There are no direct references in Ayurvedic classics regarding the role of kidneys in the process of formation of urine. The word pakwashaya (colon) is mentioned as the site of formation of urine. It should not be considered in anatomical or physiological aspects of conventional medicine. Ayurvedic texts emphasize more on therapeutic relevance of the organs. The description may not always match with modern views. This concept has a very good therapeutic utility. The drugs and therapies having action on colon (pakwashaya) are successfully used for promoting proper formation of urine from its original site (kidney). | There are no direct references in Ayurvedic classics regarding the role of kidneys in the process of formation of urine. The word pakwashaya (colon) is mentioned as the site of formation of urine. It should not be considered in anatomical or physiological aspects of conventional medicine. Ayurvedic texts emphasize more on therapeutic relevance of the organs. The description may not always match with modern views. This concept has a very good therapeutic utility. The drugs and therapies having action on colon (pakwashaya) are successfully used for promoting proper formation of urine from its original site (kidney). |