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==== ''Atisara'' can be prevented by following measures ====
==== ''Atisara'' can be prevented by following measures ====
#Avoiding causative factors
#Avoiding causative factors
#Strengthening ''agni'' (digestive processes) by following dietary rules
#Strengthening [[agni]] (digestive processes) by following dietary rules
#Observing body purification treatments as per ''prakriti'' and season
#Observing body purification treatments as per [[Prakriti]] and season
==== Current clinical management in [[Ayurveda]] practice ====
==== Current clinical management in [[Ayurveda]] practice ====
*'''Principles of treatment''': ''deepana, grahi, pachana,'' buttermilk
*'''Principles of treatment''': [[deepana]], grahi, [[pachana]], buttermilk
*'''Main drugs''': ''kutaja, ahiphena, bhanga, bhallataka, bilva''
*'''Main drugs''': ''kutaja, ahiphena, bhanga, bhallataka, bilva''
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! scope="col"| ''Anupana''
! scope="col"| ''Anupana''
| rowspan="2"|''Vata'' and ''kapha'' dominant
| rowspan="2"|[[Vata]] and [[kapha]] dominant
| ''Jatiphaladi–bhallataka guti''
| ''Jatiphaladi–bhallataka guti''
| 60-120 mg
| 60-120 mg
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| Buttermilk
| Buttermilk
|''Pitta'' and ''kapha'' dominant
|[[Pitta]] and [[kapha]] dominant
| ''Kutaja kalpa''
| ''Kutaja kalpa''
| 60-120 mg
| 60-120 mg
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| Ricewater with Buttermilk
| Ricewater with Buttermilk
| ''Shatavaryadi kwatha''
| ''Shatavaryadi kwatha''
| 25-40 ml
| 25-40 ml
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A combination of ''musta'' (cyperus rotundus), ''ativisha'' (aconitum heterophyllum), ''kutaja'' (holarrhena antidysenterica), ''chitraka'' (plumbago zeylanica) and ''bilva'' (Aegle marmelos) was found effective in management of ''atisara''.<ref>Sridhar B.N., Gopakumar K., Jaya N. Mustadi yoga-A new preparation for treatment of atisara. Aryavaidyan,10(4).May-July 1997;222-225. </ref>
A combination of ''musta'' (cyperus rotundus), ''ativisha'' (aconitum heterophyllum), ''kutaja'' (holarrhena antidysenterica), ''chitraka'' (plumbago zeylanica) and ''bilva'' (Aegle marmelos) was found effective in management of ''atisara''.<ref>Sridhar B.N., Gopakumar K., Jaya N. Mustadi yoga-A new preparation for treatment of atisara. Aryavaidyan,10(4).May-July 1997;222-225. </ref>
''Kutaja'' is widely used and first preferred drug in management of ''atisara''. It is mainly indicated in conditions of vitiated ''kapha-pitta'' and as a ''sangrahi'' (styptic) and ''shoshana'' (absorbent)(Charak sutra 25/40). In an in-vitro study, sterile double dilution aqueous extract of ''kutaja'' was found effective to inhibit growth of E. coli, staphylococcus aureus, salmonella Typhi.<ref>Shrivastava Niraj, Saxena Varsha. Antibacterial activity of Kutaja(Holarrhena antidysenterica Linn.) in childhood diarrhea:-In vitro study. The Pharma Innovation Journal 2015;4(4):97-99 .</ref> Thus ''kutaja'' can be used for all purpose in management of ''atisara''.
''Kutaja'' is widely used and first preferred drug in management of ''atisara''. It is mainly indicated in conditions of vitiated [[kapha]]-[[pitta]] and as a ''sangrahi'' (styptic) and ''shoshana'' (absorbent)(Charak sutra 25/40). In an in-vitro study, sterile double dilution aqueous extract of ''kutaja'' was found effective to inhibit growth of E. coli, staphylococcus aureus, salmonella Typhi.<ref>Shrivastava Niraj, Saxena Varsha. Antibacterial activity of Kutaja(Holarrhena antidysenterica Linn.) in childhood diarrhea:-In vitro study. The Pharma Innovation Journal 2015;4(4):97-99 .</ref> Thus ''kutaja'' can be used for all purpose in management of ''atisara''.
Nitin Salve and Debendranath Mishra studied the botanical identification of plants described in text Madhava chikitsa for the treatment of diarrhea.<ref>Nitin Salve, Debendranath Mishra. Botanical identification of plants described in text Madhava chikitsa for the treatment of diarrhoea. Anc Sci Life.2016 Apr-Jun:35(4):195-200 </ref>
Nitin Salve and Debendranath Mishra studied the botanical identification of plants described in text Madhava chikitsa for the treatment of diarrhea.<ref>Nitin Salve, Debendranath Mishra. Botanical identification of plants described in text Madhava chikitsa for the treatment of diarrhoea. Anc Sci Life.2016 Apr-Jun:35(4):195-200 </ref>
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The conditions like ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, acute diarrhea are considered under the umbrella of ''atisara''.
The conditions like ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, acute diarrhea are considered under the umbrella of ''atisara''.
In a study on 43 patients of ulcerative colitis, Patel observed 80% reduction in signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis by Ayurvedic treatment. The treatment included ''udumbara kwatha'' combination of ''lodhra, musta, nagakeshara,mukta panchamrita rasa, kutaja ghana vati'' and ''udumbara kwatha basti''. It also highlighted disease modifying effect and reduction in use of steroidal drugs in the patients. <ref>Patel M.V.,Patel K.B., Gupta S.N. Effects of Ayurvedic treatment on forty three patients of ulcerative colitis. AYU,Oct-Dec 2010,31(4), 478-481.</ref>
In a study on 43 patients of ulcerative colitis, Patel observed 80% reduction in signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis by Ayurvedic treatment. The treatment included ''udumbara kwatha'' combination of ''lodhra, musta, nagakeshara,mukta panchamrita rasa, kutaja ghana vati'' and udumbara kwatha [[basti]]. It also highlighted disease modifying effect and reduction in use of steroidal drugs in the patients. <ref>Patel M.V.,Patel K.B., Gupta S.N. Effects of Ayurvedic treatment on forty three patients of ulcerative colitis. AYU,Oct-Dec 2010,31(4), 478-481.</ref>
A study found that a combination of ''nagarmotha'' (Cyperus rotundus L.), ''indrayava'' (Holarrhena antidysenterica (L.) Wall.), ''nagakeshara'' (Mesua ferrea L.), ''madhuyashti'' (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.), and ''amalaki'' (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) powders, along with ''dadimashtaka choorna, shankha bhasma, mustarista'' and ''dhanyapanchaka kvatha'' showed significant response in case of ''pravahika'' (irritable bowel syndrome). <ref>Pooja BA, Bhatted S. Ayurvedic management of Pravahika – A case report. Ayu 2015;36:410-2. </ref>
A study found that a combination of ''nagarmotha'' (Cyperus rotundus L.), ''indrayava'' (Holarrhena antidysenterica (L.) Wall.), ''nagakeshara'' (Mesua ferrea L.), ''madhuyashti'' (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.), and ''amalaki'' (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) powders, along with ''dadimashtaka choorna, shankha bhasma, mustarista'' and ''dhanyapanchaka kvatha'' showed significant response in case of ''pravahika'' (irritable bowel syndrome). <ref>Pooja BA, Bhatted S. Ayurvedic management of Pravahika – A case report. Ayu 2015;36:410-2. </ref>