First International Essay Competition'2020 on Health and Ayurveda
The open essay competition for healthcare providers.
About the competition
The Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Centre (CSRTSDC) is established by FHED Trust, India in collaboration with Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, an Institute fully financed by Government of India, Ministry of AYUSH affiliated to Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. The live edition of Charak Samhita is published online on www.charaksamhita. com . Ayurveda, the knowledge of life, gives due importance to prevention and preservation of health. Emphasizing upon the concept of health and its application in current practice of Ayurveda and contemporary medicine, CSRTSDC is organizing an international essay competition on following topic:
Future Scope and Strategies for Preservation of Health through Ayurveda
- Atreya Award: Rs. 51000/- and certificate
- Agnivesh Award: Rs. 21000/- and certificate
- Charak Award: Rs. 11000/- and certificate
- Dridhabala Awards: Three Consolation Prizes of Rs. 5000/- each and certificates
Expected topics to be covered in essay
- Elaboration of concept of health in Ayurveda classics and other contemporary healthcare systems
- Components of health and their importance
- Practical guidelines for implementing concept of health in today's society
- Applied researches on preservation and protection of health
- Prevention of disease occurrence and recurrence
- Model healthcare system and its propagation
- Future strategies for preservation of health
Important information and dates
- Last date of submission of essay: 28 February 2020
- Registration fees: INR Rs.500/-
- Dr. Gopal Basisht, Director, Charak Samhita New Edition Project, FHED(India) Trust, Delhi
- Dr. Saroj Basisht, Patron, Charak Samhita New Edition Project, FHED(India) Trust, Delhi
- Prof. M. S. Baghel, Former Director, I.P.G.T.R.A., Jamnagar
- Prof. H. M. Chandola, Former Dean, I.P.G.T.R.A., Jamnagar
- Prof. S. K. Khandel, Former Professor, N.I.A., Jaipur
- Prof. R. B. Dwivedi, Former Dean, I.P.G.T.R.A., Jamnagar
- Prof. Anup Thakar, Director, I.P.G.T.R.A., Jamnagar
- Prof. Tanuja Nesari, Director, A.I.I.A., New Delhi
- Prof. Vd. K.S.Dhiman, Director General, C.C.R.A.S., New Delhi
- Prof. Sanjeev Sharma, Director, N.I.A., Jaipur
- Prof. Pawankumar Godatwar, Dean, Research- N.I.A., Jaipur
- Prof. J. S. Tripathi, Faculty of Ayurveda, I.M.S., B.H.U., Varanasi
Organizing Secretary
- Dr. Yogesh Deole, Project Co-ordinator, Charak Samhita New Edition
Zonal Organizing Secretaries
North Zone
- Dr. Galib, A.I.I.A., New Delhi
- Dr. Shivani Ghildiyal, A.I.I.A., New Delhi
- Dr. Swapnil Auti. F.I.M.S., S.G.T. University, Gurgaon
- Dr. Umesh Sapra, C.B.P.A.C.S., New Delhi
- Dr. Bharat Padher, N.I.A., Jaipur
- Dr.Reetu Sharma, N.I.A., Jaipur
- Dr. Panchakshari Patil , C.C.R.A.S., New Delhi
East Zone
- Prof. Ajay Kumar Pande, I.M.S., B.H.U., Varanasi
- Prof. P. S. Byadgi, I.M.S., B.H.U., Varanasi
- Dr. Binay Sen, I.M.S., B.H.U., Varanasi
- Dr. Shiromani Mishra, G.A.C., Ujjain
- Dr. Lokesh, G.A.C., Rewa
West Zone
- Dr. Supriya Bhalerao, I.R.S.H.A., B.V.D.U., Pune
- Dr.Upendra Dixit, Dixit Ayurveda, Goa
- Dr. Sandeep Binorkar, G.A.C., Mumbai
- Dr. Vaishnavi Tengse, Gomantak Ayurveda College, Goa
- Dr. Sagar Bhinde, I.P.G.T.R.A., Jamnagar
- Dr. Anagha S. I.P.G.T.R.A., Jamnagar
South Zone
- Dr.Manjula K., KLE’s B.M.K.Ayurveda College, Belagavi
- Dr. Jaydevan C.V., V.P.S.V. Ayurveda College, Kottakkal
- Dr. Shrikant Babu, B.R.K.R. Ayurveda College, Hyderabad
- Dr. Girish K.J., S.D.M. College of Ayurveda, Hassan
- Dr. Savita Sajjan, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubballi
- Dr. A. Ramya, Astangam Ayurveda Vidhyapeetham, Palakkad
- Dr. Aneesh E.G., Kottakkal ,Kerala
General Guidelines
- The competition is open to registered healthcare providers, researchers and scholars from streams of Ayurveda and Allopathy. Students doing Post Graduation and Ph.D. can also participate in the competition.
- The essays with duly filled registration form should be mailed to as attachment on or before 28 February 2020.
- A registration fees of Rs. 500/- for the competition is required to be paid online while submitting the essay.
- The awarded essays will be included in the online edition of and as per suggestions of the editorial panel.
General rules
- Essay should be Original, single authored, in MS Word file format typed in Times new roman font, size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. The language shall be English only. The word limit is maximum 5000 words (excluding references).
- The references from Ayurveda texts should be quoted ONLY at the end of the text as references.
- The authors are free to present their ideas on the topic in the essay with proper in text references as per referencing format available on
- We adopt a policy of zero tolerance to plagiarism. All essays will undergo strict plagiarism check before sending it for review. The author should not submit any copyrighted material without proper permission. In such case, a separate permission letter shall be attached with the registration form. The author will solely be responsible for any issue arising out of copyright or conflict of interest of submitted essay.
- A separate file of filled and signed registration form shall be submitted with the Essay file as per prescribed format.
- In order to follow a blind review system, identity should not be revealed in any form in the essay.
- The essays will be reviewed and assessed anonymously by the international review panel of the Board. The decision of judges will be final. No queries will be entertained after declaration of results. Successful candidates will be invited for the award ceremony.
- The Board of CSRTSDC reserves all rights to modify rules as and when needed.
Registration guidelines
- The registration fees of Rs.500/- shall be transferred through Wire Transfer / Internet Banking (NEFT/RTGS/IMPS) only to the account mentioned below:
- Account Name: FHED (India) Trust Account Number: 50100324257724 Bank Name: HDFC Bank
- Branch Address: E-6, Local Shopping Centre, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash-2, New Delhi,110 048
- Type of account: Savings account IFSC : HDFC0000027
- The registration fees is non-refundable.
- Electronic copy of receipt of transfer with scan copy of duly filled and signed registration form shall be emailed with essay as per guidelines given above.
- The participant are required to enroll themselves through the online form on the link given below:
Referencing guidelines
These should be numbered consecutively in order in which they are first mentioned in the text (not in alphabetic order) and placed as endnote. In the text they should be indicated above the line (superscripted). Use the style of the examples mentioned below, which are based on the formats used by the NLM in Index Medicus. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. Use complete name of the journal for non-indexed journals. Avoid using abstracts as references. The commonly cited types of references are shown here:
- Articles in Journals:
- Standard journal article (for up to six authors): Deole YS, Ashok BK, Shukla VJ, Ravishankar B, Chandola HM. Psychopharmacological Study on Antidepressant effect of Brahmi Ghrita. AYU Int Res J Ayurveda 2008;29(2):77-83.
- Standard journal article (for more than six authors): List the first six contributors followed by et al.
Nozari Y, Hashemlu A, Hatmi ZN, Sheikhvatan M, Iravani A, Bazdar A, et al. Outcome of coronary artery bypass grafting in patients without major risk factors and patients with at least one major risk factor for coronary artery disease. Indian J Med Sci 2007;61:547-54.
- Volume with supplement: Shen HM, Zhang QF. Risk assessment of nickel carcinogenicity and occupational lung cancer. Environ Health Perspect 1994;102 Suppl 1:275-82.
- Issue with supplement: Payne DK, Sullivan MD, Massie MJ. Women's psychological reactions to breast cancer. Semin Oncol 1996; 23(1, Suppl 2):89-97.
- Books and Other Monographs:
- Personal author(s):Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Albany (NY):Delmar Publishers; 1996.
- Editor(s), compiler(s) as author: Norman IJ, Redfern SJ, editors. Mental health care for elderly people. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996.
- Chapter in a book: Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995. pp. 465-78.
Electronic Sources as reference
- Journal article on the Internet:
- Basisht GK. Symbiohealth-Need of the hour. AYU [serial online] 2011 [cited 2020 Jan 6];32:6-11. Available from:
- Monograph on the Internet:
- Foley KM, Gelband H, editors. Improving palliative care for cancer [monograph on the Internet]. Washington: National Academy Press; 2001 [cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available from:
- Homepage/Web site:
- [homepage on the Internet]. New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources, Inc.; c2000-01 [updated 2002 May 16; cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available from:
- Part of a homepage/Web site:
- Gujarat Ayurved University [homepage on the Internet]. Jamnagar: The University; [updated 2019 Dec 31; cited 2020 Jan 07]. Gujarat Ayurved University; Available from:
- References from Ayurvedic Classical Texts and Samhitas:
The references from Ayurvedic Samhitas should be given in the following order:
- Name of the original writer(s) of Samhita, Name of the Samhita, name of the Sthana(part or section), Adhyaya (chapter), serial number of chapter/Shloka(verse)number, then editor, edition number, name of the publisher, then year of publication; Page number (if specified only).
E.g. Agnivesha, Charaka, Dridhabala, Charaka samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Grahani Chikitsa Adhyaya, 15/20, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Aacharya,2nd edition, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 1990;225.
- If the same Samhita or book is refereed two or more times then after quoting the full reference first time, on the second time write the word “Ibidem” followed by reference number (1) followed by name of the Samhita ‘Charaka Samhita’ and name of the Sthana, name of Adhyaya Number/ shloka number and at last page number if specific.
E.g. Ibidem Charaka Samhita(1), Grahani Chikitsa Adhyaya, 15/25;226.
- If the reference is taken from the edited version or view of the editor on the original text, then the reference can include: Name of the editor, followed by designation like ‘editor’, and the reference from the Samhita as described above,
E.g. Jadavji T.,editor. Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Grahani Chikitsa Adhyaya, 15/20, 2nd edition, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 1990; 225.
- If the reference is quoted from a commentary of original text, then the reference can include: Name of the commentator, followed by designation ‘commentator’, and the reference from the Samhita as described above.
E.g. Chakrapanidutta, Commnetator. Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, Grahani Chikitsa Adhyaya, 15/20, 2nd edition, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 1990; 225.
For updates
Please visit
For more details and contact
- Contact on email:
- Dr.Yogesh Deole, Project Co-ordinator, Charak Samhita New Edition Project
Link for online registration:
Check list before submission
- Blinded Essay file in MS word format
- Scanned copy of filled and signed registration form. The same information should have been be filled in online registration form.
- Scanned or electronic receipt of transfer of registration fees