Page history
19 November 2018
→Management of dosha dominance in vishamajwara
→Management of karnamulika shotha (inflammatoion near the root of the ears)
→Guidelines for management in sannipata conditions
→Guidelines for improving agni (digestive strength)
→Contra-indications of langhana
→Indications of fomentation for alleviating cold
→Agurvadya tailam
→Guidelines for a patient with burning sensation
→Chandanadya taila
→External applications
→Indications of shiro-virechana (nasal errhines)
→Medicated enemas
→Formulations with medicated milk
→Formulations used in purification therapies
→Various medicated ghee formulations
→Various medicated ghee formulations
18 November 2018
→Advantage of ghee
→Formulations used in sannipata jwara
→Kashaya in vishama jwara
→Contra-indications in jwara
→Indication of animal meat soups
→Ten types of yavagu (gruel) in jwara
→Various dietary articles used in treatment
→Various external procedures
→Indications of niruha (enema with decoction)
→Indications and contra-indications of ghrita
→Contra-indications of kashaya (astringents)
→Guidelines for diet, mouth cleansing and tooth brush
→Contra-indications of yavagu
→Post vamana protocol
→Hazards of improper vamana (therapeutic emesis)
→Various drinks for management of thirst
→Benefits of langhana (fasting) in jwara
→Clinical features of Ama Jwara (first stage of jwara)
→General patho-physiology of jwara
→Abhishangaja, abhishapaja and abhicharaja jwara
→Abhighataja jwara (due to injury or trauma)
→Prognosis of sannipata jwara
→Sannipataja jwara
→Clinical features of jwara due to combination of two dosha
→Dhatugata jwara
→Cause of alterations in jwara episodes
→Five types of jwara as per frequency
→Prognosis of jwara
→Prakrita jwara(seasonal jwara)
→Features of internal and external jwara
→Clinical features of somatic and psychic jwara
→Cardinal feature
→Sites of jwara