Page history
14 January 2020
→Viparitarthakari chikitsa (contradictory treatment)
→Viparitarthakari chikitsa (contradictory treatment)
→Viparitarthakari chikitsa (contradictory treatment)
9 January 2020
→Satmya (adaptability) as per habitat
→Satmya (adaptability) as per habitat
→Kala (season, state and time)
→Signs of complete digestion
→Ten slots of consuming medicines
→Ten slots of consuming medicines
→Ten slots of consuming medicines
→Treatment of diseases due to vitiated breast milk
→Treatment of diseases due to vitiated breast milk
→Treatment of diseases due to vitiated breast milk
→Treatment of diseases due to vitiated breast milk
→Treatment of diseases due to vitiated breast milk
→Treatment of diseases due to vitiated breast milk
→Kala (season, state and time)
→Kala (season, state and time)
→Signs of kapha vitiation in breast milk and baby
→Signs of kapha vitiation in breast milk and baby
→Signs of pitta vitiation in breast milk and baby
→Causes of Stanya dushti (abnormal breast milk)
→Management of udavarta and mahayoni yonivyapat
→Management of udavarta and mahayoni yonivyapat
→General guidelines for basti medication in dosha dominance
→General guidelines for basti medication in dosha dominance
→Putraghni yonivyapat
→Viparitarthakari chikitsa (contradictory treatment)
→Satmya (adaptability) as per habitat
8 January 2020
→Circadian rhythm of dosha disorders
→Kala (season, state and time)
→Signs of complete digestion
→Relation between time of administration and type of vitiated vata dosha
→Ten slots of consuming medicines
→Ten slots of consuming medicines
→Factors to be considered for medicine administration
→Contributors to the treatise
→Principles of management in pediatrics
→Treatment of diseases due to vitiated breast milk
→Treatment of diseases due to vitiated breast milk
→Signs of kapha vitiation in breast milk and baby
→Signs of pitta vitiation in breast milk and baby
→Signs of pitta vitiation in breast milk and baby
→Signs of vata vitiation in breast milk and baby
→Causes of Stanya dushti (abnormal breast milk)
→Treatment of pradara
→Sannipataja Pradara
→Pitta dominant pradara
→Vata dominant pradara