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|title=Jimutaka Kalpa Adhyaya
|title=Jimutaka Kalpa Adhyaya
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|keywords=Jimutaka, Vamanakarma, Luffa echinata Roxb, Ayurveda, Indian system of medicine, charak samhita.
|keywords=Jimutaka, Vamanakarma, Luffa echinata Roxb, Ayurveda, Indian system of medicine, charak samhita.
|description=Kalpa Sthana Chapter 2.Pharmaceutical preparations of Jimutaka
|description=Kalpa Sthana Chapter 2.Pharmaceutical preparations of Jimutaka
|image_alt=charak samhita
|image_alt=charak samhita
<big>'''[[Kalpa Sthana]] Chapter 2.Pharmaceutical preparations of Jimutaka'''</big>
<big>'''[[Kalpa Sthana]] Chapter 2.Pharmaceutical preparations of Jimutaka'''</big>
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|label7 = Reviewer  
|label7 = Reviewer  
|data7  = Chavan S., Nishteswar K.
|data7  = Chavan S., Nishteswar K.
|label8 = Editor
|label8 = Editors
|data8  = Nishteswar K., Sawant B.
|data8  = Nishteswar K., Sawant B., [[Yogesh Deole|Deole Y.S.]], [[Gopal Basisht|Basisht G.]]
|label9 = Date of publication  
|label9 = Year of publication  
|data9 = December 17, 2018
|data9 = 2020
|label10 = DOI
|label10 = Publisher
|data10  =
|data10 = [[Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Centre]]
|header3 =  
|label11 = DOI
|data11 = [ 10.47468/CSNE.2020.e01.s07.003]
<p style="text-align:justify;">[[Kalpa Sthana]] of [[Charaka Samhita]] deals with different dosage forms of [[vamana]] (emetics) and [[virechana]] (purgative) drugs along with their therapeutic application in various diseases. Six emetic drugs -  ''Jimutaka'', ''Ikshvaku'', ''Dhamargava'', ''Kutaja'' and ''Kritavedhana'' are described in separate chapters. Dridhabala who redacted [[Kalpa Sthana]] (section on pharmaceutics) has described individual drugs with synonyms. Chakrapani opines that ''Madanaphala'' is relatively safe in comparison to other emetic drugs and rest of the drugs produce more untoward side effects in the ascending order. Fruits and flowers of ''Jimutaka'' are used as emetics and other parts like leaves and branches of this plant are not useful in ''Vamanakarma'' (therapy of emesis).In this chapter, 39 recipes of ''Jimutaka'' processed in various media like milk, alcohol, water etc. are enumerated. In the context of ''vati'' (pill) preparation it is suggested to prepare them in the size of ''Kola'' (1/2 ''tala''-6gm)in comparison to ''Madanaphala'' (in pill form) which can be administered in the quantity of ''Haritaki'' (2 ''tola''), ''Vibhitaki'' (1 ''tola'') and Amalaki (1/2 ''tola''). It appears that ''Jimutaka'' produces emesis relatively in small doses. ''Jimutaka'' is bestowed with ''Tridoshaharakarma'' (curing vitiated conditions of ''Tridosha'') and indicated in the treatment of ''Jwara'' (fever), ''Pittashleshma jwara, Vatapitta jwara, Swasa'' (breathlessness including asthma), ''Hikka'' (Hiccough), ''Arochaka'' (Anorexia), ''Kasa'' (Cough), ''Pandu'' (Anaemia), ''Rajayakshma'' (Wasting diseases) and such other diseases. Drugs like ''Guduchi, Yashti, Kovidara, Karbudara, Nipa, Vidula, Bimbi, Shanapushpi, Sadapushpi, Pratyakpushpi, Nimba, Kutaja, Aragwadha, Swadukantaka'' (''Babbul'' or ''Gokshura''), ''Patha, Gunja, Patala, Murva, Jivaka, Rishabhaka, Ikshu, Shatavari, Madanaphala'' etc. are also incorporated along with ''Jimutaka'' in various formulations. </p>
<div style="text-align:justify;">[[Kalpa Sthana]] of [[Charaka Samhita]] deals with different dosage forms of ''vamana'' (emetics) and ''virechana'' (purgative) drugs along with their therapeutic application in various diseases. Six emetic drugs -  ''Jimutaka'', ''Ikshvaku'', ''Dhamargava'', ''Kutaja'' and ''Kritavedhana'' are described in separate chapters. Dridhabala who redacted [[Kalpa Sthana]] (section on pharmaceutics) has described individual drugs with synonyms. Chakrapani opines that ''Madanaphala'' is relatively safe in comparison to other emetic drugs and rest of the drugs produce more untoward side effects in the ascending order. Fruits and flowers of ''Jimutaka'' are used as emetics and other parts like leaves and branches of this plant are not useful in ''Vamanakarma'' (therapy of emesis).In this chapter, 39 recipes of ''Jimutaka'' processed in various media like milk, alcohol, water etc. are enumerated. In the context of ''vati'' (pill) preparation it is suggested to prepare them in the size of ''Kola'' (1/2 ''tala''-6gm)in comparison to ''Madanaphala'' (in pill form) which can be administered in the quantity of ''Haritaki'' (2 ''tola''), ''Vibhitaki'' (1 ''tola'') and Amalaki (1/2 ''tola''). It appears that ''Jimutaka'' produces emesis relatively in small doses. ''Jimutaka'' is bestowed with ''Tridoshaharakarma'' (curing vitiated conditions of ''Tridosha'') and indicated in the treatment of ''Jwara'' (fever), ''Pittashleshma jwara, Vatapitta jwara, Swasa'' (breathlessness including asthma), ''Hikka'' (Hiccough), ''Arochaka'' (Anorexia), ''Kasa'' (Cough), ''Pandu'' (Anaemia), ''Rajayakshma'' (Wasting diseases) and such other diseases. Drugs like ''Guduchi, Yashti, Kovidara, Karbudara, Nipa, Vidula, Bimbi, Shanapushpi, Sadapushpi, Pratyakpushpi, Nimba, Kutaja, Aragwadha, Swadukantaka'' (''Babbul'' or ''Gokshura''), ''Patha, Gunja, Patala, Murva, Jivaka, Rishabhaka, Ikshu, Shatavari, Madanaphala'' etc. are also incorporated along with ''Jimutaka'' in various formulations.
'''Keywords''': ''Jimutaka, Vamanakarma,'' Luffa echinata Roxb.
'''Keywords''': ''Jimutaka, Vamanakarma,'' Luffa echinata Roxb.
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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
[[Kalpa Sthana]] contains the descriptions of ''Vamaka'' and ''Rechaka'' drugs (Emetics and Purgatives). Six drugs i.e. ''Madanaphala, Jimutaka, Ikshvaku, Dhamargava, Kutaja'' and ''Kritavedhana'' are denoted for emesis while nine drugs namely ''Shyama, Trivrit, Chaturangula, Tilvaka, Mahavrikshaka, Saptala, Sankhini, Danti'' and ''Dravanti'' are described for purgation.  
[[Kalpa Sthana]] contains the descriptions of Vamaka and ''Rechaka'' drugs (Emetics and Purgatives). Six drugs i.e. ''Madanaphala, Jimutaka, Ikshvaku, Dhamargava, Kutaja'' and ''Kritavedhana'' are denoted for emesis while nine drugs namely ''Shyama, Trivrit, Chaturangula, Tilvaka, Mahavrikshaka, Saptala, Sankhini, Danti'' and ''Dravanti'' are described for purgation.  
Atreya formulated 600 emetic and purgative recipes from 15 drugs. Emetic drugs predominantly constituted by ''agni'' and ''vayu mahabhutas''. ''Rechana'' drugs constituted by ''prithvi'' and ''jala mahabhutas''. It is also observed that drugs with these ''panchabhautika'' compositions may not exert either emetic or purgative action and the activity is attributed to general principle of drug action known as ''prabhava''. ''Virya'' (a principle responsible for each and every drug action) is augmented by ''Deshasampat'' (quality of soil in which plant grows), ''Kalasampat'' (Ideal season for collecting the plant), ''Gunasampat'' (enrichment of principles of drug action) and ''Bhajanasampat'' (suitability of storage containers) contributing to maximum therapeutic effect.<ref>Charak. Kalpa Sthana, Cha.1 Madana Kalpa Adhyaya verse 07. In: Ram Karan Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Editors. Charak Samhita.2nd ed. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office;2005. p.6.</ref> Chakrapani comments that container to be used for storing drugs should have ''guna'' (attributes) similar to the stored drugs. Different adjuvants (''anupana'') are required to be used in accordance with ''doshas'' involved in the pathogenesis of disease during the administration of drugs. Recipes are prepared basing on the ''dravya'' (Nature of drug), ''deha'' (Physique), ''dosha'' (factor for causation of diseases), ''prakriti'' (Constitution), ''bala'' (Strength), ''satmya'' (Homologation), ''rogavastha'' (stage of the disease), ''vaya'' (age), ''agni'' (digestive and enzymatic complexes) etc<ref>Charak. Kalpa Sthana, Cha.1 Madana Kalpa Adhyaya verse 12. In: Ram Karan Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Editors. Charak Samhita.2nd ed. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office;2005. p.10.</ref>. Before the administration of emetic therapy ''snehana'' (oral oleation therapy) and ''svedana'' (fomentation) are mandatory. Administered drug first reaches the heart and circulated all over the body through ''dhamani'' (Blood vessels) and liquefy morbid matter (''mala'') and separate it from channels and bring them to ''koshtha''. Emetic and purgative drugs facilitate the expulsion of ''malas'' brought into ''koshtha'' from rest of the body.
Atreya formulated 600 emetic and purgative recipes from 15 drugs. Emetic drugs predominantly constituted by [[agni]] and [[vayu]] [[mahabhutas]]. ''Rechana'' drugs constituted by [[prithvi]] and [[jala]] [[mahabhuta]]. It is also observed that drugs with these ''panchabhautika'' compositions may not exert either emetic or purgative action and the activity is attributed to general principle of drug action known as ''prabhava''. ''Virya'' (a principle responsible for each and every drug action) is augmented by ''Deshasampat'' (quality of soil in which plant grows), ''Kalasampat'' (Ideal season for collecting the plant), ''Gunasampat'' (enrichment of principles of drug action) and ''Bhajanasampat'' (suitability of storage containers) contributing to maximum therapeutic effect.[Cha. Sa. [[Kalpa Sthana]] 1/7]
Drugs for emesis which are ''ushna'' (hot), ''tikshna'' (sharp/penetrating),''sukshma'' (subtle), ''vyavayi'' (pervading), and ''vikashi'' (loosening), by virtue of their own potency (''swa viryena''), reach the heart and circulate throughout the body through vessels. It liquefies the mass of impurities by its ''agneya'' nature (dominance of ''agni mahabhuta'') and due to ''tikshna guna''(penetrating property) separate the adhered ''doshas'' situated in gross and subtle channels of the entire body. Consequently the separated mass floating in the oleated body like honey kept in a fat smeared vessel reaches the stomach because of its nature to move through subtle channels (''anumarga sancharitwat'') and to flow towards gastrointestinal tract (''koshta gamanonmukhatwam''). Because of the predominance of ''agni'' and ''vayu mahabhutas'' in these drugs, their specific action ( due to ''prabhava'') to move upwards and by action of ''udana vata'', the morbid matter gets expelled through the upward tract (mouth)<ref>Charak. Kalpa Sthana, Cha.1 Madana Kalpa Adhyaya verse 05. In: Ram Karan Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Editors. Charak Samhita.2nd ed. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office;2005. p.8,9.</ref>. 
Chakrapani comments that container to be used for storing drugs should have [[guna]] (attributes) similar to the stored drugs. Different adjuvants (''anupana'') are required to be used in accordance with [[dosha]] involved in the pathogenesis of disease during the administration of drugs. Recipes are prepared basing on the dravya (Nature of drug), deha (Physique), [[dosha]] (factor for causation of diseases), [[Prakriti]] (Constitution), bala(Strength), [[satmya]](Homologation), rogavastha(stage of the disease), vaya(age), [[agni]](digestive and enzymatic complexes) etc.[ Cha. Sa. [[Kalpa Sthana]]1/12].
Before the administration of emetic therapy [[snehana]] (oral oleation therapy) and [[swedana]] (fomentation) are mandatory. Administered drug first reaches the heart and circulated all over the body through ''dhamani'' (Blood vessels) and liquefy morbid matter ([[mala]]) and separate it from channels and bring them to ''koshtha''. Emetic and purgative drugs facilitate the expulsion of[[mala]] brought into ''koshtha'' from rest of the body.
Drugs for emesis which are ''ushna'' (hot), ''tikshna'' (sharp/penetrating),''sukshma'' (subtle), ''vyavayi'' (pervading), and ''vikashi'' (loosening), by virtue of their own potency (''swa viryena''), reach the heart and circulate throughout the body through vessels. It liquefies the mass of impurities by its ''agneya'' nature (dominance of [[agni]] [[mahabhuta]]) and due to tikshna [[guna]](penetrating property) separate the adhered [[dosha]] situated in gross and subtle channels of the entire body. Consequently the separated mass floating in the oleated body like honey kept in a fat smeared vessel reaches the stomach because of its nature to move through subtle channels (''anumarga sancharitwat'') and to flow towards gastrointestinal tract (''koshta gamanonmukhatwam''). Because of the predominance of [[agni]] and [[vayu]] [[mahabhuta]] in these drugs, their specific action ( due to ''prabhava'') to move upwards and by action of udana [[vata]], the morbid matter gets expelled through the upward tract (mouth) [Cha. Sa. [[Kalpa Sthana]] 1/5]
Vomiting is a complex process that consists of a pre-ejection phase (gastric relaxation and retro peristalsis), retching (rhythmic action of respiratory muscles preceding vomiting and consisting of contraction of abdominal and intercostals muscles and diaphragm against a closed glottis), and ejection (intense contraction of abdominal muscles and relaxation of the upper oesophageal sphincter). The process appeared to be coordinated by a central emesis centre in the lateral reticular formation of the mid brain-stem adjacent to both the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) in the area postrema at the bottom of the fourth ventricle and the solitary tract nucleus (STN). The lack of blood-brain barrier allows the CTZ to monitor blood and cerebrospinal fluid constantly for toxic substances and to relay information to the emesis centre to trigger nausea and vomiting. The emesis centre also receives information from the gut, principally by the vagus nerve (via the STN) and also by splanchnic afferents via the spinal cord. The CTZ has high concentrations of receptors for serotonin (5-HT3), dopamine (D2), and opioids; the STN is rich in receptors for enkephalin, histamine, and Ach, and also contains 5-HT3 receptors.In the emetic response fundus and body of stomach, eosophageal sphincter and esophagus relax, while duodenum and pyloric stomach contract in a retrograde manner. Rhythmic contractions of diaphragm and abdominal muscles then compress the stomach and evacuate its contents via mouth<ref>K D Tripathi, Essentials of Clinical Pharmacology, 6th edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 639.</ref>.
Vomiting is a complex process that consists of a pre-ejection phase (gastric relaxation and retro peristalsis), retching (rhythmic action of respiratory muscles preceding vomiting and consisting of contraction of abdominal and intercostals muscles and diaphragm against a closed glottis), and ejection (intense contraction of abdominal muscles and relaxation of the upper oesophageal sphincter). The process appeared to be coordinated by a central emesis centre in the lateral reticular formation of the mid brain-stem adjacent to both the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) in the area postrema at the bottom of the fourth ventricle and the solitary tract nucleus (STN). The lack of blood-brain barrier allows the CTZ to monitor blood and cerebrospinal fluid constantly for toxic substances and to relay information to the emesis centre to trigger nausea and vomiting. The emesis centre also receives information from the gut, principally by the vagus nerve (via the STN) and also by splanchnic afferents via the spinal cord. The CTZ has high concentrations of receptors for serotonin (5-HT3), dopamine (D2), and opioids; the STN is rich in receptors for enkephalin, histamine, and Ach, and also contains 5-HT3 receptors.In the emetic response fundus and body of stomach, eosophageal sphincter and esophagus relax, while duodenum and pyloric stomach contract in a retrograde manner. Rhythmic contractions of diaphragm and abdominal muscles then compress the stomach and evacuate its contents via mouth<ref>K D Tripathi, Essentials of Clinical Pharmacology, 6th edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 639.</ref>.
Administration of drugs in emetic or purgative therapies and rest of the [[Panchakarma]] procedures, complication arising out of their improper administration and their successful management dealt in [[Siddhi Sthana]] (section on successful administration of therapeutic measures) in detail. Indications and contraindications of emetic and purgative therapies are described by Charak in [[Siddhi Sthana]] (Chap.2/8-13)<ref>Charak. Kalpa Sthana, Cha.2 Jimutaka Kalpa Adhyaya verse 8-13. In: Ram Karan Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Editors. Charak Samhita.2nd ed. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office;2005.pp. 177-188.</ref>. Appearance of ''pitta'' at the end of emesis and ''kapha'' at the end of purgation though described under signs of proper elimination, Chakrapani opines that they may also occur in inappropriate purification (''asamyakshudhhi''). Therefore additionally associated signs like emaciation (''karshya''), weakness (''daurbalya'') and lightness of the body (''laghavata'') only indicate appropriate purification.
Administration of drugs in emetic or purgative therapies and rest of the [[Panchakarma]] procedures, complication arising out of their improper administration and their successful management dealt in [[Siddhi Sthana]] (section on successful administration of therapeutic measures) in detail. Indications and contraindications of emetic and purgative therapies are described by Charak in [[Siddhi Sthana]].Appearance of [[pitta]] at the end of emesis and [[kapha]] at the end of purgation though described under signs of proper elimination, Chakrapani opines that they may also occur in inappropriate purification (''asamyakshudhhi''). Therefore additionally associated signs like emaciation (''karshya''), weakness (''daurbalya'') and lightness of the body (''laghavata'') only indicate appropriate purification.
In seminar held on the topic of “Determination of appropriateness of medicaments for enema” (Siddhi 11). Saunaka said “Amongst the fruits, ''Jimutaka'' is the foremost in efficacy for ''basti'' (medicated enema) because of its effect to eliminate ''kapha'' and ''pitta''”. Atreya concluded that ''Jimutaka'' is useful for the treatment of ''kushtha'' (skin diseases including leprosy), while ''Madanaphala'' is not contraindicated in any disease. He further writes that there is no drug that is absolutely free from any side effects - good or bad. One has to think of a drug which possesses more of good attributes in the treatment of a particular ailment.<ref>Charak. Siddhi Sthana, Cha.11 Phalamatra Sidhi Adhyaya verse 5-14. In: Ram Karan Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Editors. Charak Samhita.2nd ed. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office;2005. pp. 382-84.</ref> To make it more explicit the physician has to judiciously evaluate ''rogibala'' (strength of patient) and ''rogabala'' (severity of disease) to draft suitable therapeutic regimens.
In seminar held on the topic of “Determination of appropriateness of medicaments for enema” [ Cha. Sa. [[Siddhi Sthana]] 11]. Saunaka said “Amongst the fruits, ''Jimutaka'' is the foremost in efficacy for [[basti]] (medicated enema) because of its effect to eliminate [[kapha]] and [[pitta]]. Atreya concluded that ''Jimutaka'' is useful for the treatment of ''kushtha'' (skin diseases including leprosy), while ''Madanaphala'' is not contraindicated in any disease. He further writes that there is no drug that is absolutely free from any side effects - good or bad. One has to think of a drug which possesses more of good attributes in the treatment of a particular ailment.[Cha. Sa. [[Siddhi Sthana]] 11/ 5-14].To make it more explicit the physician has to judiciously evaluate ''rogibala'' (strength of patient) and ''rogabala'' (severity of disease) to draft suitable therapeutic regimens.
Atreya enumerated three synonyms of ''Jimutaka'' i.e. ''garagari, veni'' and ''devatadaka''. Bhavamishra described ''Jimutaka'' (''Guduchyadivarga'') with synonyms like ''Devadali, Karkati'' and ''Vrittakosha'' in addition to Charaka’s descriptions. He has also quoted another variety known as ''Peetadevadali'' with synonyms ''Kharasparsha, Vishaghni'' and ''Garanashini''. ''Devadali'' is attributed with ''vamaka'' activity and its fruit is mentioned as ''Samsrana''. Indications include ''Arsha, Pandu, Kshaya, Hikka, Jwara, Krimi, Gulma'' and ''Shoola''. The recipe with ''Jimutaka'' as nasal drops in the management of ''Kamala'' is very popular and scientific validation has been produced for its claim. Botanical source of ''Jimutaka'' are Luffa echinata and Luffa graveolens (yellow variety).
Atreya enumerated three synonyms of ''Jimutaka'' i.e. ''garagari, veni'' and ''devatadaka''. Bhavamishra described ''Jimutaka'' (''Guduchyadivarga'') with synonyms like ''Devadali, Karkati'' and ''Vrittakosha'' in addition to Charaka’s descriptions. He has also quoted another variety known as ''Peetadevadali'' with synonyms ''Kharasparsha, Vishaghni'' and ''Garanashini''. ''Devadali'' is attributed with ''vamaka'' activity and its fruit is mentioned as ''Samsrana''. Indications include ''Arsha, Pandu, Kshaya, Hikka, Jwara, Krimi, Gulma'' and ''Shoola''. The recipe with ''Jimutaka'' as nasal drops in the management of ''Kamala'' is very popular and scientific validation has been produced for its claim. Botanical source of ''Jimutaka'' are Luffa echinata and Luffa graveolens (yellow variety).
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Dalhana in his commentary identified ''Jimutaka'' with ''Musta'' (Sushruta) but most of the Ayurvedic classics and ''Nighantus'' quoted it for ''Devadali'' or ''Garagari'' or ''Veni''.
Dalhana in his commentary identified ''Jimutaka'' with ''Musta'' (Sushruta) but most of the Ayurvedic classics and ''Nighantus'' quoted it for ''Devadali'' or ''Garagari'' or ''Veni''.
Bhavamishra described two kinds of ''Devadali'', one with white flowers (Luffa echinata), the other with yellow flowers (Luffa graveolens)<ref>Prof. K.C. Chunekar, Commentator, Late Dr. G.S. Pandey, editor, Bhavamishra, BhavaprakashNighantu, Revised and enlarged edition 2010, Guduchyadivarga, Chaukhamba BharatiAcadamy, Varanasi, pp 469</ref>.
Bhavamishra described two kinds of ''Devadali'', one with white flowers (Luffa echinata), the other with yellow flowers (Luffa graveolens)<ref>
Bhavamishra,Guduchyadi varga ,In:Prof. K.C. Chunekar,Late Dr. G.S. Pandey,editors, Bhavaprakash Nighantu,? ed, Varanasi:Chaukhamba Bharati Acadamy,2010,pp 461 </ref>.
*'''Synonyms''': ''Devadali,Garagari,Devatadaka''
*'''Synonyms''': ''Devadali,Garagari,Devatadaka''
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**''Kushta'' (skin diseases) – ''devadali'' fruit is impregnated with ''Snuhi'' latex for seven times and taken in the dose of 125mg with milk keeping on salt-free diet<ref name = "ref8" />.
**''Kushta'' (skin diseases) – ''devadali'' fruit is impregnated with ''Snuhi'' latex for seven times and taken in the dose of 125mg with milk keeping on salt-free diet<ref name = "ref8" />.
**''Visha''(Poison) – ''Devadali'' fruit should be taken with curd and the poison is vomited. This is an excellent remedy for all types of rat bite<ref name = "ref8" />.
**''Visha''(Poison) – ''Devadali'' fruit should be taken with curd and the poison is vomited. This is an excellent remedy for all types of rat bite<ref name = "ref8" />.
**The fruits are used as a purgative and  also given to patients suffering from colic and cholera.<ref>Anonymous,Wealth of India- Raw materials Vol 6 L-M, CSIR, NewDelhi, pp-181</ref>
**The fruits are used as a purgative and  also given to patients suffering from colic and cholera.<ref>Anonymous,Wealth of India- Raw materials Vol 6 L-M, CSIR, New Delhi, pp-181</ref>
*'''Part used''' – Fruit, Flowers
*'''Part used''' – Fruit, Flowers
*'''Preparations & Dosage'''( For therapeutic purposes other than emesis as mentioned in API) – Powder -1-3 g
*'''Preparations & Dosage'''( For therapeutic purposes other than emesis as mentioned in API) – Powder -1-3 g
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''Jimutaka'' when administered with appropriate drugs cures diseases caused by all the three ''doshas''. It is useful in fever, dyspnea, hiccup and similar other disorders. [4]
''Jimutaka'' when administered with appropriate drugs cures diseases caused by all the three [[dosha]]. It is useful in fever, dyspnea, hiccup and similar other disorders. [4]
=== Various Preparations ===
=== Various Preparations ===
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Jimutaka endowed with all attributes, growing in appropriate land should be collected according to the prescribed procedures as described in earlier chapter(Madanaphala kalpa 1:9,10,14).  
Jimutaka endowed with all attributes, growing in appropriate land should be collected according to the prescribed procedures as described in earlier chapter(Madanaphala kalpa 1:9,10,14).  
Milk should be prepared with its flowers, milky gruel with freshly appeared fruits, milk cream with hairy fruits, curd with non hairy one and sour curd from milk boiled with the pale green fruit. Fully matured fruit is dried, powdered well and kept in a clean container. One suffering from ailments caused by vata and pitta should take one shukti (20 gm) of this preparation.[5-7]
Milk should be prepared with its flowers, milky gruel with freshly appeared fruits, milk cream with hairy fruits, curd with non hairy one and sour curd from milk boiled with the pale green fruit. Fully matured fruit is dried, powdered well and kept in a clean container. One suffering from ailments caused by [[vata]] and [[pitta]] should take one shukti (20 gm) of this preparation.[5-7]
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The fruits of Jimutaka should be macerated in sura -manda (the supernatant part of alcohol) overnight. Thereafter it is stirred and the juice is strained. It can be taken in anorexia due to kapha, cough, anemia and wasting diseases. [8]
The fruits of Jimutaka should be macerated in sura -manda (the supernatant part of alcohol) overnight. Thereafter it is stirred and the juice is strained. It can be taken in anorexia due to [[kapha]], cough, anemia and wasting diseases. [8]
Two or three fruits of bristly luffa should be squeezed and put into the decoction of either Guduchi, Yashti , Kovidara, Karbudara, Nipa, Vidula, Bimbi, Shanpushpi,Sadapushpi, Apamarga ,Nimba or Kutaja and should be kept overnight. It should then be strained and taken as potion in the manner already described in madanaphala kalpa.[9]
Two or three fruits of bristly luffa should be squeezed and put into the decoction of either Guduchi, Yashti , Kovidara, Karbudara, Nipa, Vidula, Bimbi, Shanpushpi,Sadapushpi, Apamarga ,Nimba or Kutaja and should be kept overnight. It should then be strained and taken as potion in the manner already described in madanaphala kalpa.[9]
Or the powder of Jimutaka may be taken with any one of the decoction of the Aragvadhadi seven drugs mentioned in Madanaphala kalpa i.e  Aragwadha, Vrukshaka, Swadukantaka (Babbul or Gokshura), Patha, Patala, Gunja and Murva according to the procedure described in the previous chapter, by a person suffering from fever of Pitta and Kapha origin. [10]
Or the powder of Jimutaka may be taken with any one of the decoction of the Aragvadhadi seven drugs mentioned in Madanaphala kalpa i.e  Aragwadha, Vrukshaka, Swadukantaka (Babbul or Gokshura), Patha, Patala, Gunja and Murva according to the procedure described in the previous chapter, by a person suffering from fever of [[Pitta]] and [[Kapha]] origin. [10]
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In fever due to Pitta –and-kapha or Vata-and-Pitta, the powder of Jimutaka should be administered with the juice of one of the four drugs viz. Jivaka, Rushabhaka, Ikshu or Shatavari. [12]
In fever due to [[Pitta]] –and-[[kapha]] or [[Vata]]-and-[[Pitta]], the powder of Jimutaka should be administered with the juice of one of the four drugs viz. Jivaka, Rushabhaka, Ikshu or Shatavari. [12]
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== Vidhi Vimarsha (Applied Inferences)==
== Vidhi Vimarsha (Applied Inferences)==
Emetics should be administered with vehicles depending on ''dosha''. For example in ''pitta'' dominant conditions drugs are administered with milk, ''draksha, amalaka, parushaka'', etc., honey and ''gomutra'' are employed in ''kapha dosha'' and with ''sura'' (wine) and other fermented drinks, curd etc. in ''vata dosha''. Gangadhara described the use of ''jimutaka'' in kotha (urticaria) and he also commented that Hikkadi includes Kasa. Chakrapani specifically indicates  that diseases which are due to urogatadosha should be considered under hikkadi.  
Emetics should be administered with vehicles depending on [[dosha]]. For example in [[pitta]] dominant conditions drugs are administered with milk, ''draksha, amalaka, parushaka'', etc., honey and ''gomutra'' are employed in [[kapha]] [[dosha]] and with ''sura'' (wine) and other fermented drinks, curd etc. in [[vata]] [[dosha]]. Gangadhara described the use of ''jimutaka'' in kotha (urticaria) and he also commented that Hikkadi includes Kasa. Chakrapani specifically indicates  that diseases which are due to urogatadosha should be considered under hikkadi.  
Chakrapani mentions the use of freshly appeared fruit in the preparation of milk gruel. Arunadatta comments there are two varieties of ''Jimutaka'' fruits viz ''Mridu'' and ''Kathina'' , based on their hairy and non hairy texture.<ref>Arunadatta, Vagbhata. Kalpa Sthana, amana Kalpa Adhyaya verse 21. In: Harishastri Paradkar Vaidya, Editors. Ashtanga Hridayam. 1st ed. Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy;2000.p.4.</ref>  Fruits described as ''Haritapandu'' should be of moderate growth and of texture that lies between hairy and non hairy ones.  
Chakrapani mentions the use of freshly appeared fruit in the preparation of milk gruel. Arunadatta comments there are two varieties of ''Jimutaka'' fruits viz ''Mridu'' and ''Kathina'' , based on their hairy and non hairy texture.<ref>Arunadatta, Vagbhata. Kalpa Sthana, amana Kalpa Adhyaya verse 21. In: Harishastri Paradkar Vaidya, Editors. Ashtanga Hridayam. 1st ed. Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy;2000.p.4.</ref>  Fruits described as ''Haritapandu'' should be of moderate growth and of texture that lies between hairy and non hairy ones.  
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#Aqueous extract of fruits significantly lowered the serum bilirubin level in chlorpromazine – induced jaundice in rats<ref>SK Bapat, V Chandra, The effect of Luffa echinata (Roxb) on experimental jaundice in rats,Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology 08/1968; 12(3):119-20.</ref>
#Aqueous extract of fruits significantly lowered the serum bilirubin level in chlorpromazine – induced jaundice in rats<ref>SK Bapat, V Chandra, The effect of Luffa echinata (Roxb) on experimental jaundice in rats,Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology 08/1968; 12(3):119-20.</ref>
#The alcoholic and thr ether extracts of the plant showed definite protection against CCl4- induced liver injury in rats.<ref>Lauria P etal, The effect of Luffa ecchinata in liver injury and its other pharmacological actions. Indian J Pharmacology 1972 ,4(2),152
#The alcoholic and the ether extracts of the plant showed definite protection against CCl4- induced liver injury in rats.<ref>Lauria P etal, The effect of Luffa ecchinata in liver injury and its other pharmacological actions. Indian J Pharmacology 1972 ,4(2),152</ref>
#Anonymous,Wealth of India- Raw materials Vol 6 L-M, CSIR, NewDelhi, pp-181</ref>Li-Hua Shang , Chun-Mei Li , Zhao-Yang Yang , De-Hai Che , Jing-Yan Cao  and Yan Yu, Luffa echinata Roxb. Induces Human Colon Cancer Cell (HT-29) Death by Triggering the Mitochondrial Apoptosis Pathway,  Molecules 2012, 17, 5780-5794</ref>
#Anonymous,Wealth of India- Raw materials Vol 6 L-M, CSIR, NewDelhi, pp-181
#50% ethanolic extract of whole plant (except roots) showed hypoglycaemic action in rats. The LD50 of the extract in mice was found to be 261 mg/kg i.p[14] (Aswal et al., 1984).
#50% ethanolic extract of whole plant (except roots) showed hypoglycaemic action in rats. The LD50 of the extract in mice was found to be 261 mg/kg i.p[14] (Aswal et al., 1984).
#Methanolic extract of Luffa echinata exerts its antiproliferative effects by inducing apoptotic cell death, and causing G2/S arrest in HT-29 cells and it promotes ROS generation<ref>K NishteswarAyurvedic herbal remedies, Choukhambha Surabharati Prakashan , Varanasi,2009, pp-95</ref>.  
#Methanolic extract of Luffa echinata exerts its antiproliferative effects by inducing apoptotic cell death, and causing G2/S arrest in HT-29 cells and it promotes ROS generation<ref>Li-Hua Shang , Chun-Mei Li , Zhao-Yang Yang , De-Hai Che , Jing-Yan Cao and Yan Yu, Luffa echinata Roxb. Induces Human Colon Cancer Cell (HT-29) Death by Triggering the Mitochondrial Apoptosis Pathway, Molecules 2012, 17, 5780-5794</ref>.  
#In a study on the therapeutic effect of Luffa echinata fruits in 6 patients of viral hepatitis the result reveals that a single administration of drops squeezed from water soaked dry fruits into the nostrils led to a reduction in bilirubin and SGPT levels significantly within 3 to 7 days and this response was accompanied by a substantial relief in clinical symptoms especially anorexia and malaise.The nasal secretions contained total bilirubin ranging from 1.62 to 5.5mg per cent, the levels not being higher than the serum levels. The observations thus could justify the simple explanation of the relief of jaundice by enhanced nasal excretion of bilirubin. The possibility of the absorption of the active principle of the plant through the nasal mucosa and then action on the liver has been proposed.<ref>K Nishteswar,  Ayurvedic herbal remedies, Choukhambha Surabharati Prakashan , Varanasi,2009, pp-95</ref>
#In a study on the therapeutic effect of Luffa echinata fruits in 6 patients of viral hepatitis the result reveals that a single administration of drops squeezed from water soaked dry fruits into the nostrils led to a reduction in bilirubin and SGPT levels significantly within 3 to 7 days and this response was accompanied by a substantial relief in clinical symptoms especially anorexia and malaise.The nasal secretions contained total bilirubin ranging from 1.62 to 5.5mg per cent, the levels not being higher than the serum levels. The observations thus could justify the simple explanation of the relief of jaundice by enhanced nasal excretion of bilirubin. The possibility of the absorption of the active principle of the plant through the nasal mucosa and then action on the liver has been proposed.<ref>K Nishteswar,  Ayurvedic herbal remedies, Choukhambha Surabharati Prakashan , Varanasi,2009, pp-95</ref>
#Pharmacological activity
'''Pharmacological activity'''
*Anti-arthritic activity <ref>H S Chandel et al, Evaluation of antiarthritic activity on LuffaechinataRoxb. fruits on rats, Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science, 3(21) 2013, 36-41.</ref>
*Anti-arthritic activity <ref>H S Chandel et al, Evaluation of antiarthritic activity on LuffaechinataRoxb. fruits on rats, Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science, 3(21) 2013, 36-41.</ref>
*Hepatoprotective activity<ref>Bahar Ahmed et al, Hepatoprotective activity of Luffaechinata fruits, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 76 (2001) 187–189</ref>
*Hepatoprotective activity<ref>Bahar Ahmed et al, Hepatoprotective activity of Luffaechinata fruits, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 76 (2001) 187–189</ref>
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Thyroid disorders became common especially in female. Thyroid disorders especially hypothyroidism should be treated by giving Vamana with ''Jimutaka''. It can be used as emetic  in de-addiction due to alcohol withdrawal syndrome due to its hepato protective activity.
Thyroid disorders became common especially in female. Thyroid disorders especially hypothyroidism should be treated by giving Vamana with ''Jimutaka''. It can be used as emetic  in de-addiction due to alcohol withdrawal syndrome due to its hepato protective activity.
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== References ==
== References ==