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###Tiktarasa dravyas, effective for amashaya (stomach)
###Tiktarasa dravyas, effective for amashaya (stomach)
###Arjuna, effective for hridaya (heart)
###Arjuna, effective for hridaya (heart)
Varnya (complexion promoting): Drugs that are useful in the maintenance and improvement of natural body complexion are called varnya. Bhrajaka pitta situated in the skin is responsible for the complexion of the skin. These drugs (e.g., chandana, ushira, manjishtha, sariva etc.) pacify bhrajaka pitta and improve the complexion, and therefore are used  in cosmetics .
#Varnya (complexion promoting): Drugs that are useful in the maintenance and improvement of natural body complexion are called varnya. Bhrajaka pitta situated in the skin is responsible for the complexion of the skin. These drugs (e.g., chandana, ushira, manjishtha, sariva etc.) pacify bhrajaka pitta and improve the complexion, and therefore are used  in cosmetics .
2.9. Kanthya (beneficial for throat and voice): Drugs which alleviate defect in the vocal cord and restore the normalcy of voice are called kanthya or svarya. Disorders of throat are considered tridoshaja (since all the doshas are vitiated in these disorders), however vata and kapha are predominant. Therefore, vata-kapha pacifying drugs are beneficial in alleviating throat disorders and improving voice.
#Kanthya (beneficial for throat and voice): Drugs which alleviate defect in the vocal cord and restore the normalcy of voice are called kanthya or svarya. Disorders of throat are considered tridoshaja (since all the doshas are vitiated in these disorders), however vata and kapha are predominant. Therefore, vata-kapha pacifying drugs are beneficial in alleviating throat disorders and improving voice.
2.10. Hridya (cardiac tonic): The ten hridya drugs are generally mildly sour tasting and liked by most people. The word hridya denotes that which is beneficial to the heart (cardiac tonic) i.e. arjuna, gold. etc.
#Hridya (cardiac tonic): The ten hridya drugs are generally mildly sour tasting and liked by most people. The word hridya denotes that which is beneficial to the heart (cardiac tonic) i.e. arjuna, gold. etc.
3.11. Truptighna (anti-satiety): Trupti (satiety) is a specific disorder of kapha in which feeling of fullness or bloatedness is experienced. The drugs of this group are mostly pungent and bitter tasting.
#Truptighna (anti-satiety): Trupti (satiety) is a specific disorder of kapha in which feeling of fullness or bloatedness is experienced. The drugs of this group are mostly pungent and bitter tasting.
3.12. Arshodhna (anti-hemorrhoids): These drugs alleviate the cause of doshas of arsha (haemorrhoids) are called arshoghna.  
#Arshodhna (anti-hemorrhoids): These drugs alleviate the cause of doshas of arsha (haemorrhoids) are called arshoghna.  
3.13. Kushthaghna (anti-dermatosis): These drugs mainly pacify the vitiation of blood and alleviate skin disorders and are called kushthaghna. Most of the drugs of this group act as vyadhipratyanika (anti-disease) but this property is also gauged by the prabhava (specific potency) of a drug. Khadira is an example of a kushthaghna (alleviating skin diseases).
#Kushthaghna (anti-dermatosis): These drugs mainly pacify the vitiation of blood and alleviate skin disorders and are called kushthaghna. Most of the drugs of this group act as vyadhipratyanika (anti-disease) but this property is also gauged by the prabhava (specific potency) of a drug. Khadira is an example of a kushthaghna (alleviating skin diseases).
3.14. Kandughna (anti-pruritic): These drugs alleviate itching and therefore are called kandughna. Aggravated kapha localized to skin or membrane produces itching (kandu). Thus, the drug is effective in pacifying kapha and is very effective in keeping the skin healthy.
#Kandughna (anti-pruritic): These drugs alleviate itching and therefore are called kandughna. Aggravated kapha localized to skin or membrane produces itching (kandu). Thus, the drug is effective in pacifying kapha and is very effective in keeping the skin healthy.
3.15. Krumighna (anthelmintic or vermicidal): The drugs that destroy external and internal worms and expel them out of the body are termed krumighna. These have been classified into two groups by their mode of action:  
#Krumighna (anthelmintic or vermicidal): The drugs that destroy external and internal worms and expel them out of the body are termed krumighna. These have been classified into two groups by their mode of action:  
a. Antahkrumighna (wormicidal) –Drugs that destroy worms (especially those residing in the intestines) - either by killing them or rendering them immobile.
##Antahkrumighna (wormicidal) –Drugs that destroy worms (especially those residing in the intestines) - either by killing them or rendering them immobile.
b. Bahyakrumighna (affecting external microbes)  
##Bahyakrumighna (affecting external microbes)  
3.16. Vishaghna (antidote for poison): Drugs eliminating the toxic effects of visha (poison) are called vishaghna.
#Vishaghna (antidote for poison): Drugs eliminating the toxic effects of visha (poison) are called vishaghna.
4.17. Stanyajanana (galactogogue): The sweet essence of rasa dhatu that reaches the breast from entire body is stanya (breast milk). In the process of breast milk formation and secretion, emotions and affection of the mother for the baby play an important role. Drugs that enhance the production and secretion of breast milk are called 'stanyajanana'.
#Stanyajanana (galactogogue): The sweet essence of rasa dhatu that reaches the breast from entire body is stanya (breast milk). In the process of breast milk formation and secretion, emotions and affection of the mother for the baby play an important role. Drugs that enhance the production and secretion of breast milk are called 'stanyajanana'.
4.18. Stanyashodhana (galacto-purifiers): Vitiated doshas reaching the breast vitiate the breast milk by affecting the rasa, rakta, mamsa dhatus. The drugs that alleviate these disorders are known as stanyashodhana.
#Stanyashodhana (galacto-purifiers): Vitiated doshas reaching the breast vitiate the breast milk by affecting the rasa, rakta, mamsa dhatus. The drugs that alleviate these disorders are known as stanyashodhana.
4.19. Shukrajanana (semen promoting): The drugs that promote or enhance production of shukra (semen) are called shukrajanana, or shukrala. Shukra is liquid, unctuous, sweet, smelling like honey, cold, and slimy by nature. These drugs also possess properties similar to those of shukra, thus aiding and enhancing the  formation of shukra. This group includes seven medicines of the jivaniya class.
#Shukrajanana (semen promoting): The drugs that promote or enhance production of shukra (semen) are called shukrajanana, or shukrala. Shukra is liquid, unctuous, sweet, smelling like honey, cold, and slimy by nature. These drugs also possess properties similar to those of shukra, thus aiding and enhancing the  formation of shukra. This group includes seven medicines of the jivaniya class.
4.20. Shukrashodhana (semen purifiers): These drugs eliminate the disorders of semen and purify it.                               
#Shukrashodhana (semen purifiers): These drugs eliminate the disorders of semen and purify it.                               
Drugs that assist or aid in evacuative therapies are called 'upaga'. Besides the medications described above, there are snehopaga (sneha + upaga) and swedopaga (sweda + upaga) medicines are used for purvakarma (precleansing procedure) while the rest find use in [[Panchakarma]] procedures.  
Drugs that assist or aid in evacuative therapies are called 'upaga'. Besides the medications described above, there are snehopaga (sneha + upaga) and swedopaga (sweda + upaga) medicines are used for purvakarma (precleansing procedure) while the rest find use in [[Panchakarma]] procedures.  
5.21. Snehopaga (aiding in oleation):  This group of drugs help to promote unctuousness are called 'snehopaga'. These are useful for internal oleation in cases of dryness produced in channels.  
#Snehopaga (aiding in oleation):  This group of drugs help to promote unctuousness are called 'snehopaga'. These are useful for internal oleation in cases of dryness produced in channels.  
5.22. Swedopaga (aiding in diaphoresis/sudation): These drugs are helpful in diaphoresis/sudations and are termed as 'swedopaga'. These are indicated to remove impurities through sweat.  
#Swedopaga (aiding in diaphoresis/sudation): These drugs are helpful in diaphoresis/sudations and are termed as 'swedopaga'. These are indicated to remove impurities through sweat.  
5.23. Vamanopaga (aiding in emesis): These drugs help in the process of therapeutic emesis and avoid complications and are called 'vamanopaga'.
#Vamanopaga (aiding in emesis): These drugs help in the process of therapeutic emesis and avoid complications and are called 'vamanopaga'.
5.24. Virecanopaga (aiding in purgation): These drugs are useful during therapeutic purgation and are effective in dealing with complications and mucosal irritation produced by purgatives.
#Virecanopaga (aiding in purgation): These drugs are useful during therapeutic purgation and are effective in dealing with complications and mucosal irritation produced by purgatives.
5.25. Asthapanopaga (aiding in ununctuous enema): Ununctuous enema is generally administered with medicated decoctions for purification of channels and removing obstructions. Due to their “churning” properties, these drugs aid in eliminating the accumulated doshas of channels.
#Asthapanopaga (aiding in ununctuous enema): Ununctuous enema is generally administered with medicated decoctions for purification of channels and removing obstructions. Due to their “churning” properties, these drugs aid in eliminating the accumulated doshas of channels.
5.26. Anuvasanopaga (aiding in unctuous enema): Unctuous enema is generally administered with oil for oleation of channels and improving strength of body.  
#Anuvasanopaga (aiding in unctuous enema): Unctuous enema is generally administered with oil for oleation of channels and improving strength of body.  
5.27. Shirovirechanopaga (supporting in nasal drug delivery): These drugs are useful in removing impurities from organs and channels in the head, neck and supraclavicular regions. These are generally indicated in congestive and suppurative diseases of nose, ear, eyes and head regions.  
#Shirovirechanopaga (supporting in nasal drug delivery): These drugs are useful in removing impurities from organs and channels in the head, neck and supraclavicular regions. These are generally indicated in congestive and suppurative diseases of nose, ear, eyes and head regions.  
6.28. Chardi nigrahna (reduce/check vomiting): Drugs that check emesis and pacify its root cause.  
#Chardi nigrahna (reduce/check vomiting): Drugs that check emesis and pacify its root cause.  
6.29. Trushnánigrahana (reduce thirst/polydypsia): Drugs that pacify excessive thirst.  
#Trushnánigrahana (reduce thirst/polydypsia): Drugs that pacify excessive thirst.  
6.30. Hikkanigrahana (reduce/check hiccups): These drugs check hiccups. Hiccups are caused by vitiated vata and kapha doshas.  
#Hikkanigrahana (reduce/check hiccups): These drugs check hiccups. Hiccups are caused by vitiated vata and kapha doshas.  
7.31. Purishasarugrahaniya (reducing frequency and liquidity of stool): These drugs reduce the frequency of defecation and excessively watery stool.  
#Purishasarugrahaniya (reducing frequency and liquidity of stool): These drugs reduce the frequency of defecation and excessively watery stool.  
7.32. Purishavirajaniya (eliminating the abnormal colour of faces): These drugs eliminate the abnormal colour of faces and convert it into normal state. Mainly ranjaka pitta is responsible for colouring the stool. Therefore, for purishavirajana action mostly pitta pacifying drugs are useful.
#Purishavirajaniya (eliminating the abnormal colour of faces): These drugs eliminate the abnormal colour of faces and convert it into normal state. Mainly ranjaka pitta is responsible for colouring the stool. Therefore, for purishavirajana action mostly pitta pacifying drugs are useful.
7.33. Mutrasarugrahaniya (anti-diuretic): These drugs reduce the frequency of urination in diabetes like conditions. In this group bhallataka has ushna virya (or is hot in potency), which decreases the quantity of urine produced in the bladder. Panchaavalkala reduces the urine output by increasing vata by virtue of sheeta, kashaya and ruksha properties.
#Mutrasarugrahaniya (anti-diuretic): These drugs reduce the frequency of urination in diabetes like conditions. In this group bhallataka has ushna virya (or is hot in potency), which decreases the quantity of urine produced in the bladder. Panchaavalkala reduces the urine output by increasing vata by virtue of sheeta, kashaya and ruksha properties.
7.34. Mutravirajaniya (reducing abnormal colour of urine): These drugs correct abnormality in the colour of urine. Drugs of this group are sheetavirya and pacify pitta.
7.34. Mutravirajaniya (reducing abnormal colour of urine): These drugs correct abnormality in the colour of urine. Drugs of this group are sheetavirya and pacify pitta.
7.35. Mutravirechaniya (diuretic): These drugs increase the flow and formation of urine. In panchabhautika composition jala and agni mahabhutas are predominant, so both sheeta and ushna vírya drugs increase urination.
7.35. Mutravirechaniya (diuretic): These drugs increase the flow and formation of urine. In panchabhautika composition jala and agni mahabhutas are predominant, so both sheeta and ushna vírya drugs increase urination.

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