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==[[Sutra Sthana]] Chapter 2: ==
==([[Sutra Sthana]] Chapter 2, Chapter on the Dehusked Seeds of ''Apamarga'') ==
Apamarga Tanduliya Adhyaya
(Chapter on the Dehusked Seeds of Apamarga)
Apamarga tanduliya or the “dehusked seeds of Apamarga”, is the second chapter within Bheshaja (medicinal treatment) chatushka (tetrad constituting four chapters) of [[Sutra Sthana]] After reading this chapter, the student of Ayurveda would understand the practical application of bio-purificatory drugs and dietary preparations for purificatory measures to preserve health and treatment of diseases.  
Key words: Apamarga tanduliya, dehusked seeds, shirovirechana, vamana, virechana, yavagu kalpana (gruel), purification therapies.  
''Apamarga tanduliya'' or the “dehusked seeds of Apamarga”, is the second chapter within ''Bheshaja'' (medicinal treatment) ''Chatushka'' (tetrad constituting four chapters) of [[Sutra Sthana]] After reading this chapter, the student of Ayurveda would understand the practical application of bio-purificatory drugs and dietary preparations for purificatory measures to preserve health and treatment of diseases.  
'''Keywords''': ''Apamarga tanduliya'', dehusked seeds, shirovirechana, vamana, virechana, yavagu kalpana (gruel), purification therapies.  
The aim of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of a healthy individual and cure of diseases. Purificatory procedures (such as panchakarma, or five purificatory procedures) play a pivotal role to protect and promote the health of the individual.  In the previous chapter of ‘Dirghamjiviiyam’, plants with therapeutic qualities (in their roots and fruits particularly) have been described as means to purification therapy. The present chapter on ‘Apamargatanduliya’ is written with a view to enumerate the remaining drugs that are useful for various bio-purificatory procedures, along with an explanation of their properties and the objectives of those procedures. It has been named as Apamarga tanaduliya to stress that the dehusked seeds of Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera), rather than husked ones, are to be prescribed for therapeutic purposes. In addition to the bio-purificatory procedures, this chapter also explains the need for post-purification dietary regimen (samsarjana karma) to be followed in order to re-kindle agni (digestive powers). From the standpoint of the samsarjana karma, this chapter emphasizes on the importance of gruels to eradicate specific diseases and re-kindle jatharagni (digestive powers) and provides detailed descriptions and procedures for yavagukalpana (preparation of yavagu, or a special form of gruel). Among these yavagu, some are ahara pradhana (or diet-centric), while others are aushadha pradhana (medication-centric).  
The aim of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of a healthy individual and cure of diseases. Purificatory procedures (such as panchakarma, or five purificatory procedures) play a pivotal role to protect and promote the health of the individual.  In the previous chapter of ‘Dirghamjiviiyam’, plants with therapeutic qualities (in their roots and fruits particularly) have been described as means to purification therapy. The present chapter on ‘Apamargatanduliya’ is written with a view to enumerate the remaining drugs that are useful for various bio-purificatory procedures, along with an explanation of their properties and the objectives of those procedures. It has been named as Apamarga tanaduliya to stress that the dehusked seeds of Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera), rather than husked ones, are to be prescribed for therapeutic purposes. In addition to the bio-purificatory procedures, this chapter also explains the need for post-purification dietary regimen (samsarjana karma) to be followed in order to re-kindle agni (digestive powers). From the standpoint of the samsarjana karma, this chapter emphasizes on the importance of gruels to eradicate specific diseases and re-kindle jatharagni (digestive powers) and provides detailed descriptions and procedures for yavagukalpana (preparation of yavagu, or a special form of gruel). Among these yavagu, some are ahara pradhana (or diet-centric), while others are aushadha pradhana (medication-centric).  
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