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Created page with "It means theory of natural destruction. ==Original reference== जायन्ते हेतुवैषम्याद्विषमा देहधातवः| हे..."
It means theory of natural destruction.

==Original reference==

जायन्ते हेतुवैषम्याद्विषमा देहधातवः| हेतुसाम्यात् समास्तेषां स्वभावोपरमः सदा||२७||
प्रवृत्तिहेतुर्भावानां न निरोधेऽस्ति कारणम्| केचित्तत्रापि मन्यन्ते हेतुं हेतोरवर्तनम्||२८||

Discordance of the causative factors results in disequilibrium of the tissue elements ([[dhatu]]) of the body. Conversely, concordance of tissue elements is restored by means of restoring the concordance of causative factors. However, the resolution / destruction of the existing always happens naturally in the course of time. [[Chikitsaprabhritiya Adhyaya#Swabhavoparama vada (theory of natural destruction)|(Cha.Su.16/27-28)]]


The theory of natural destruction was first proposed by Punarvasu Atreya while answering a query of Maitreya.