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Destruction of memory is a sign of patient of Unmada due to affliction of Pishacha((a class of demons).(Cha.Chi.9/20)
Destruction of memory is a sign of patient of Unmada due to affliction of Pishacha((a class of demons).(Cha.Chi.9/20)
===Sign of Kardama visarpa===
कफपित्तं प्रकुपित्तं बलवत् स्वेन हेतुना|
विसर्पत्येकदेशे तु प्रक्लेदयति देहिनम्||३७||
तद्विकाराः शीतज्वरः -------च भवति सञ्ज्ञास्मृतिहन्ता च; तं कर्दमविसर्पपरीतमचिकित्स्यं विद्यात्||३८||
Loss of memory is observed secondary to Kardama visarpa. (Cha.Chi.21/38)
===Utility of Smruti in treatment===
===Utility of Smruti in treatment===