā vyākhyātā vikāraikadēśaśca||5||  
tatra khalvēṣāṁ dvayānāmapi dōṣāṇāṁ trividhaṁ prakōpaṇaṁ; tadyathā- asātmyēndriyārthasaṁyōgaḥ,prajñāparādhaḥ, pariṇāmaścēti||6||  
tatra khalvēṣāṁ dvayānāmapi dōṣāṇāṁ trividhaṁ prakōpaṇaṁ; tadyathā- asātmyēndriyārthasaṁyōgaḥ,prajñāparādhaḥ, pariṇāmaścēti||6||  
Tatra vyAdhayo~aparisa~gkhyeyA bhavanti, atibahutvAt| Doshastu khalu parisa~gkhyeyA
Tatra vyAdhayo~aparisa~gkhyeyA bhavanti, atibahutvAt| Doshastu khalu parisa~gkhyeyA
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doShAn vyAkhyAsyAmaH| rajastamashca mAnasau doShau| tayorvikArAH kAmakrodhalobhamoherShyAmAnamadashokacitto(nto)dvegabhayaharShAdayaH| VataPittashleShmANastu khalu shArIrA doShAH| teShAmapi ca vikArA jvarAtIsArashophashoShashvAsamehakuShThAdayaH| iti doShAH kevalA vyAkhyAtA
doShAn vyAkhyAsyAmaH| rajastamashca mAnasau doShau| tayorvikArAH kAmakrodhalobhamoherShyAmAnamadashokacitto(nto)dvegabhayaharShAdayaH| VataPittashleShmANastu khalu shArIrA doShAH| teShAmapi ca vikArA jvarAtIsArashophashoShashvAsamehakuShThAdayaH| iti doShAH kevalA vyAkhyAtA
tatra khalveShAM dvayAnAmapi doShANAM trividhaM prakopaNaM;
tatra khalveShAM dvayAnAmapi doShANAM trividhaM prakopaNaM;
tadyathA- asAtmyendriyArthasaMyogaH, praj~jAparAdhaH, pariNAmashceti||6||
tadyathA- asAtmyendriyArthasaMyogaH, praj~jAparAdhaH, pariNAmashceti||6||
Because of their multitudinous nature, diseases are innumerable. On the other hand, doshas are numerable because of their limited number. So only some of the diseases will be explained by way of illustrations whereas doshas will be explained in their entirety.
Because of their multitudinous nature, diseases are innumerable. On the other hand, doshas are numerable because of their limited number. So only some of the diseases will be explained by way of illustrations whereas doshas will be explained in their entirety.
Rajas and tamas are the doshas pertaining to the mind and the types of morbidity caused by them are kama (passion), anger, greed, attachment, envy, ego, pride grief, worry, anxiety, fear, excitement etc. Vata, pitta and kapha- these three are the doshas pertaining to the body. Diseases caused by them are fever, diarrhoea, oedema, consumption, dyspnoea, meha (obstinate urinary disorder including diabetes), kushtha (obstinate skin disease including leprosy) etc. Thus doshas in their entirety and diseases in parts are explained.  
Rajas and tamas are the doshas pertaining to the mind and the types of morbidity caused by them are kama (passion), anger, greed, attachment, envy, ego, pride grief, worry, anxiety, fear, excitement etc. Vata, pitta and kapha- these three are the doshas pertaining to the body. Diseases caused by them are fever, diarrhoea, oedema, consumption, dyspnoea, meha (obstinate urinary disorder including diabetes), kushtha (obstinate skin disease including leprosy) etc. Thus doshas in their entirety and diseases in parts are explained.  
Both of these types of doshas have three types of etiological factors, viz. (1) unwholesome contact with the object of senses, (2) intellectual errors and (3) seasonal vagaries. (5-6)
Both of these types of doshas have three types of etiological factors, viz. (1) unwholesome contact with the object of senses, (2) intellectual errors and (3) seasonal vagaries. [5-6]
==== Factors responsible for manifestation of innumerable diseases ====
Factors responsible for manifestation of innumerable diseases:
प्रकुपितास्तु खलु ते प्रकोपणविशेषाद्दूष्यविशेषाच्च विकारविशेषानभिनिर्वर्तयन्त्यपरिसङ्ख्येयान्||७||
प्रकुपितास्तु खलु ते प्रकोपणविशेषाद्दूष्यविशेषाच्च विकारविशेषानभिनिर्वर्तयन्त्यपरिसङ्ख्येयान्||७||
prakupitāstu khalu tē prakōpaṇaviśēṣāddūṣyaviśēṣācca vikāraviśēṣānabhinirvartayantyaparisaṅkhyēyān||7||  
prakupitāstu khalu tē prakōpaṇaviśēṣāddūṣyaviśēṣācca vikāraviśēṣānabhinirvartayantyaparisaṅkhyēyān||7||  
prakupitAstu khalu te prakopaNavisheShAddUShyavisheShAcca
prakupitAstu khalu te prakopaNavisheShAddUShyavisheShAcca
Depending upon the specific nature of the causative factors and also the specificity of the tissue elements afflicted, doshas when aggravated manifest innumerable types of diseases. (7)
Psycho-somatic diseases:
Depending upon the specific nature of the causative factors and also the specificity of the tissue elements afflicted, doshas when aggravated manifest innumerable types of diseases. [7]
==== Psycho-somatic diseases ====
ते च विकाराः परस्परमनुवर्तमानाः कदाचिदनुबध्नन्ति कामादयो ज्वरादयश्च||८||
ते च विकाराः परस्परमनुवर्तमानाः कदाचिदनुबध्नन्ति कामादयो ज्वरादयश्च||८||
tē ca vikārāḥ parasparamanuvartamānāḥ kadācidanubadhnanti kāmādayō jvarādayaśca||8||
tē ca vikārāḥ parasparamanuvartamānāḥ kadācidanubadhnanti kāmādayō jvarādayaśca||8||
te ca vikArAH parasparamanuvartamAnAH kadAcidanubadhnanti kAmAdayo jvarAdayashca||8||
te ca vikArAH parasparamanuvartamAnAH kadAcidanubadhnanti kAmAdayo jvarAdayashca||8||
When allowed to persist for long, these psychic diseases viz. kama (passion) etc., and somatic diseases viz. fever etc., at times get combined with each other. (8)
When allowed to persist for long, these psychic diseases viz. kama (passion) etc., and somatic diseases viz. fever etc., at times get combined with each other. [8]
==== Psychic doshas- their eternal union ====
Psychic doshas- their eternal union:
नियतस्त्वनुबन्धो रजस्तमसोः परस्परं, न ह्यरजस्कं तमः प्रवर्तते ||९||
नियतस्त्वनुबन्धो रजस्तमसोः परस्परं, न ह्यरजस्कं तमः प्रवर्तते ||९||
niyatastvanubandhō rajastamasōḥ parasparaṁ, na hyarajaskaṁ tamaḥ pravartatē  ||9||  
niyatastvanubandhō rajastamasōḥ parasparaṁ, na hyarajaskaṁ tamaḥ pravartatē  ||9||  
niyatastvanubandho rajastamasoH parasparaM, na hyarajaskaM tamaH pravartate ||9||
niyatastvanubandho rajastamasoH parasparaM, na hyarajaskaM tamaH pravartate ||9||
There is an eternal union between the two doshas pertaining to mind, viz. rajas and tamas. Tamas cannot manifest its actions without rajas. (9)
There is an eternal union between the two doshas pertaining to mind, viz. rajas and tamas. Tamas cannot manifest its actions without rajas. [9]
Combination of physical doshas:
Combination of physical doshas:

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