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=== Glossary ===
=== Glossary ===
Prakriti (prakRuti; प्रकृति) - the nature of the disease
*Prakriti (prakRuti; प्रकृति) - the nature of the disease
Pravritti (pravRutti; प्रवृत्ति ) – the origin of the disease
*Pravritti (pravRutti; प्रवृत्ति ) – the origin of the disease
Prabhava (prabhAva; प्रभाव) – the manifestation of the disease
*Prabhava (prabhAva; प्रभाव) – the manifestation of the disease
Adhishthana (Adhiśthāna; अधिष्ठानं) - place of manifestation of the disease, or the place of residing or the location
*Adhishthana (Adhiśthāna; अधिष्ठानं) - place of manifestation of the disease, or the place of residing or the location
Atma Lakshana (Ātma lakṡaṇa; आत्मलक्षण) - clinical features which are invariably associated with this disease
*Atma Lakshana (Ātma lakṡaṇa; आत्मलक्षण) - clinical features which are invariably associated with this disease
Vimunchatah (vimu~jcataH ; विमुञ्चतः) - getting cured,  
*Vimunchatah (vimu~jcataH ; विमुञ्चतः) - getting cured,  
Prashant (prashAnta ; प्रशान्त ) - being alleviated
*Prashant (prashAnta ; प्रशान्त ) - being alleviated
Aahuti (āhūtī ; आहूती)  - pouring of ghee and other substances considered sacred in the sacrificial fire
*Aahuti (āhūtī ; आहूती)  - pouring of ghee and other substances considered sacred in the sacrificial fire
Yagya (Yajña; यज्ञ ) - Ritual of sacrifice in which sacrifices are made in a small holy fire along with hymn chanting
*Yagya (Yajña; यज्ञ ) - Ritual of sacrifice in which sacrifices are made in a small holy fire along with hymn chanting
Parigraha (parigraha;  परिग्रह) - Feeling of attachment and greed
*Parigraha (parigraha;  परिग्रह) - Feeling of attachment and greed
Sheela (shIla; शील) – the general behavior and conduct of the person
*Sheela (shIla; शील) – the general behavior and conduct of the person
Saumya (saumya; सौम्य) – one in a modest form, not very fierce, in context of jwara it is the kind of jwara which is predominated by kapha dosha or is cold in nature
*Saumya (saumya; सौम्य) – one in a modest form, not very fierce, in context of jwara it is the kind of jwara which is predominated by kapha dosha or is cold in nature
Agneya (āgneya; आग्नेय) – predominated by heat or pitta dosha
*Agneya (āgneya; आग्नेय) – predominated by heat or pitta dosha
Antarvegi (antarvegi; अन्तर्वेगी)- that which is presenting with more features of doshas circulating within the body tissues, more related to koshtha; is diffic ult to treat.
*Antarvegi (antarvegi; अन्तर्वेगी)- that which is presenting with more features of doshas circulating within the body tissues, more related to koshtha; is diffic ult to treat.
Bahirvegi (Bahirvegi; बहिर्वेगो) – the form in which the doshas are circulating in the shakha and hence the features are more evident
*Bahirvegi (Bahirvegi; बहिर्वेगो) – the form in which the doshas are circulating in the shakha and hence the features are more evident
Prakrita (prAkRut; प्राकृत) – the one which is natural; here it means dosha aggravation occuring naturally according to the seasons  
*Prakrita (prAkRut; प्राकृत) – the one which is natural; here it means dosha aggravation occuring naturally according to the seasons  
Vaikrita (vaikRuta; वैकृत)- unseasonal, the aggravation of dosha in a time which is not its natural aggravating time.  
*Vaikrita (vaikRuta; वैकृत)- unseasonal, the aggravation of dosha in a time which is not its natural aggravating time.  
Nishpratyaneeka (niShpratyanIka; निष्प्रत्यनीक) - having no opponent or which can’t be inhibited. The doshās involved in the the manifestation of santata type of jwara are very similar in property to the season (kāla), dhātūs (dushya), and the physical constitution of the patient (prakṛtī) due to which it is having no opponent
*Nishpratyaneeka (niShpratyanIka; निष्प्रत्यनीक) - having no opponent or which can’t be inhibited. The doshās involved in the the manifestation of santata type of jwara are very similar in property to the season (kāla), dhātūs (dushya), and the physical constitution of the patient (prakṛtī) due to which it is having no opponent
Suduhsah (suduHsahaH; सुदुःसहः )- that which is unbearable.
*Suduhsah (suduHsahaH; सुदुःसहः )- that which is unbearable.
Sapratyaneeka (sapratyanIka; सप्रत्यनीक) – that which can be counteracted.
*Sapratyaneeka (sapratyanIka; सप्रत्यनीक) – that which can be counteracted.
Gatabalaah (gatabalAH; गतबलाः) -  losing one’s strength; here the doshas after aggravation present with the clinical features and in that case the doshās get consumed and lose their strength
*Gatabalaah (gatabalAH; गतबलाः) -  losing one’s strength; here the doshas after aggravation present with the clinical features and in that case the doshās get consumed and lose their strength
Shookai (shUkai; शूकै ) - sharp edged thorns or bristles like the covering of the cereals  
*Shookai (shUkai; शूकै ) - sharp edged thorns or bristles like the covering of the cereals  
Paridagdha (paridagdhA; परिदग्धा) - the tongue of the patient appears burn’t (blackish) at the margins
*Paridagdha (paridagdhA; परिदग्धा) - the tongue of the patient appears burn’t (blackish) at the margins
Kharasparsha - (kharasparshA; खरस्पर्शा ) is rough in touch
*Kharasparsha - (kharasparshA; खरस्पर्शा ) is rough in touch
Srastaangata (srastA~ggatA; स्रस्ताङ्गता) - excessive prostration
Srastaangata (srastA~ggatA; स्रस्ताङ्गता) - excessive prostration
Bhuta (bhUta; भूत) - evil spirits or germs
*Bhuta (bhUta; भूत) - evil spirits or germs
Abhichaara (abhicAra; अभिचार) - evil tāntric rituals
*Abhichaara (abhicAra; अभिचार) - evil tāntric rituals
(AbhishAp; अभिशापा) – curse or bad spell
*(AbhishAp; अभिशापा) – curse or bad spell
Tandra (tandrA; तन्द्रा) - drowsiness
*Tandra (tandrA; तन्द्रा) - drowsiness
Moha (moha; मोह ) – increased attachment such as lust,  unconsciousness,
*Moha (moha; मोह ) – increased attachment such as lust,  unconsciousness,
Pralaapa (pralApa; प्रलाप) -  delirium
*Pralaapa (pralApa; प्रलाप) -  delirium
Vibaddha (Vibaddha; विबद्ध) - obstruction or non – elimination
*Vibaddha (Vibaddha; विबद्ध) - obstruction or non – elimination
Vyaamishra (vyAmishra; व्यामिश्र) – that which is of mixed type
*Vyaamishra (vyAmishra; व्यामिश्र) – that which is of mixed type
yogavāhī (yogavAhi; योगवाहि) – one which accentuates the properties of others
*yogavāhī (yogavAhi; योगवाहि) – one which accentuates the properties of others
jwarasyAmasya ( jwarasyAmasya; र्ज्वरस्यामस्य) -  The āma jwara or the first stage of jwara in which the body is predominated by dosha having ama.
*jwarasyAmasya ( jwarasyAmasya; र्ज्वरस्यामस्य) -  The āma jwara or the first stage of jwara in which the body is predominated by dosha having ama.
Pachyamaanasya (pacyamAnasya; पच्यमानस्य)  the stage of fevers in which the ama is being digested, resultantly the obstruction of the srotasas gets relieved and the features start presenting in a more bahirvegi manner
*Pachyamaanasya (pacyamAnasya; पच्यमानस्य)  the stage of fevers in which the ama is being digested, resultantly the obstruction of the srotasas gets relieved and the features start presenting in a more bahirvegi manner
Niraama jwara (nirAmajwara; निरामज्वर) – the condition when the patient’s body becomes free from the āma
*Niraama jwara (nirAmajwara; निरामज्वर) – the condition when the patient’s body becomes free from the āma
Ashtaaho (aShTAho; अष्टाहो ) - the 8th day of the fever when usually the body becomes free from the effect of ama  
*Ashtaaho (aShTAho; अष्टाहो ) - the 8th day of the fever when usually the body becomes free from the effect of ama  
Kashaaya (kaShAya; कषाय) - medicines having astringent taste
*Kashaaya (kaShAya; कषाय) - medicines having astringent taste
Vijwara (Vijwara; विज्वर) -  jwara subsides
*Vijwara (Vijwara; विज्वर) -  jwara subsides
Anupasthita doshanam (anupasthitadoShANAM;  अनुपस्थितदोषाणां) - the doshās have not reached the stage of utklesha (verge of coming out) and thus are not presenting themselves for being removed out of the body.
*Anupasthita doshanam (anupasthitadoShANAM;  अनुपस्थितदोषाणां) - the doshās have not reached the stage of utklesha (verge of coming out) and thus are not presenting themselves for being removed out of the body.
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