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Created page with "Aconitum heterophyllum WALL. {{Infobox |title = Ativisha |label1 = Section/Chapter |data1 = Herb database/Ativisha |label2 = Botanical name(s) |data2 = Aconitum heterophyllu..."
Aconitum heterophyllum WALL.

|title = Ativisha
|label1 = Section/Chapter
|data1 = Herb database/Ativisha
|label2 = Botanical name(s)
|data2 = Aconitum heterophyllum WALL.
|label3 = Contributors
|data3 = --
|label4 = Year of publication
|data4 = 2021
|label5 = Publisher
|data5 = [[Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Centre]]
|label6 = DOI
|data6 = Awaited

==English name ==

Indian Atees

==Therapeutic Use==

Worms (Krimiroga), Fever (Jvara), Cough (Kasa), Vomitting (Chhardi), Amatisara

==Other varieties / Other botanical names==

* Aconitum heterophyllum Wallich
* Aconitum palmatum
* Aconitum kashmiricum

==Identification Characters==

'''Shuklakanda''' – Root tubers are white in colour.
'''Shrungi''' – Root tubers are horn shaped.

Based on colours of root tubers: '''Raja Nighantu'''

* Rakta – Red tubers
* Sweta – White tubers
* Krisna – Black tubers

== Synonyms in Charak Samhita==

Ativisha, Shrungi(Root tubers are horn shape), Virupa, Pittadivallabha(Ativisha is efficacious in pittaja roga), Shwetvaca, Visha, Maadri(Plant grows in maadra desh)

==Synonyms in Bhavaprakasha Nighantu==

Visha(it assimilated quickly), Ativisha, Vishva, Shrungi(Root tubers are horn shape), Prativisha, Aruna, Shuklakanda(Root tubers are white in colour.), Upavisha, Bhangura, Dhunavallabha(Root tubers are quickly infested.)

== Ayurvedic pharmacological properties ==

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Properties
! !! Pharmacological criteria !! Properties
| 1 || Taste ([[rasa]]) || Bitter (tikta), Pungent (katu)
| 2 || Potency ([[veerya]]) || Hot (ushna)
| 3 || Post digestion effect ([[vipaka]]) || Pungent (katu)
| 4 || Qualities ([[guna]])|| Light (laghu), Rough (ruksha)
| 5 || Actions ([[karma]]) || Reduces [[vata]], [[pitta]] and [[kapha]]

== Reference in Charak Samhita and its actions ==

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Herbs and their activities
! !! Reference in Charak Samhita !! Activity
|Cha.Sa.[[Sutra Sthana]]. 4/9(3)
|Lekhaniya mahakashaya
|Sutra sthana 4/9(12)
|Arshoghna mahakashay
|Ch Su 23/19
|Santarpanajanya vikar chikitsa
|Ch Su 25/40
|Agrya Sangraha
|Ch Vi 8/139
|Madhur skanda
|Vimana Sthana 8/143
|Cha.Sa. Chi.3/204
|As an ingredient of Vatsakadi kashaya.
|Cha.Sa. Chi.3/219
|As an ingredient of Pippalyadi Ghrita.
|Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 6/38
|Trikantakadhya Tail/Ghrit in Vata-kaphaj prameh
|Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 6/42
|Ingredient in Madhvasav
|Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 11/16
|As a diet and drinks in treatment of  Kshatakshina
|Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 12/44
|Ingredient in Kshar Gudika
|Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 13/159
|In formulation of pipplyadi lavana
|Cha Sa.ChikitsaSthan14/187
|Used for raktastambhana
|Cha Sa.ChikitsaSthan 14/230
|As an ingredient of hriberadi ghrit
|Cha Sa.ChikitsaSthan 14/236
|As an ingredient of sunishanak changeri ghrit
|Cha. Sa.. ChikitsaSthana

|Kalka of this drug is used for aampachan

(With usnodaka)
|Cha. Sa..ChikitsaSthana 15/99
|Churna of this drug with combination of vaca,musta, etc. is given in aam and shoola yukta mala
|Cha. Sa..ChikitsaSthana 15/101
|Churna of this drug with combination of hingu,abhaya, vaca etc is used in Sama and Vatakapha adhika grahani with kostha shola
|Cha. Sa..ChikitsaSthana 15/105
|Used in kaphapittaja grahani
|Cha. Sa..ChikitsaSthana 15/129
|As an ingredient of Nagaradhya churna
|Cha. Sa..ChikitsaSthan

15/134, 15/138
|As an ingredient of Kiratadhya churna (Pittaja Grahani chiktsa)
|Cha. Sa..ChikitsaSthana 15/165
|As an ingredient of Madhvarista
|Cha. Sa..ChikitsaSthana 15/173
|As an ingredient of Pipallimuladhya Kshara
|Cha. Sa..ChikitsaSthana 15/186
|Used in preparation of Chaturtha Kshara
|Cha. Sa. Chi. 16/61
|As an ingredient of Vishaladi Phanta
|As an ingredient of nagaradi yoga.
| 19/22
|As a ama pachak dravya
|As an ingredient of ativishadi yoga.
|As a kwatha dravya
|As an ingredient of rasanjanadi yoga.
|As an ingredient of Vachadi churna.
|As an ingredient of Katphaladi kashaya.
|Used in hrudshoola.
|As an ingredient ofKatukadi kashaya.
|As an ingredient  of Murvadi Choorna
|As an ingredient of Swarnakshiradi Choorna
|Cha.Sa. Chi.28/151
|As an ingredient of Bala taila.
|Cha. Sa. Chi.28/168
|As an ingredient of Mulakadhya taila.

== Current availability==


== Current researches ==

[[Category: Database of herbs and minerals | Herbs]]
This article is under development ..


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