Diseases are caused due to abnormality in [[dosha]]. The skillful use of medicines, diet and regimens having opposite qualities of causative or abnormal [[dosha]] helps to cure the disease. [Cha.Sa. [[Sutra Sthana]] 1/62] The diseases caused due to aggravated [[vata]][[dosha]] can be treated with regimens having hot (ushna) and oily (snigdha)properties. Regimen with cold (sheeta), soft (mridu) and slimy (pichchila) properties pacifies [[pitta]][[dosha]]. Regimen with sharp (tikshna), dry (ruksha) and non-slimy (vishada)properties reduce [[kapha]][[dosha]].[Su.Sa.Sutra Sthana.41/11] The physician must know properties of the herbs. Usage of herbs without knowing its complete properties can cause harmful effects. [Cha.Sa. [[Sutra Sthana]] 1/125] | Diseases are caused due to abnormality in [[dosha]]. The skillful use of medicines, diet and regimens having opposite qualities of causative or abnormal [[dosha]] helps to cure the disease. [Cha.Sa. [[Sutra Sthana]] 1/62] The diseases caused due to aggravated [[vata]][[dosha]] can be treated with regimens having hot (ushna) and oily (snigdha)properties. Regimen with cold (sheeta), soft (mridu) and slimy (pichchila) properties pacifies [[pitta]][[dosha]]. Regimen with sharp (tikshna), dry (ruksha) and non-slimy (vishada)properties reduce [[kapha]][[dosha]].[Su.Sa.Sutra Sthana.41/11] The physician must know properties of the herbs. Usage of herbs without knowing its complete properties can cause harmful effects. [Cha.Sa. [[Sutra Sthana]] 1/125] |