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Now I shall describe about the factors responsible for the origin of the embryo, its definition, composition, consecutive development in the womb, causes of growth, causes of the delayed/late birth, causes of demolition of the embryo in the womb and the causes of the morbidity without absolute demolition. [3]
Now I shall describe about the factors responsible for the origin of the embryo, its definition, composition, consecutive development in the womb, causes of growth, causes of the delayed/late birth, causes of demolition of the embryo in the womb and the causes of the morbidity without absolute demolition. [3]
Factors responsible for origin of embryo:
==== Factors responsible for origin of embryo ====
मातृतः पितृत आत्मतः सात्म्यतो रसतः सत्त्वत इत्येतेभ्यो भावेभ्यः समुदितेभ्यो गर्भः सम्भवति|  
मातृतः पितृत आत्मतः सात्म्यतो रसतः सत्त्वत इत्येतेभ्यो भावेभ्यः समुदितेभ्यो गर्भः सम्भवति|  
तस्य ये येऽवयवा यतो यतः सम्भवतः सम्भवन्ति तान् विभज्य मातृजादीनवयवान् पृथक् पृथगुक्तमग्रे||४||  
तस्य ये येऽवयवा यतो यतः सम्भवतः सम्भवन्ति तान् विभज्य मातृजादीनवयवान् पृथक् पृथगुक्तमग्रे||४||  
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The unification of sperm, ovum and the soul in the womb is designated as garbha (embryo). [5]
The unification of sperm, ovum and the soul in the womb is designated as garbha (embryo). [5]
Composition of embryo:
==== Composition of embryo ====
गर्भस्तु खल्वन्तरिक्षवाय्वग्नितोयभूमिविकारश्चेतनाधिष्ठानभूतः|  
गर्भस्तु खल्वन्तरिक्षवाय्वग्नितोयभूमिविकारश्चेतनाधिष्ठानभूतः|  
एवमनया युक्त्या पञ्चमहाभूतविकारसमुदायात्मको गर्भश्चेतनाधिष्ठानभूतः; स ह्यस्य षष्ठो धातुरुक्तः||६|
एवमनया युक्त्या पञ्चमहाभूतविकारसमुदायात्मको गर्भश्चेतनाधिष्ठानभूतः; स ह्यस्य षष्ठो धातुरुक्तः||६|
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evamanayA yuktyA pa~jcamahAbhUtavikArasamudAyAtmako garbhashcetanAdhiShThAnabhUtaH; sa hyasyaShaShTho dhAturuktaH||6||  
evamanayA yuktyA pa~jcamahAbhUtavikArasamudAyAtmako garbhashcetanAdhiShThAnabhUtaH; sa hyasyaShaShTho dhAturuktaH||6||  
Garbha (embryo) is produced by the five mahabhutas, i.e. akasha,vayu, agni, jala and prithvi and associated with the consciousness (chetana). It represents the combination of five mahabhutas and is also a holder of consciousness.  Thus, the chetana constitutes the sixth dhatu and is responsible also for the formation of garbha (embryo).[6]
Garbha (embryo) is produced by the five mahabhutas, i.e. akasha,vayu, agni, jala and prithvi and associated with the consciousness (chetana). It represents the combination of five mahabhutas and is also a holder of consciousness.  Thus, the chetana constitutes the sixth dhatu and is responsible also for the formation of garbha (embryo).[6]
Development of embryo in the womb:
==== Development of embryo in the womb ====
यया चानुपूर्व्याऽभिनिर्वर्तते कुक्षौ तां व्याख्यास्यामः- गते पुराणे रजसि नवे चावस्थिते शुद्धस्नातांस्त्रियमव्यापन्नयोनिशोणितगर्भाशयामृतुमतीमाचक्ष्महे|  
यया चानुपूर्व्याऽभिनिर्वर्तते कुक्षौ तां व्याख्यास्यामः- गते पुराणे रजसि नवे चावस्थिते शुद्धस्नातांस्त्रियमव्यापन्नयोनिशोणितगर्भाशयामृतुमतीमाचक्ष्महे|  
तया सह तथाभूतया यदा पुमानव्यापन्नबीजो मिश्रीभावं गच्छति, तदा तस्य हर्षोदीरितः परः शरीरधात्वात्माशुक्रभूतोऽङ्गादङ्गात् सम्भवति|  
तया सह तथाभूतया यदा पुमानव्यापन्नबीजो मिश्रीभावं गच्छति, तदा तस्य हर्षोदीरितः परः शरीरधात्वात्माशुक्रभूतोऽङ्गादङ्गात् सम्भवति|  
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sa tathA harShabhUtenAtmanodIritashcAdhiShThitashca [4] bIjarUpo dhAtuHpuruShasharIrAdabhiniShpattyocitena pathA garbhAshayamanupravishyArtavenAbhisaMsargameti||7||  
sa tathA harShabhUtenAtmanodIritashcAdhiShThitashca [4] bIjarUpo dhAtuHpuruShasharIrAdabhiniShpattyocitena pathA garbhAshayamanupravishyArtavenAbhisaMsargameti||7||  
Now,  the order in which the embryo develops in  the womb is being explained. After the discharge of menstrual blood and the formation of fresh blood begins, a woman attains the ritumati (state of fertility) provided she has had bath and her genital tract, ovum and uterus are in normal condition. When a man with his unimpaired sperms cohabits with such a woman, his semen which constitutes the essence of the body tissues, comes out driven by orgasm. The semen consisting of sperms motivated by the orgasm is ejaculated from the body of the man and reaches the uterus through the genital tract. Finally, the sperm unites with the ovum. [7]
Now,  the order in which the embryo develops in  the womb is being explained. After the discharge of menstrual blood and the formation of fresh blood begins, a woman attains the ritumati (state of fertility) provided she has had bath and her genital tract, ovum and uterus are in normal condition. When a man with his unimpaired sperms cohabits with such a woman, his semen which constitutes the essence of the body tissues, comes out driven by orgasm. The semen consisting of sperms motivated by the orgasm is ejaculated from the body of the man and reaches the uterus through the genital tract. Finally, the sperm unites with the ovum. [7]
तत्र पूर्वं चेतनाधातुः सत्त्वकरणो  गुणग्रहणाय प्रवर्तते; स हि हेतुः कारणं निमित्तमक्षरं कर्ता मन्ता वेदिता बोद्धा द्रष्टा धाताब्रह्मा विश्वकर्मा विश्वरूपः पुरुषः प्रभवोऽव्ययो नित्यो गुणी ग्रहणं प्रधानमव्यक्तं जीवो ज्ञः पुद्गलश्चेतनावान् विभुर्भूतात्माचेन्द्रियात्मा चान्तरात्मा चेति|  
तत्र पूर्वं चेतनाधातुः सत्त्वकरणो  गुणग्रहणाय प्रवर्तते; स हि हेतुः कारणं निमित्तमक्षरं कर्ता मन्ता वेदिता बोद्धा द्रष्टा धाताब्रह्मा विश्वकर्मा विश्वरूपः पुरुषः प्रभवोऽव्ययो नित्यो गुणी ग्रहणं प्रधानमव्यक्तं जीवो ज्ञः पुद्गलश्चेतनावान् विभुर्भूतात्माचेन्द्रियात्मा चान्तरात्मा चेति|  
स गुणोपादानकालेऽन्तरिक्षं पूर्वतरमन्येभ्यो गुणेभ्य उपादत्ते, यथा- प्रलयात्यये सिसृक्षुर्भूतान्यक्षरभूत आत्मा सत्त्वोपादानःपूर्वतरमाकाशं सृजति, ततः क्रमेण व्यक्ततरगुणान् धातून् वाय्वादिकांश्चतुरः; तथा देहग्रहणेऽपि प्रवर्तमानःपूर्वतरमाकाशमेवोपादत्ते, ततः क्रमेण व्यक्ततरगुणान् धातून् वाय्वादिकांश्चतुरः|  
स गुणोपादानकालेऽन्तरिक्षं पूर्वतरमन्येभ्यो गुणेभ्य उपादत्ते, यथा- प्रलयात्यये सिसृक्षुर्भूतान्यक्षरभूत आत्मा सत्त्वोपादानःपूर्वतरमाकाशं सृजति, ततः क्रमेण व्यक्ततरगुणान् धातून् वाय्वादिकांश्चतुरः; तथा देहग्रहणेऽपि प्रवर्तमानःपूर्वतरमाकाशमेवोपादत्ते, ततः क्रमेण व्यक्ततरगुणान् धातून् वाय्वादिकांश्चतुरः|  
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First of all the chetana dhatu (consciousness) i.e. the soul endowed with mind proceeds for taking hold of qualities. This chetana (consciousness) is known as hetu (associated cause), karaṇa (non-constituent cause), nimitta (competent cause), akshara (the everlasting one), karta (the means), manta (the thinker), vedita (the knower), boddha (the intelligent one),  drashta (the prophet), dhata (the supporter), brahma (the creator), vishwakarma (the builder of the universe/fetus), vishvarupa (taking universal form), purusha (lying in the body), prabhava (the source of origin), avyaya (the immutable) nitya (the eternal) guni (the receptacle of mahabhutas), grahana (receiver), pradhana (the foremost), avyakta (the unmanifested one), jiva (the lively one), jna (the mindful one), pudgala (the ego), chetnavan (one having consciousness), vibhu (omnipresent), bhutatma (pragmatic soul), indriyatma (essence of sense organs) and antaratma (inner soul).  Thus, the soul, at the time of beholding the qualities first of all, creates akasha in the same way as after complete obliteration of entire universe, the God of creation, Brahma created akasha with the support of mind followed by creation of other four elements vayu etc. which have higher degrees of materialistic qualities sequentially. In the same way, the soul, desirous of creating same events in the body, first of all, unites with the akasha and then with other four bhutas whose attributes are more and more manifested sequentially. All these actions take place in a very short time. (anu kala).[8]
First of all the chetana dhatu (consciousness) i.e. the soul endowed with mind proceeds for taking hold of qualities. This chetana (consciousness) is known as hetu (associated cause), karaṇa (non-constituent cause), nimitta (competent cause), akshara (the everlasting one), karta (the means), manta (the thinker), vedita (the knower), boddha (the intelligent one),  drashta (the prophet), dhata (the supporter), brahma (the creator), vishwakarma (the builder of the universe/fetus), vishvarupa (taking universal form), purusha (lying in the body), prabhava (the source of origin), avyaya (the immutable) nitya (the eternal) guni (the receptacle of mahabhutas), grahana (receiver), pradhana (the foremost), avyakta (the unmanifested one), jiva (the lively one), jna (the mindful one), pudgala (the ego), chetnavan (one having consciousness), vibhu (omnipresent), bhutatma (pragmatic soul), indriyatma (essence of sense organs) and antaratma (inner soul).  Thus, the soul, at the time of beholding the qualities first of all, creates akasha in the same way as after complete obliteration of entire universe, the God of creation, Brahma created akasha with the support of mind followed by creation of other four elements vayu etc. which have higher degrees of materialistic qualities sequentially. In the same way, the soul, desirous of creating same events in the body, first of all, unites with the akasha and then with other four bhutas whose attributes are more and more manifested sequentially. All these actions take place in a very short time. (anu kala).[8]
Development in first month:
==== Development in first month ====
स सर्वगुणवान् गर्भत्वमापन्नः प्रथमे मासि सम्मूर्च्छितः सर्वधातुकलुषीकृतः  खेटभूतो भवत्यव्यक्तविग्रहःसदसद्भूताङ्गावयवः||९||  
स सर्वगुणवान् गर्भत्वमापन्नः प्रथमे मासि सम्मूर्च्छितः सर्वधातुकलुषीकृतः  खेटभूतो भवत्यव्यक्तविग्रहःसदसद्भूताङ्गावयवः||९||  
sa sarvaguṇavān garbhatvamāpannaḥ prathamē māsi sammūrcchitaḥ sarvadhātukaluṣīkr̥taḥ khēṭabhūtō bhavatyavyaktavigrahaḥ sadasadbhūtāṅgāvayavaḥ||9||  
sa sarvaguṇavān garbhatvamāpannaḥ prathamē māsi sammūrcchitaḥ sarvadhātukaluṣīkr̥taḥ khēṭabhūtō bhavatyavyaktavigrahaḥ sadasadbhūtāṅgāvayavaḥ||9||  
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In the first month of gestation the soul possessing all the qualities, gets amalgamated with all the dhatus, to form khetabhuta (semisolid, sticky substance) in which all the body parts are not manifested inspite of their presence in explicated or non-explicated form. [9]  
In the first month of gestation the soul possessing all the qualities, gets amalgamated with all the dhatus, to form khetabhuta (semisolid, sticky substance) in which all the body parts are not manifested inspite of their presence in explicated or non-explicated form. [9]  
Features in second month:
==== Features in second month ====
द्वितीये मासि घनः सम्पद्यते पिण्डः  पेश्यर्बुदं वा|  
द्वितीये मासि घनः सम्पद्यते पिण्डः  पेश्यर्बुदं वा|  
तत्र घनः पुरुषः, पेशी स्त्री, अर्बुदं नपुंसकम्||१०||  
तत्र घनः पुरुषः, पेशी स्त्री, अर्बुदं नपुंसकम्||१०||  
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During the second month of gestation, the embryo takes the form of solid mass. If it takes oval shape, then the born child would be a male, if it takes elongated shape, the female child will be born, and in the case of tumor shaped (round and elevated) mass, the hermaphrodite. [10]
During the second month of gestation, the embryo takes the form of solid mass. If it takes oval shape, then the born child would be a male, if it takes elongated shape, the female child will be born, and in the case of tumor shaped (round and elevated) mass, the hermaphrodite. [10]
Features in third month:
==== Features in third month ====
तृतीये मासि सर्वेन्द्रियाणि सर्वाङ्गावयवाश्च यौगपद्येनाभिनिर्वर्तन्ते||११||  
तृतीये मासि सर्वेन्द्रियाणि सर्वाङ्गावयवाश्च यौगपद्येनाभिनिर्वर्तन्ते||११||  
tr̥tīyē māsi sarvēndriyāṇi sarvāṅgāvayavāśca yaugapadyēnābhinirvartantē||11||  
tr̥tīyē māsi sarvēndriyāṇi sarvāṅgāvayavāśca yaugapadyēnābhinirvartantē||11||