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#''Ashwasana'' (assurance therapy) and psychological counseling are advised to remove psychological stressors that provoke ''apasmara vega''(episode).
#''Ashwasana'' (assurance therapy) and psychological counseling are advised to remove psychological stressors that provoke ''apasmara vega''(episode).
=== Vidhi Vimarsha ===
=== ''Vidhi Vimarsha'' ===
The first principle of Ayurveda states that life is continuum of healthy coordination between body, mind, soul and sensory-motor organs. Ayurveda considers the mind and body work in symbiotic relationship with each other. When one is affected, other is also affected. Both are emphasized as abode for sensation of pain. The mind and body can’t be separated in water tight compartment.  
The first principle of Ayurveda states that life is continuum of healthy coordination between body, mind, soul and sensory-motor organs. Ayurveda considers the mind and body work in symbiotic relationship with each other. When one is affected, other is also affected. Both are emphasized as abode for sensation of pain. The mind and body can’t be separated in water tight compartment.  
Relation between diet, dosha specificity and apasmara:
==== Relation between diet, dosha specificity and apasmara ====
Role of pure diet is important, because it nourishes mind, enriches senses and motor organs. The panchakosha theory of Yoga states that the sheath of mind [manomaya kosha] is nourished through sheath of food [annamaya kosha] only. Therefore, following proper, pure diet and dietary habits is necessary for preventing psychiatric disorders.   
Role of pure diet is important, because it nourishes mind, enriches senses and motor organs. The panchakosha theory of Yoga states that the sheath of mind [manomaya kosha] is nourished through sheath of food [annamaya kosha] only. Therefore, following proper, pure diet and dietary habits is necessary for preventing psychiatric disorders.   
The physical doshas like vata, pitta and kapha are assigned certain psychological functions also. Their rise and accumulation takes place at different stage after taking food. Therefore, the type of disease depending upon type of dominant dosha, evoked due to dominant diet specific to a particular dosha. Apasmara is also caused due to vitiation of dosha owing to improper diet. This clerifies link between diet, dosha, mental functions, memory and consciousness.   
The physical doshas like vata, pitta and kapha are assigned certain psychological functions also. Their rise and accumulation takes place at different stage after taking food. Therefore, the type of disease depending upon type of dominant dosha, evoked due to dominant diet specific to a particular dosha. Apasmara is also caused due to vitiation of dosha owing to improper diet. This clerifies link between diet, dosha, mental functions, memory and consciousness.   
Memory and consciousness:
==== Memory and consciousness ====
The profound relation between memory and consciousness is clearly indicated in apasmara. In Ayurveda, memory is termed as fundamental knowledge based upon experiences acquired through sense and motor organs. In psychology, memory is the mental capacity with which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. Consciousness is the state of awareness of internal events and external environment.  In Apasmara, consciousness is affected leading to transient loss of memory.  
The profound relation between memory and consciousness is clearly indicated in apasmara. In Ayurveda, memory is termed as fundamental knowledge based upon experiences acquired through sense and motor organs. In psychology, memory is the mental capacity with which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. Consciousness is the state of awareness of internal events and external environment.  In Apasmara, consciousness is affected leading to transient loss of memory.  
The forbearance of mind is based upon intellect [dhi] and pure quality of mind [sattva]. Dhi discriminates between right and wrong things. Sattva is pure quality that might be named as “mental immunity” which protects mind in all adverse conditions. In apasmara, both the intellect and pure quality of mind are afflicted leading to poor forbearance.  
The forbearance of mind is based upon intellect [dhi] and pure quality of mind [sattva]. Dhi discriminates between right and wrong things. Sattva is pure quality that might be named as “mental immunity” which protects mind in all adverse conditions. In apasmara, both the intellect and pure quality of mind are afflicted leading to poor forbearance.  
Brain and heart connection –Neuro-cardiology:
Heart [cardiac region] has been considered as site of consciousness and emotions. The heart in context of apasmara is essentially meant by the abode of consciousness and it doesn’t signify anatomical heart. This is functional heart which is involved in emotions, feelings of the self. Brain [head region] is considered as origin of all sensory and motor organs. The term “Dhamani” has been used to denote abode of aggravated doshas. This literally means the artery, vein, nerves which carry impulses. This is very important as it channelizes consciousness from site of consciousness i.e. heart to site of intelligence i.e. brain. This canal of heart-brain connection is manovaha srotas. The brain and heart work in co-ordination with each other for maintaining equilibrium between logical intelligence and emotional intelligence. If these are hampered, the consciousness, memory, sensory and motor co-ordination as well as emotional behaviour will be affected. This establishes the theory that disturbance in cardiac functions can result into neurological disorders. The heart-brain connection has been authenticated by many researches on neuro-cardiology.  The theory of heart-brain connection has been well known to Ayurveda scholars in context of apasmara.
==== Brain and heart connection Neurocardiology ====
Heart (cardiac region) has been considered as site of consciousness and emotions. The heart in context of ''apasmara'' is essentially meant by the abode of consciousness and it doesn’t signify anatomical heart. This is functional heart which is involved in emotions, feelings of the self. Brain (head region) is considered as origin of all sensory and motor organs. The term ''dhamani'' has been used to denote abode of aggravated ''doshas''. This literally means the artery, vein, nerves which carry impulses. This is very important as it channelizes consciousness from site of consciousness i.e. heart to site of intelligence i.e. brain. This canal of heart-brain connection is ''manovaha srotas''. The brain and heart work in co-ordination with each other for maintaining equilibrium between logical intelligence and emotional intelligence. If these are hampered, the consciousness, memory, sensory and motor co-ordination as well as emotional behavior will be affected. This establishes the theory that disturbance in cardiac functions can result into neurological disorders. The heart-brain connection has been authenticated by many researches on neuro-cardiology.  The theory of heart-brain connection has been well known to Ayurveda scholars in context of apasmara.
==== Signs and symptoms of apasmara ====
==== Signs and symptoms of apasmara ====

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