The previous chapter was on the union of male and female gametes resulting in the formation of embryo. The present chapter is a “minor” chapter on the formation of embryo, serving as a prologue to the “major” chapter on embryogenesis that follows this one (Mahatigarbhavakranti). In this chapter on embryogenesis, in the context of shārīra (human biology), the following topics have been dealt with: 1. factors responsible for the formation, growth and birth of the embryo; 2. the views of Lord Atreya and the sage Bharadvāja on this topic. 3. refutation on the conclusions (by Bharadvāja); and 4. a detailed exposition on the nature of the soul.
The previous chapter was on the union of male and female gametes resulting in the formation of embryo. The present chapter is a “minor” chapter on the formation of embryo, serving as a prologue to the “major” chapter on embryogenesis that follows this one ([[Mahatigarbhavakranti Sharira]]). In this chapter on embryogenesis, in the context of sharira (human biology), the following topics have been dealt with:
#Factors responsible for the formation, growth and birth of the embryo;
#The views of Lord Atreya and the sage Bharadvaja on this topic.
#Refutation on the conclusions (by Bharadvāja); and