'''A:''' Bhutagni works like a vehicle. Bhutagni carries the fuel (food) to the tissues ([[dhatu]]). The fuel is filled in a vehicle (body gut) only when it is empty (hungry state). If we overfill the tank (gut) beyond its capacity, it leads to engine dysfunction (agni vaishamya). Likewise, when there is excess body fluid (kleda) formation, aap bhutagni becomes less. In this condition, the diet control and medicines advised should work on aap mahabhutaagni. The water intake must be restricted. The astringent medicines should be given as they have kledashoshana (drying) and [[stambhana]] (obstructing) property. | '''A:''' Bhutagni works like a vehicle. Bhutagni carries the fuel (food) to the tissues ([[dhatu]]). The fuel is filled in a vehicle (body gut) only when it is empty (hungry state). If we overfill the tank (gut) beyond its capacity, it leads to engine dysfunction (agni vaishamya). Likewise, when there is excess body fluid (kleda) formation, aap bhutagni becomes less. In this condition, the diet control and medicines advised should work on aap mahabhutaagni. The water intake must be restricted. The astringent medicines should be given as they have kledashoshana (drying) and [[stambhana]] (obstructing) property. |