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Smruti is defined as capacity of remembering the objective experiential knowledge.(Cha.Su.1/58)  
Smruti is defined as capacity of remembering the objective experiential knowledge.(Cha.Su.1/58)  
आयुर्वेददीपिका व्याख्या (चक्रपाणिदत्त कृत): स्मृतिः अतीतार्थविषयज्ञानं
Smruti is defined as the real knowledge of previous subjects/experiences happened in past. (Cha.Chi.9/3) 
===One of characteristic of Brahma and Yamya Sattva===
===One of characteristic of Brahma and Yamya Sattva===
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One shall always follow and remember good experiential knowledge for preserving mental health. (Cha.Su.7/58)
One shall always follow and remember good experiential knowledge for preserving mental health. (Cha.Su.7/58)
===Treatment for Atattvabhinivesha===
सुहृदश्चानुकूलास्तं स्वाप्ता धर्मार्थवादिनः|
संयोजयेयुर्विज्ञानधैर्यस्मृतिसमाधिभिः ||६३||
The patient suffering from Atattvabhinivsha shall be treated to induce his good memory and live with friends having good scientific and spiritual knowledge. (Cha.Chi.10/63)
===One of the measure for health in this life and after life===  
===One of the measure for health in this life and after life===  
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===Important parameter to assess longevity===
===Important parameter to assess longevity===
इह खलु वर्णश्च स्वरश्च गन्धश्च रसश्च स्पर्शश्च चक्षुश्च श्रोत्रं च घ्राणं च रसनं च स्पर्शनं च सत्त्वं च भक्तिश्च शौचं च शीलं चाचारश्च स्मृतिश्चाकृतिश्च प्रकृतिश्च विकृतिश्च बलं च ग्लानिश्च मेधा च हर्षश्च रौक्ष्यं च स्नेहश्च तन्द्रा चारम्भश्च गौरवं च लाघवं च गुणाश्चाहारश्च विहारश्चाहारपरिणामश्चोपायश्चापायश्च व्याधिश्च व्याधिपूर्वरूपं च वेदनाश्चोपद्रवाश्च च्छाया च प्रतिच्छाया च स्वप्नदर्शनं च दूताधिकारश्च पथि चौत्पातिकं चातुरकुले भावावस्थान्तराणि च भेषजसंवृत्तिश्च [१] भेषजविकारयुक्तिश्चेति परीक्ष्याणि प्रत्यक्षानुमानोपदेशैरायुषः प्रमाणावशेषं जिज्ञासमानेन भिषजा||३||  
इह खलु वर्णश्च स्वरश्च गन्धश्च रसश्च स्पर्शश्च चक्षुश्च श्रोत्रं च घ्राणं च रसनं च स्पर्शनं च सत्त्वं च भक्तिश्च शौचं च शीलं चाचारश्च स्मृतिश्चाकृतिश्च प्रकृतिश्च विकृतिश्च बलं च ग्लानिश्च मेधा च हर्षश्च रौक्ष्यं च स्नेहश्च तन्द्रा चारम्भश्च गौरवं च लाघवं च गुणाश्चाहारश्च विहारश्चाहारपरिणामश्चोपायश्चापायश्च व्याधिश्च व्याधिपूर्वरूपं च वेदनाश्चोपद्रवाश्च च्छाया च प्रतिच्छाया च स्वप्नदर्शनं च दूताधिकारश्च पथि चौत्पातिकं चातुरकुले भावावस्थान्तराणि च भेषजसंवृत्तिश्च [१] भेषजविकारयुक्तिश्चेति परीक्ष्याणि प्रत्यक्षानुमानोपदेशैरायुषः प्रमाणावशेषं जिज्ञासमानेन भिषजा||३||  
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===Disorder of Smruti is important cardinal sign of psychiatric disorders:===  
===Disorder of Smruti is important cardinal sign of psychiatric disorders:===  
====Smruti vibhrama in Unmada(insanity):====
====Smruti vibhrama in Unmada(insanity)====
उन्मादं पुनर्मनोबुद्धिसञ्ज्ञाज्ञानस्मृतिभक्तिशीलचेष्टाचारविभ्रमं [१] विद्यात्||५||
उन्मादं पुनर्मनोबुद्धिसञ्ज्ञाज्ञानस्मृतिभक्तिशीलचेष्टाचारविभ्रमं [१] विद्यात्||५||
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Smruti samplav means abnormal memory function is cardinal sign of Apasmara (epilepsy). (Cha.Ni.8/5)
Smruti samplav means abnormal memory function is cardinal sign of Apasmara (epilepsy). (Cha.Ni.8/5)
==== Sign of Unmada(insanity)====
धीविभ्रमः सत्त्वपरिप्लवश्च पर्याकुला दृष्टिरधीरता च|
अबद्धवाक्त्वं हृदयं च शून्यं सामान्यमुन्मादगदस्य लिङ्गम्||६||
स मूढचेता न सुखं न दुःखं नाचारधर्मौ कुत एव शान्तिम्|
विन्दत्यपास्तस्मृतिबुद्धिसञ्ज्ञो भ्रमत्ययं चेत इतस्ततश्च||७||
Loss of good experiential knowledge i.e. memory is seen in patients of Unmada. (Cha.Chi.9/7)
====Specific sign of Kapha dominant Unmada====
सम्पूरणैर्मन्दविचेष्टितस्य सोष्मा कफो मर्मणि सम्प्रवृद्धः|
बुद्धिं स्मृतिं चाप्युपहत्य चित्तं प्रमोहयन् सञ्जनयेद्विकारम्||१३||
वाक्चेष्टितं मन्दमरोचकश्च नारीविविक्तप्रियताऽतिनिद्रा|
छर्दिश्च लाला च बलं च भुङ्क्ते नखादिशौक्ल्यं च कफात्मकस्य||१४||
The pathogenesis of Kapha dominant Unmada includes the impairment of intellect and memory due to excessively aggravated Kapha dosha associated with ushma(heat of Pitta dosha) at Hridaya marma (heart as vital organ). This leads to various mental dysfunctions in Unmada.(Cha.Chi.9/13)
====Sign of Pishacha unmada====
नग्नं विधावन्तं नैकत्र तिष्ठन्तं दुःखान्यावेदयन्तं नष्टस्मृतिं च पिशाचोन्मत्तं विद्यात्||२०||
Destruction of memory is a sign of patient of Unmada due to affliction of Pishacha((a class of demons).(Cha.Chi.9/20)
===Utility of Smruti in treatment===
===Utility of Smruti in treatment===
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It is one of the treatment measures of mental disorders. The experiential knowledge of good memory can help to uplift the mental strength of the person in case of psychological trauma. In other way, forgetting bad memories is also implied in treatment of mental disorders. These principles are used in psychotherapy. (Cha.Su.1/58)
It is one of the treatment measures of mental disorders. The experiential knowledge of good memory can help to uplift the mental strength of the person in case of psychological trauma. In other way, forgetting bad memories is also implied in treatment of mental disorders. These principles are used in psychotherapy. (Cha.Su.1/58)
===Important quality of mental health professional and psychiatrist===
बुद्धिस्मृतिज्ञानतपोनिवासः पुनर्वसुः प्राणभृतां शरण्यः|
उन्मादहेत्वाकृतिभेषजानि कालेऽग्निवेशाय शशंस पृष्टः||३||
Atreya Punarvasu has been attributed with the highest qualities of intellect, memory and knowledge while he narrated the chapter on Unmada(insanity). This shows that a health care provider dealing with the mental health, psychiatric disease possess highest intellectual strength and memory in order to treat the patient. (Cha.Chi.9/3)
===Sign of curing Unmada===
घृतमांसवितृप्तं वा निवाते स्थापयेत् सुखम्|
त्यक्त्वा मतिस्मृतिभ्रंशं सञ्ज्ञां लब्ध्वा प्रमुच्यते [१] ||७८||
Regaining original memory is sign of cure from Unmada(insanity). (Cha.Chi.9/78)
===An important pre-requisite for administration of Kuti praveshik Rasayana===
===An important pre-requisite for administration of Kuti praveshik Rasayana===
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The memory can be improved by following measures.
The memory can be improved by following measures.
===Medicines and Treatments used to improve memory===
===Treatments used to improve memory and its disorders===
====Principles of treatment of memory disorders associated with Unmada=====
उन्मादे वातजे पूर्वं स्नेहपानं विशेषवित्|
कुर्यादावृतमार्गे तु सस्नेहं मृदु शोधनम्||२५||
कफपित्तोद्भवेऽप्यादौ वमनं सविरेचनम्|
स्निग्धस्विन्नस्य कर्तव्यं शुद्धे संसर्जनक्रमः||२६||
निरूहं स्नेहबस्तिं च शिरसश्च विरेचनम्|
ततः कुर्याद्यथादोषं तेषां भूयस्त्वमाचरेत्||२७||
हृदिन्द्रियशिरःकोष्ठे संशुद्धे वमनादिभिः|
मनःप्रसादमाप्नोति स्मृतिं सञ्ज्ञां च विन्दति||२८||
शुद्धस्याचारविभ्रंशे तीक्ष्णं नावनमञ्जनम्|
ताडनं च मनोबुद्धिदेहसंवेजनं [१] हितम्||२९||
यः सक्तोऽविनये [२] पट्टैः संयम्य सुदृढैः सुखैः|
अपेतलोहकाष्ठाद्ये संरोध्यश्च तमोगृहे||३०||
तर्जनं त्रासनं दानं हर्षणं सान्त्वनं भयम्|
विस्मयो विस्मृतेर्हेतोर्नयन्ति प्रकृतिं मनः||३१||
प्रदेहोत्सादनाभ्यङ्गधूमाः पानं च सर्पिषः|
प्रयोक्तव्यं मनोबुद्धिस्मृतिसञ्ज्ञाप्रबोधनम्||३२||
The principles of treatment of Unmada are applied in treatment of memory disorders:
#In case of dominance of Vata dosha:
*Intake of oils and ghritas (sneha) substance
* If there is obstruction in channels, mild unctuous evacuatives in small quantities should be administered.
#If the insanity is caused by kapha and pitta
* therapeutic emesis and purgation after unction and sudation.
*Post- evacuation dietetic regimen (gradually from lighter to heavier diet as per prescribed procedure)
*Non-unctuous (niruha) and unctuous (anuvasana) enema
*nasal errhines (shiro-virechana)
By the administration of these therapeutic measures, heart, sense organs, head and bowels (koshtha) get cleansed as a result of which the mind gets refreshed and the patient regains memory as well as consciousness.
Even after the completion of above cleansing procedure, if the abnormal behaviour persists, the application of irritant snuffing, collyrium and beating should be done, which are useful for stimulating his mind, intellect and body.
One who is non-submissive and strong in physique, should be bound with firm and soft cotton bandage and should be confined in a dark room free from irons rods, wooden pieces etc.
Verbal teasing or threatening/shouting with anger (tarjana), terrorizing (trasanam), gifts /donations(danam), gladdening and exhilaration(harshanam), consolation (santwanam), frightening(bhayam) and astonishing/exhibition of surprising acts (vismaya) restore the mind to normalcy by diverting it and counteracting the causes of loss of memory.
The patients suffering from unmada should be administered thick ointment (pradeha), anointing (utsadana), massage (abhyanga), fumigation (dhuma) and intake of ghee to arouse mind, intellect, memory and consciousness. (Cha.Chi.9/24-32)
====Benefits of Rasayana====
====Benefits of Rasayana====
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The formulation told by Indra can give strength to memory. (Cha.Chi.1/4/24)
The formulation told by Indra can give strength to memory. (Cha.Chi.1/4/24)
====Mahapaishachika ghrita====
महापैशाचिकं नाम घृतमेतद्यथाऽमृतम्|
बुद्धिस्मृतिकरं चैव बालानां चाङ्गवर्धनम्||४८||
इति महापैशाचिकं घृतम्|
Mahapaishachika ghrita is indicated in memory disorders associated with Unmada (insanity). (Cha.Chi.9/48)
====Apatarpana (fasting) can improve memory====
====Apatarpana (fasting) can improve memory====
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The diet leading to apatarpana (emaciation) can improve memory. Fasting can improve memory. (Cha.Su.23/24)
The diet leading to apatarpana (emaciation) can improve memory. Fasting can improve memory. (Cha.Su.23/24)
===Effect of flesh of tortoise:===
====Effect of flesh of tortoise====
मेधास्मृतिकरः पथ्यः शोषघ्नः कूर्म उच्यते|  
मेधास्मृतिकरः पथ्यः शोषघ्नः कूर्म उच्यते|