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== Other diseases ==
== Other diseases ==
<p style="text-align:justify;">Injury to the shiras leads to manyastambha (stiffness of neck), ardita (hemiplegia with facial palsy), chakshuvibhrama (improper movements of eyeball/lesions in sight), moha (a state of confusion), udveshtana (twisting pain in the head), cheshtanasha (loss of body functions), kasa (cough), shwasa (breathlessness), hanugraha (stiffness of jaw), muka (dumbness), gadgada (hoarseness of voice), akshinimilana (ptosis), gandaspandana (twitching in cheek), jrumbhana (excessive yawning), lalasrava (dribbling of saliva), svarahani (aphonia), vadana jihmatva (deviation of face) etc. [Cha. Sa. Siddhi Sthana 9/10]<br/>Acharya Sushruta described eleven types of diseases occurring in head region. [Su. Sa. Uttartantra 25/3-16]</p>
<ol style="text-align:justify;"><li>Vataja —A headache of non-specific aetiology that is markedly aggravated at night and is relieved by pressure and fomentations.</li>
<li>Pittaja—The headache in which the head, eyes, and nose feel burning and fuming and as if they are full of burning charcoal, and which is relieved by cold applications and also at night, is said to originate from vitiated pitta.</li>
<li>Kaphaja—A headache in which the head and throat are felt as if filled with kapha and are characterized by heaviness, stiffness, coldness, and swelling of the orbit and the face.</li>
<li>Sannipātaja - Arising from the combination of all the three doshas shows mixed features of all above types.</li>
<li>Raktaja - Having the characteristics of pittaja headache with hyperaesthesia of the head in addition.</li>
<li>Kshayaja - The decrease of unctuous constituents and kapha in the head, as a result of trauma to the head, produces headache arising from depletion of tissues, which is very severe, causing excruciating pain and is increased by sudation, vomiting, fumigation, snuffing and blood-letting therapies.</li>
<li>Krumija - A person who suffers from a severe pricking headache with a feeling of being eaten up or of something cracking inside and who also has watery discharge from the nose mixed with blood.</li>
<li>Suryavarta - The headache which starts mildly in the regions of the eyes and the eyebrows with the sunrise, gradually gains momentum and increases with the sun (going up) and finally subsides as the sun sets and which is sometimes relieved by cold measures and sometimes by hot measures, is described as suryavarta. It is sannipataja in nature, and is extremely troublesome.</li>
<li>Anantavata - When all the three dosas in a vitiated condition affect the manya and produce severe pain in the back of the neck (ghata) which is particularly referred to the region of eyes, the eyebrows and the temples where it is localised, producing twitching on the sides of the cheek, lock jaw and many other diseases of the eye; such a condition is described as anantavāta.</li>
<li>Ardhavabhedaka - The person who has a severe headache of bursting, pricking and spinning types confined to half of the head only and the attacks tend to come every fortnight, ten days or suddenly (irregularly), is said to have ardhāvabhedaka. It is supposed to be sannipataja in origin.</li>
<li>Shankhaka - The troublesome disease in which exacerbated vata localised to the region of the temples and followed by kapha, pitta and rakta, produces excruciating pain in the head particularly in the temples, is termed shankhaka.</li></ol>
<p style="text-align:justify;">Acharya vagbhatta mentioned about following diseases in shiroroga vigyaniya adhyaya:
Shirastapa, ardhavbhedaka (affecting half of the head), krimija shiro roga,  shira kampa (predominance of vata produces shaking of the head), shankhaka (predominance of pitta, associated with blood causes swelling in the temples along with other symptoms), suryavarta (vata followed by pitta, causes severe throbbing pain in the temples, eye brows and forehead beginning in the head),  upshirshaka (the scalp when in the womb, gets vitiated by vata, develops a swelling of the same colour of the skin and is devoid of pain), pitika, arunshika (eruptions) on the scalp caused due to pitta, blood, kapha and worms, darunaka(caused due to vitiation of kapha and vata produce itching, loss of hair, loss of tactile sensation on the scalp, dryness and causing minute cracks in the skin), indralupta (the pitta present in the hair follicles along with vata makes the hair to fall off while the kapha along with blood blocks the orifices of the hair follicles and there is no growth of new hair), khalita (falling of hair due to vata causes scalp to look as though it has been burnt by fire. These are caused due to vitiation of the pitta studded with a network of veins that are thick and are of the same colour as that of the skin) and palita (the heat of the body provoked by grief, exertion and anger, moving on to the head along with the doshas eliminates the hair color to make them gray). [Ash. hr. Uttar sthana 23/6-29]</p>
== Diseases with headache as clinical feature ==
Shirahshool (Headache) occurs in following conditions also:<br/>Due to suppression of urge of defaecation and sneezing [Cha. Sa. Sutra Sthana 7/8,16]
* Vaataja gulma [Cha. Sa. Nidana Sthana 3/7]
* Vatapitta jwar [Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 3/85]
* Sannipata jwar [Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 3/103]
* Ajeerna [Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 15/45]
* Visuchika [Su. Sa. Uttartantra 56/6]
* Karna pratinaha [Su. Sa. Uttartantra 20/12]
== Diagnostic tools and investigations ==
Following investigations support to diagnose diseases of head region:
# Complete blood count
# X-ray skull
# Electroencephalography (EEG)
# Computerized tomography (CT) scan of head
# Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of brain

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