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tatpratyanIkauShadhasamprayuktAn sarvatra bastIn pravibhajya yu~jjyAt  ||35||
tatpratyanIkauShadhasamprayuktAn sarvatra bastIn pravibhajya yu~jjyAt  ||35||
In those patients suffering from diseases caused due to hotness, the cooling type of enema (i.e. prepared with drugs of cold nature and not much warm) should be given and in those affected with diseases caused due to increased coldness the warm enema (i.e. prepared with drugs of hot nature and slightly warm temperature) should be given. In all cases, different types of enema containing ingredients having attributes opposite to that of etiological factors of the disease should be administered. (35)
In those patients suffering from diseases caused due to hotness, the cooling type of enema (i.e. prepared with drugs of cold nature and not much warm) should be given and in those affected with diseases caused due to increased coldness the warm enema (i.e. prepared with drugs of hot nature and slightly warm temperature) should be given. In all cases, different types of enema containing ingredients having attributes opposite to that of etiological factors of the disease should be administered. [35]
Contra-indications of unctuous enema:
==== Contra-indications of unctuous enema ====
न बृंहणीयान् विदधीत बस्तीन् विशोधनीयेषु गदेषु वैद्यः|  
न बृंहणीयान् विदधीत बस्तीन् विशोधनीयेषु गदेषु वैद्यः|  
कुष्ठप्रमेहादिषु मेदुरेषु नरेषु ये चापि विशोधनीयाः||३६||  
कुष्ठप्रमेहादिषु मेदुरेषु नरेषु ये चापि विशोधनीयाः||३६||  
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kuShThapramehAdiShu medureShu nareShu ye cApi vishodhanIyAH||36||
kuShThapramehAdiShu medureShu nareShu ye cApi vishodhanIyAH||36||
In diseases those are indicated for purification, kushtha (obstinate skin diseases), prameha (obstinate urinary diseases), sthaulya (obesity) etc. nourishing type of enema should not be given. (36)  
In diseases those are indicated for purification, ''kushtha'' (obstinate skin diseases), ''prameha'' (obstinate urinary diseases), ''sthaulya'' (obesity) etc. nourishing type of enema should not be given. [36]
Contra-indications of decoction type of enema:
==== Contra-indications of decoction type of enema ====
क्षीणक्षतानां न विशोधनीयान्न शोषिणां नो भृशदुर्बलानाम्|  
क्षीणक्षतानां न विशोधनीयान्न शोषिणां नो भृशदुर्बलानाम्|  
न मूर्च्छितानां न विशोधितानां येषां च दोषेषु निबद्धमायुः||३७||  
न मूर्च्छितानां न विशोधितानां येषां च दोषेषु निबद्धमायुः||३७||  
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na mUrcchitAnAM na vishodhitAnAM yeShAM ca doSheShu nibaddhamAyuH||37||  
na mUrcchitAnAM na vishodhitAnAM yeShAM ca doSheShu nibaddhamAyuH||37||  
Evacuating type of enema should not be given to the patients suffering from weakness, severely wounded, emaciation, extreme debility, fainting, to those who have already undergone the process of purification, and to those whose life is dependent upon the holding up of dosha (morbid matter). (37)
Evacuating type of enema should not be given to the patients suffering from weakness, severely wounded, emaciation, extreme debility, fainting, to those who have already undergone the process of purification, and to those whose life is dependent upon the holding up of ''dosha'' (morbid matter). [37]
Importance of basti therapy:
==== Importance of ''basti'' therapy ====
शाखागताः कोष्ठगताश्च रोगा मर्मोर्ध्वसर्वावयवाङ्गजाश्च|  
शाखागताः कोष्ठगताश्च रोगा मर्मोर्ध्वसर्वावयवाङ्गजाश्च|  
ये सन्ति तेषां न हि कश्चिदन्यो वायोः परं जन्मनि हेतुरस्ति||३८||  
ये सन्ति तेषां न हि कश्चिदन्यो वायोः परं जन्मनि हेतुरस्ति||३८||  
विण्मूत्रपित्तादिमलाशयानां  विक्षेपसङ्घातकरः स यस्मात्|  
विण्मूत्रपित्तादिमलाशयानां  विक्षेपसङ्घातकरः स यस्मात्|  
तस्यातिवृद्धस्य शमाय नान्यद्बस्तिं विना भेषजमस्ति किञ्चित्||३९||  
तस्यातिवृद्धस्य शमाय नान्यद्बस्तिं विना भेषजमस्ति किञ्चित्||३९||  
तस्माच्चिकित्सार्धमिति ब्रुवन्ति सर्वां चिकित्सामपि बस्तिमेके|४०|  
तस्माच्चिकित्सार्धमिति ब्रुवन्ति सर्वां चिकित्सामपि बस्तिमेके|४०|  
śākhāgatāḥ kōṣṭhagatāśca rōgā marmōrdhvasarvāvayavāṅgajāśca|  
śākhāgatāḥ kōṣṭhagatāśca rōgā marmōrdhvasarvāvayavāṅgajāśca|  
yē santi tēṣāṁ na hi kaścidanyō vāyōḥ paraṁ janmani hēturasti||38||  
yē santi tēṣāṁ na hi kaścidanyō vāyōḥ paraṁ janmani hēturasti||38||  
viṇmūtrapittādimalāśayānāṁ  vikṣēpasaṅghātakaraḥ sa yasmāt|  
viṇmūtrapittādimalāśayānāṁ  vikṣēpasaṅghātakaraḥ sa yasmāt|  
tasyātivr̥ddhasya śamāya nānyadbastiṁ vinā bhēṣajamasti kiñcit||39||  
tasyātivr̥ddhasya śamāya nānyadbastiṁ vinā bhēṣajamasti kiñcit||39||  
tasmāccikitsārdhamiti bruvanti sarvāṁ cikitsāmapi bastimēkē|40|
tasmāccikitsārdhamiti bruvanti sarvāṁ cikitsāmapi bastimēkē|40|
shAkhAgatAH koShThagatAshca rogA marmordhvasarvAvayavA~ggajAshca|  
shAkhAgatAH koShThagatAshca rogA marmordhvasarvAvayavA~ggajAshca|  
ye santi teShAM na hi kashcidanyo vAyoH paraM janmani heturasti||38||  
ye santi teShAM na hi kashcidanyo vAyoH paraM janmani heturasti||38||  
viNmUtrapittAdimalAshayAnAM  vikShepasa~gghAtakaraH sa yasmAt|  
viNmUtrapittAdimalAshayAnAM  vikShepasa~gghAtakaraH sa yasmAt|  
tasyAtivRuddhasya shamAya nAnyadbastiM vinA bheShajamasti ki~jcit||39||  
tasyAtivRuddhasya shamAya nAnyadbastiM vinA bheShajamasti ki~jcit||39||  
tasmAccikitsArdhamiti bruvanti sarvAM cikitsAmapi bastimeke|40|
tasmAccikitsArdhamiti bruvanti sarvAM cikitsAmapi bastimeke|40|