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|title=Nidana Sthana
|keywords=Nidana Sthana,Jwara Nidana, Raktapitta Nidana, Gulma Nidana, Prameha Nidana, Kushtha Nidana, Shosha Nidana, Unmada Nidana, Apasmara Nidana
|description=The section Nidana Sthana deals with principles of diagnosis of diseases. The term Nidana is applied for knowing the origin of disease (vyadhijanaka) and comprehensive information of disease (vyadhibodhaka).
|image_alt=charak samhita
The section Nidana Sthana deals with principles of diagnosis of diseases. The term Nidana is applied for knowing the origin of disease (vyadhijanaka) and comprehensive information of disease (vyadhibodhaka). <ref> Chakrapani commentary on [[Jwara Nidana]] Cha.Ni.1/2</ref>
The section Nidana Sthana deals with principles of diagnosis of diseases. The term Nidana is applied for knowing the origin of disease (vyadhijanaka) and comprehensive information of disease (vyadhibodhaka). <ref> Chakrapani commentary on [[Jwara Nidana]] Cha.Ni.1/2</ref>