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Jwara is an important disease. The term ‘Jwara’ implies the ability of a disease to cause anguish to body and mind. [SAT-C.7]<ref>http://namstp.ayush.gov.in/#/sat</ref> This suggests suffering or illness. Based on the similarity in clinical features, Jwara is often considered as fever or pyrexia in medical terminologies. However, according to Ayurveda,the classical description of jwara includes variety of other clinical conditions with or without rise in body temperature. Therefore, fever or hyperpyrexia is considered as only one among the many features of jwara.
Jwara is the commonest clinical condition observed in medical practice either as a primary disease or as a secondary sign owing to other morbidities. Hence it is given prime importance among all diseases. [Cha.Sa. [[Sutra Sthana]] 25/40] Calor (rise in temperature), rubor (redness), dolor(pain), tumor (swelling) are the cardinal signs of inflammation. Pathogenesis of jwara includes change in body temperature, discoloration, aches. Therefore,jwara is also an indicator of inflammatory changes in body.
As per conventional medical literature,the word fever has its etymological basis in Latin, meaning simply ‘heat’, and pyrexia comes from the Greek ‘pyr’, meaning fire or fever.It is caused by pyrogenic and non-pyrogenic conditions. Micro-organisms like bacteria, viruses etc. cause infection and body temperature is raised as an immune response to fight infection. Inflammatory chemicals like prostaglandins, cytokines play key role in pathophysiology of fever.<ref>Walter EJ, Hanna-Jumma S, Carraretto M, Forni L. The pathophysiological basis and consequences of fever. Crit Care. 2016;20(1):200. Published 2016 Jul 14. doi:10.1186/s13054-016-1375-5</ref> 
Considering conventional literature on fever and ayurvedic perspective of jwara, similarities about involvement of thermoregulatory mechanisms are observed in etiopathogenesis and clinical features. However, the treatment measures are different. The conventional measures focus on reducing body temperature and removing the origin of infection using anti-biotic medicines. Ayurveda medical literature emphasizes on strengthening the host immune response or defense mechanism, correcting the equilibrium of body components and preservation of health. 
This article describes general etiology, premonitory features, clinical features, pathogenesis, and management principles of jwara. Classification of the disease is also highlighted. Specific types of jwara like acute stage (navajwara), chronic stage (jeernajwara), irregular pattern (vishamajwara), jwara involving all three [[dosha]] (sannipatajajwara), jwara affecting body components (dhatugatajwara) are dealt in separate articles.
National Ayurveda Morbidity Code:  EC -3
ICD code for relevant condition/DSM code: R50.9 (ICD)
Keywords:Jwara, fever, roga, rise in body temperature, hyperpyrexia, infectious disease, noninfectious diseases in Ayurveda.
*Dietary: Unwholesome food habits,taking meals during indigestion, irregular dietary habits
*Lifestyle: Excessive physical activities, exercise, fatigue, not following the seasonal regimens (ritucharya)
*Psychological: Sudden change in emotional status, grief, excess indulgence in any activity
*Others: Sudden change in season or abnormal climatic conditions, improper or excessive administration of purificatory procedures, trauma, degenerative conditions, infectious diseases, suppurations, exposure to poisonous gases, toxins; improper management of pregnancy, prenatal and postnatal care, abnormal changes in spiritual, lunar, planetary and constellation cosmic energies (nakshatra peeda)[Su.Sa.Uttara Sthana. 39/19-22]<ref name= Susruta> Sushruta. Sushruta Samhita. Edited by Jadavaji Trikamji Aacharya. 8th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia;2005.</ref>
I. Based on origin: 
1. Endogenous (nija) and 2. exogenous (agantu)
1. Endogenous
#[[Vata]][[dosha]] dominant
#[[Pitta]][[dosha]] dominant
#[[Kapha]][[dosha]] dominant
#[[Vata]] [[pitta]][[dosha]] dominant
#[[Pitta]] [[kapha]][[dosha]] dominant
#[[Vata]] [[kapha]][[dosha]] dominant
#[[Vata]] [[pitta]] [[kapha]][[dosha]] dominant [Cha.Sa.[[Nidana Sthana]] 1/17]
2. Exogenous [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/111]
#Owing to injury (abhihataja)
#Owing toemotions like fear, anger (abhishangaja)
#Owing towrongritualsand religious practices (abhicharaja)
#Owing to curse or negative energies (abhishapaja)
II. Based on the severity of symptoms
#Mild/low grade due to dominance of soma (saumya)
#High grade or severe due to dominance of agni(agneya) [Cha.Sa.[[Nidana Sthana]].1/32]
III. Based on site of origin
#Physical or somatic
#Mental or psychic [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/32]
IV. Based on the site of manifestation:
#Internal feeling (antarvegi)
#External features (bahirvegi) [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/33]
V. Based on the time of manifestation
#Unseasonal [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/33]
VI. Based on the prognosis
1. Curable
2. Incurable [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/33]
VII. Based on frequency of episodes [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/34]
It is of 5 types.
#Continuously present (santata)
#Episode once in 24 hours (satata)
#Episode twice in 24 hours (anyedyushka)
#Episodes on every third day (tritiyaka)
#Episodes on every fourth day (chaturthaka)
VIII. Based on affected body tissues (dhatugatajwara)
#Nutritional fluid (rasa)
#Blood (rakta)
#Muscle (mamsa)
#Adipose tissue (meda)
#Bone (asthi)
#Bone marrow (majja)
#Semen/reproductive fluid (shukra)[Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/35]
=Clinical features=
==Premonitory features==
===General premonitory features===
Premonitory features of jwara include abnormal taste in the mouth, heaviness in the body, aversion to food, restless eyes, lacrimation, excessive sleep, restlessness, yawning, bending, shivering, exhaustion (without physical activity), giddiness, delirium, sometimes sleeplessness, horripilation, oversensitive teeth; tolerance and intolerance to sound, cold, wind and heat; anorexia, indigestion, weakness, body-ache, malaise, reduced vitality, mental agitation, lethargy, idleness, lack of natural activities, apathy to daily regimen, disrespect to the words of elders, agitation with children, aversion to doing work, uncomfortable with flowers and perfumes, aversion to sweet edibles, and desirous for sour, salty and pungent things. [Cha.Sa.[[Nidana Sthana]].1/33]
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Table 1: [[Dosha]] specific premonitory features
! Jwara  !! Specific premonitory feature
| | [[Vata]][[dosha]] || Excessive yawning
| | [[Pitta]][[dosha]] || Burning in eyes
| | [[Kapha]][[dosha]] || Dislike for food
[Su.Sa.Uttarasthana.39/27]<ref name=Susruta/>
Exogenous fever (agantuja jwara) manifests directly without any prodromal symptoms. [Cha.Sa.[[Nidana Sthana]].1/30]
==General clinical features==
Absence of perspiration, feeling of heat or raised body temperature and generalized body ache.[Su.Sa.Uttarasthana 39/13]<ref name=Susruta/> Discomfort in body and mind[Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/31], anorexia, morbid thirst and pain in cardiac region. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/26-27]
Features of manasajwara (mental origin): Mental instability (vaichitya), dislike for everything (arati) and feeling of weakness in the body (glani) [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/36]
Features of internal feeling (antarvegi): Excessive burning sensation inside the body, morbid thirst, delirium, dyspnoea, giddiness, pain in bones and joints, absence of sweating, obstruction of [[dosha]] and feces.
Features of external manifestation (bahirvegi): Excessive rise in the body temperature and other features of internal feeling in mild form.
Seasonal manifestation:The seasonal changes cause [[dosha]] aggravation leading to [[kapha]] dominant jwara in spring (vasanta), [[pitta]] dominant jwara in autumn (sharada) and [[vata]] dominant jwara in rains (varsha). These are natural (prakrit) disequilibrium and do not need any treatment. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/42] [A.Hr Nidana Sthana.2/50]<ref name= Hridaya > Vagbhata. Ashtanga Hridayam. Edited by Harishastri Paradkar Vaidya. 1st ed. Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy;2000.</ref>
Severe manifestation with deep affliction of body tissues (gambhiradhatugata): Sensation of internal heat, excess thirst, retention of faeces and flatus, severe dyspnoea and cough. [Su.Sa.Uttarasthana.39/92]<ref name=Susruta/>
==[[Dosha]] specific clinical features==
[[Vata]] dominant jwara:
*Abrupt onset and remission
*Irregular pattern of rise in temperature and severity.
*Increase in post digestive phase and during times of [[vata]] aggravation like evening, early morning, and rains.
*Rough skin
*Greyish discoloration of nails, eyes, face, urine, stool and skin.
*Reduced urination and defecation
*Excessive tearing of nails, etc.
*Debilitating pain radiating from the toe to upper body, with various sensations felt at various parts as the pain travels – numbness in feet, cramps in the calves, looseness in knee joints (and also in all other joints), weakness in thighs, excruciating pain in the waist region, aching in the sides, pressure sensation in back, churning in shoulder, cutting sensation in arms and scapular region and constricting feeling in chest, inability to move the jaws, tinnitus, and piercing pain in the temple region.
*Astringent taste or lack of taste in the mouth (distaste), dryness of mouth, palate and throat; thirst, catching pain (grabbing pain) in the heart, dry vomiting, dry cough, loss of sneezing and eructation, aversion to the taste, salivation, anorexia, diminished digestive power, malaise, increased yawning, bending, shivering, exhaustion, giddiness, delirium, insomnia, horripilation, sensitivity in teeth, and the desire for hot things. [Cha.Sa.[[Nidana Sthana]].1/21]
[[Pitta]] dominant jwara:
*High intensity
*Increase during digestion of meals, midday, mid night or in the autumn season.
*Pungent taste in the mouth, ulceration or inflammation of the nose, mouth, throat, lips and palate, unquenchable thirst,
*Narcosis, giddiness, fainting, vomiting of bile ([[pitta]]), diarrhea, aversion to food, malaise, dejection, delirium, appearance of reddish patches in the body, green or yellow coloration in nails, eyes, mouth, urine, faeces and skin, excessive migraine and burning sensation, desire for cold things.[Cha.Sa.[[Nidana Sthana]].1/22-24]
[[Kapha]] dominant jwara:
*Mild intensity
*Increase after taking meals, forenoon, early night or spring season.
*Heaviness in the body, less desire to eat, excess secretion of phlegm, sweet taste in the mouth, nausea, wrapped feeling in the heart, wheezing, vomiting, mild appetite, excessive sleep or narcolepsy, stiffness, drowsiness, cough, dyspnea, coryza, coldness, whiteness of nails, eyes, face, urine and skin, urticarial patches, desire of hot things and surroundings. [Cha.Sa. [[Nidana Sthana]] 1/27]
[[Vata]] [[pitta]] dominant jwara:
*Desire of cold things [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/37]
*Headache, breaking pain in joints, burning sensation, horripilation, dryness of throat and mouth, nausea, thirst, fainting, giddiness, anorexia, sleeplessness, talkativeness.[Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/85-86]
[[Vata]][[kapha]] dominant jwara:
*Desire of hot things [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]]. 3/37]
*Feeling of cold, heaviness, drowsiness, timidity, pain in joints, feeling of stiffness of head (shirograha), coryza, cough, impaired sweating and moderate rise in temperature. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/86-87]
[[Kapha]] [[Pitta]] dominant jwara:
*Inconsistent sensation of hot and cold
*Frequent increased or decreased sweating, delusions, cough, anorexia, thirst, elimination of phlegm ([[kapha]]) and bile ([[pitta]]), coating and bitterness in the mouth and drowsiness. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/87-88]
Severe manifestation affecting [[ojas]] (hatojasjwara):
Displacement of [[ojas]] due to aggravation of [[vata]] and [[pitta]] [[dosha]]
• Stiffness or rigors in the body, desire to sleep, loss of consciousness, drowsy, delirium, feeling of horripilation, mild rise in temperature associated with body ache. [Su.Sa.Uttarasthana.39/43-44]<ref name=Susruta/>
[[File:[[File:Jwara_samprapti.JPG|500px|'''Image 1: Samprapti of Jwara'''|thumb]]
[Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/ 129-132]  [Su.Sa.Uttarasthana.39/24]<ref name=Susruta/> [A.Hr NidanaSthana 2/3-5]<ref name=Hridaya/>
*[[Dosha]]: [[Pitta]] dominance associated with [[vata]] and [[kapha]]
*[[Dushya]]: Nutritive body fluids ([[Rasa]] [[dhatu]])
*[[Agni]]: Jatharagni
*[[Srotasa]]: Channels of transportation of nutrient fluids and sweat ( rasavaha, swedavaha)
*Site of origin: stomach (amashaya)
*Site of manifestation/clinical presentation: Whole body and mind [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/30]
*Type of pathogenesis: Obstruction (sanga)
*In jwara due to trauma (abhighata), blood (rakta) is the vitiated primarily;
*In jwara due to negative energies (abhishangaja), [[vata]] and [[pitta]] are vitiated
*In jwara due to fascination (abhichara) and wrath (abhishapaja), all [[dosha]] are vitiated. [Cha.Sa.[[Nidana Sthana]].1/30]
=Biomarkers for diagnosis and assessment of efficacy=
Clinical features are observed to diagnose the condition. Changes in body temperature are recorded.
For diagnosis:
*Body temperature above 36.5 – 37.5 degree celsius (97.7 – 99.5 degree fahrenheit)
*Rectal temperature: 37.5 – 38.3 degree celsius (99.5 – 100.9 degree fahrenheit) and above
*Oral temperature: 37.7 degree celsius (99.9 degree fahrenheit) and above
*Axillary temperature: 37.2 degree celsius (99.0 degree fahrenheit) and above
Complete blood count, Urine culture, Widal test, Mantoux test, PCR test, Viral culture, Sputum examination, Chest X-ray etc. These laboratory and radiological investigations are useful in finding causative microorganism and nature of infective agents.  The investigations are done only in severe conditions of disease and weak patients.
===Easily curable (sukhasadhya)===
*External manifestation (bahirvegi) of jwara  [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/41]
*Seasonal manifestation [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/42]
*Jwara in a person with good physical and mental strength, or if caused by the vitiation of lesser amount of [[dosha]] and without any complications. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/50]
===Difficult to cure and poor prognosis===
*Jwara caused by either greater amount of [[dosha]]/ strong etiological factors
*Jwara manifests with multiple clinical features
*Jwara which acutely affects the sense organs.[Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/51-52]
*Severe manifestation, associated with delirium, giddiness and breathlessness causes death of the patient
*Jwara in a weak and emaciated person (kshina), associated with edema (shuna), seated in deeper body tissues (gambhira), severe (balvan) and persistent for long durations (dirgharatrika) are incurable. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/52-53]
*Jwara due to psycho-spiritual factors like allure and wrath is incurable. [Cha.Sa.[[Nidana Sthana]] 1/30]
*Jwara caused by [[vata]][[dosha]] is difficult to treat in any season [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/49] Pittadominant jwara occurring in seasons other than autumn and [[kapha]] dominant jwara occurring in seasons other than spring are difficult to treat. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]] 3/49]
=Objectives of treatment or goals of treatment=
The treatment of jwara is decided after assessment of sama (afflicted with [[ama]]) status of [[dosha]]. In case of afflicted with [[ama]] status, the treatment is to naturally promote digestive and metabolic processes. This changes the status of [[ama]] and pacifies afflicted [[dosha]] resulting in their normal functions.
===In premonitory or preclinical stage===
*Therapeutic fasting and measures to create lightness in body (langhana) is highly effective in early stages of jwara and prevent further progression. [Cha.Sa.[[Nidana Sthana]].1/36]
*If the [[dosha]] are not afflicted with [[ama]], then administration of cow ghee in [[vata]] dominant jwara, mild purgation in [[pitta]] dominant jwara and therapeutic emesis in [[kapha]] dominant jwara are prescribed on observation of premonitory features. [Su.Sa.Uttarasthana 39/97-98]<ref name=Susruta/>
===Principles of management on observation of clinical stage===
The principles of management of jwara include correcting disequilibrium of [[dosha]] and maintaining strength of the host simultaneously. Natural remission through sequential prescription of measures of fasting, fomentation, thin gruel consumption, use of medicines with bitter taste and those promoting digestion is emphasized. [A.Hr Chikitsa Sthana 1/21]<ref name=Hridaya/>
Fasting or lightening therapy ([[langhana]]) is the first line of treatment. It promotes digestion of toxins, produces lightness and alleviates raised body heat.[Su.Sa.Uttara sthana.39/103]<ref name=Susruta/>
Hydration is maintained by advising hot water consumption. Hot water stimulates digestion, disintegrates [[kapha]] and [[ama]], helps in the normal functioning of [[vata]] and [[pitta]], quenches thirst and produces lightness in body. It is helpful in dominance of [[kapha]] and [[vata]][[dosha]]. [Su.Sa.Uttarasthana.39/106-107]<ref name=Susruta/>
These measures are intended to remove obstruction in channels, improve digestion and pacification of vitiated [[dosha]] to their normal state. [A.Hr ChikitsaSthana 1/39]<ref name=Hridaya/>
Suitable dietary regimen for 10 days followed by medicated ghee is advised.[A.Hr ChikitsaSthana 1/82]<ref name=Hridaya/> After improvement and correction of digestion, the diet to improve strength of individual such as meat soup, yusha etc. are advised.
After attaining proper strength, purification therapies to remove toxins and prevent recurrence are prescribed.
Contraindications of fasting:
Fasting is contraindicated in jwara caused by aggravated [[vata]][[dosha]] or by exertion or by traumatic or psychic causes,and in chronic conditions. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/272] [Su.Sa.Uttarasthana.39/102]<ref name=Susruta/>
Contraindications of hot water:
Hot water is contraindicated in conditions occurring due to [[pitta]] [[dosha]], , burning sensation of eyes and whole body; delusion and diarrhoea, poisoning and alcoholic intoxication; in summer season, in emaciation and bleeding disorders.[A.Hr.Chikitsa Sthana.1/14]<ref name=Hridaya/>
If the strength of the individual is normal, then the medicines are administered at a suitable stage and only if required.  The general period for natural remission is one week. If jwara does not subside and deterioration in condition is observed due to acute aggravation of [[pitta]] [[dosha]], then medicines are prescribed.  [Su.Sa.Uttara Sthana.39/119]<ref name=Susruta/>
=Clinical features of remission=
Following features are observed for remission.
Decrease in body temperature and intensity of disease symptoms, lightness in body and proper bowel movements. [Su.Sa.Uttara Sthana.39/115]<ref name=Susruta/>
=Consumption of ghee=
*The disease jwara causes excess dryness and increased heat in the body. This further aggravates [[vata]] and [[pitta]] [[dosha]]. Ghee is administered to pacify [[vata]] and [[pitta]] [[dosha]]. It also nourishes [[dhatu]] and prevents depletion. [Su.Sa.Uttarasthana.39/133]<ref name=Susruta/>
=Administration of milk=
*In chronic stages, if the patient suffers from excessive burning sensation and thirst due to [[vata]] and [[pitta]] [[dosha]], milk is advised.[Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/167-68]
=Indications of pacifying therapy (shamana)=
*If [[dosha]] is in less amount or if patient is emaciated, then [[dosha]] pacifying measures are advised instead of lightning measures. [Su.Sa.Uttara Sthana.39/134]<ref name=Susruta/>
=Indications for meat soup=
*Meat soup is advised if digestive capacity is normal in emaciated and [[vata]] predominant conditions. [Su.Sa.Uttara Sthana.39/136]<ref name=Susruta/> If the patient is not habituated to meat, then black gram soup is advised.
*Medicinal herbs used in jwara: Tinospora cordifolia(guduchi), Zingiber officinale (nagara), Terminalia chebula (haritaki), Fumaria parviflora (parpata), Aconitum ferox (vatsanabha), Piper nigrum (maricha)
*Herbal formulations: Amrutotaram decocotion (kwatha), Guduchyadikwatha, samshamanivati, sudarshanam churna, Amritarista, Pathyadikwatha
*Herbo-mineral formulations: Jwaramurari rasa, Tribhuvanakeertirasa, Anandabhairava rasa, Laxmi vilasa rasa
=[[Panchakarma]] procedures with safety precautions=
Generally, [[panchakarma]] procedures are indicated when the [[dosha]] are free from affliction of [[ama]] state. [Su.Sa.Uttara Sthana.39/124-125]<ref name=Susruta/>
*Fomentation ([[swedana]]): Different fomentation techniques are used judiciously in jwara patients. Mild fomentation by covering the body with thick blanket (guru pravarana) is indicated in initial stage. It clears obstruction in sweat channels and normalizes body temperature. If the patient is experiencing excess cold, rhinitis, dyspnoea, pain in calves, joints and bones,fomentation is indicated. After the elimination of [[dosha]], if residual [[kapha]] and [[vata]][[dosha]] are causing jwara,fomentation and massage is indicated.[Su.Sa.Uttara Sthana.39/319]<ref name=Susruta/>[A.Hr.ChikitsaSthana 1/20]<ref name=Hridaya/>
*Therapeutic emesis ([[vamana]]): If [[kapha]][[dosha]] is in excess aggravated state, emesis is administered. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/227][Su.Sa.Uttara Sthana.39/98]<ref name=Susruta/> It is also indicated in the initial phase, conditions of nausea, excessive salivation, aversion to food, cough, simultaneous occurrence of vomiting and diarrhoea. It is ideal treatment if jwara manifests immediately after meals. [A.Hr.Chikitsa Sthana.1/5]<ref name=Hridaya/>
*Therapeutic purgation: It is prescribed in case of  aggravated [[pitta]] [[dosha]] conditions. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/227] It should be performed only in later stage of of jwara and if jwara does not respond to medicines; provided the patient is having good strength and digestive capacity. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/168-69] If [[dosha]] are free from [[ama]] state and retained in digestive tract (koshtha), purgative medication can be given even in acute stage of fever. [Su.Sa.Uttara Sthana.39/124]<ref name=Susruta/>
*Medicated enema (basti): If the [[dosha]] are lodged in colon (pakwashaya) medicated enemas can be used.[Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/240]
*Intra nasal drug administration ([[nasya]]): Purificatory nasal medication is indicated for chronic conditions with heaviness, headache and impaired sensorium.  [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].1/173-74] If patient feels emptiness of head, have burning sensation, unctuous nasal medication which mitigates [[pitta]] should be administered. [A.Hr.Chikitsa Sthana.3/126]<ref name=Hridaya/>
*Bloodletting ([[raktamokshana]]): If the jwara is not responding to either cold or hot therapies or to unctuous or ununctuous therapies, bloodletting therapy should be performed. Here the [[dosha]] are located in the peripheral tissues, which can be eliminated only through bloodletting. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/289-90]
=Wholesome diet and lifestyle factors=
*Green gram (mudga), lentils (masoora), Bengal gram (chanaka), Trichosanthes cucumerina (patola), Momordica charantia (karavellaka), Moringa oleifera (shigru), Vitis vinifera (draksha), Punica granatum (dadima), hot water, gruel prepared from popped paddy etc. are wholesome in jwara conditions. Physical and mental rest, the seasonal regimen followed in summer is advised.
=Unwholesome diet and lifestyle=
*Diet items that are heavy to digest, unwholesome, mutually contradictory and cause burning sensation (vidahi) are contraindicated in jwara. Sexual intercourse, excessive physical activities,exhaustive works and head bath should be avoided. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/330-32]
=Preventive aspects of recurrence=
*If Jwara is not managed properly, it may recur due to residual [[dosha]]. Therefore, purification or pacification therapy should be done properly to prevent recurrence. A type of decoction enemas like ‘yapana basti’ and mild elimination therapies for the complete evacuation of [[dosha]] are advised to prevent recurrence. [Cha.Sa.[[Chikitsa Sthana]].3/339]
=Clinical features observed during remission of jwara=
*During sudden remission, [[dosha]] undergo acute physiological transformation. Vomiting, increased respiration, profuse perspiration, tremors, delirium, altered state of consciousness are observed. The person expels foul smelling liquid feaces.  [A.Hr NidanaSthana 2/76-78]<ref name=Hridaya/>
=Clinical features after recovery=
*Lightness of head and body, perspiration, slightly pale face with boils, sneezing, desire towards food; [Su.Sa.Uttarasthana.39/318<ref name=Susruta/> absence of exhaustion and discomfort, ulceration in mouth, itching in head and normal functioning of sense organs are observed after recovery from jwara. [A.Hr NidanaSthana 2/79]<ref name=Hridaya/>
=List of research works done=
*Mathew Soosan (1983): Latakaranjabeeja ka VishamaJvarameinkriyatmakaanvekshana,Department of Dravyaguna, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar.
*Dal D K (1981): Vishamajvara (malaria) chikitsatmakaadhyayana, Department of Kayachikitsa and Panchakarma, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar.
*Kishan T (1982): Effect of Bhoomyamalaki in Jvara (w.s.r to vishamajvara), Department of Kaumarabhritya, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar.
*Kashaih M (1983): A study on effect of certain indigenous drug in Vishamajvara, Department of Kaumarabhritya, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar.
*Sarvaiya D B (1987): Dravyavigyana of Bhramara-Challika and its therapeutic effect on Vishamajvara,Department of Dravyaguna, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar.
*Varsha Solanki (1998): A comparative study of Clerodendroninermes and Leucas cephalotes on Vishamajvara, Department of Dravyaguna, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar.
*Sudha Menon (2003): Clinical study of aetio-pathogenesis of AIDS and assessment of the efficacy of IndukantaGhrita on its symptoms Jvara (pyrexia), Department of Roganidan&Vikriti Vigyan, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar.
*Rimpal Virsodiya (2006): Effect of Siddharthakadi Agada in the management of Malaria (Jvara), Department of Kayachikitsa, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar.
*Kapil Lathiya (2014): A study on GomutrabhavitaPippaliw.s.r to its antipyretic and analgesic activity, Department of Dravyaguna Vigyan, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar.
*Shweta R Vekariya (2015): Pharmacological evaluation of Mahanimba (Melia Azedarach Linn.) with special reference to analgesic and antipyrectic activities.Department of Dravyaguna Vigyan, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar.
=Case reports and research updates=
#In a study, 60 vishamajwara patients were selected. Out of which 24 patients were positive for malarial parasite test. The trial drug, Indrayavadi Vati  was given in the dosage of 2-6gm for 7 days. After treatment, complete relief was observed in symptoms like headache, vomiting, nausea and rigors. Malarial parasite test was also negative after the treatment.<ref>Dal D K: Vishamajvara (malaria) chikitsatmakaadhyayana, Department of Kayachikitsa and Panchakarma, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar. MD Thesis, 1981</ref>
#In another study on vishamajwara, 34 patients were treated with Leucas cephalotes (dronapushpi) in the dosage 3 -6 gm for 20 days. Total 76.47% of patients were completely cured.<ref>Kashaih M (1983): A study on effect of certain indigenous drug in Vishamajvara, Department of Kaumarabhritya, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar</ref>
#Powder of Hymenodictyonexcelsum (BhramaraChallika) was given to 25 patients of vishamajwarain a dosage of 2gm thrice a day for 5 – 15 days. This drug is found more effective in anyedyushkajwara than santatajwara.<ref>Sarvaiya D B (1987): Dravyavigyana of Bhramara-Challika and its therapeutic effect on Vishamajvara,Department of Dravyaguna, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar</ref>
#Clerodendroninermes and Leucas cephalotes were given in dosage of 3gm for 10 days. Significant results were obtained on cardinal symptoms of jvara for both these drugs.<ref>Varsha Solanki (1998): A comparative study of Clerodendroninermes and Leucas cephalotes on Vishamajvara, Department of Dravyaguna, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar</ref>
#Total 23 patients with positive peripheral smear test for Plasmodium vivax were selected and treated with Siddharthakadi agada 3gm thrice a day for 1 week. Control group was treated with Chloroquine phosphate and Primaquine. Siddharthakadi agada has provided significant results in reducing the fever, rigor with chill, headache, bodyache, sweating, anorexia, weakness and cough. On comparison the patients treated with Siddharthakadi agada showed better results in controlling anorexia, headache and body ache. Peripheral smear test after seven days of treatment with agada was negative for all patients.<ref>RimpalVirsodiya (2006): Effect of Siddharthakadi Agada in the management of Malaria (Jvara), Department of Kayachikitsa, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar.</ref>
#Powder of leaves and root of Melia AzedaractaLinn.(mahanimba) were administered to experimental models of induced pyrexia in albino rats. Root powder showed better antipyretic effect than leaf powder.<ref>Shweta R Vekariya (2015): Pharmacological evaluation of Mahanimba (Melia Azedarach Linn.) with special reference to analgesic and antipyrectic activities. Department of Dravyaguna Vigyan, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar.</ref>
=Mechanism of action of antipyretic medicines=
Inflammatory mediators released by peripheral mononuclear phagocytes and other immune cells induces fever. Fever inducing cytokines are transported from blood to brain. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the brain is believed to be the principle downstream mediator of fever. Inhibiting the production of PGE2 is a well known mechanism of antipyretics.<ref name=AshokBK>Ashok BK, Ravishankar B, Prajapati PK, Bhat SD. Antipyretic activity of GuduchiGhrita formulations in albino rats. Ayu. 2010 Jul;31(3):367-70. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.77162. PMID: 22131741; PMCID: PMC3221073</ref>
Many drugs are reported to be having antipyretic action. A few of them are decoction and alcoholic extract of amlakyadigana (combination of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. (Amalaki), Terminalia chebulaRetz.(Haritaki), Piper longum L. (Pippali), and Plumbago zeylenica L. (Chitraka);<ref>Timbadiya MJ, Nishteswar K, Acharya R, Nariya MB. Experimental evaluation of antipyretic and analgesic activities of AmalakyadiGana: An Ayurvedic formulation. Ayu. 2015 Apr-Jun;36(2):220-4. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.175554. PMID: 27011727; PMCID: PMC4784136</ref> Aeginetia indica<ref>Reza MS, Jashimuddin M, Ahmed J, Abeer M, Naznin NE, Jafrin S, Haque ME, Barek MA, UdDaula AFMS. Pharmacological investigation of analgesic and antipyretic activities of methanol extract of the whole part of Aeginetia indica. J Ethnopharmacol. 2021 Feb 7;271:113915. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2021.113915. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33567308</ref> , Grapevine leaf extract (Vitis vinifera)<ref>Aouey B, Samet AM, Fetoui H, Simmonds MSJ, Bouaziz M. Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activities of grapevine leaf extract (Vitis vinifera) in mice and identification of its active constituents by LC-MS/MS analyses. Biomed Pharmacother. 2016 Dec;84:1088-1098. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2016.10.033. Epub 2016 Oct 22. PMID: 27780137.</ref> , Cissampelos pareira Linn. , Cyclea peltata<ref>Singh SG, Nishteswar K, Patel BR, Nariya M. Comparative antipyretic and analgesic activities of Cissampelos pareira Linn. and Cycleapeltata (Lam.) Hook. F. & Thomas. Ayu. 2016 Jan-Mar;37(1):62-66. doi: 10.4103/ayu.AYU_208_14. PMID: 28827957; PMCID: PMC5541469</ref>  and Guduchi ghrita.<ref name=AshokBK/>
Controlled clinical trials of these medicines are required to establish their efficacy as treatment option to established anti pyretic drugs.
The treatment objective is not only to reduce body temperature, but also to maintain equilibrium of body components and preserve health.

Latest revision as of 09:16, 15 February 2022

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