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'''<big>Concepts and Contemporary Practices</big>'''
'''<big>Concepts and Contemporary Practices</big>'''  
'''<big>'''Total chapters:''' '''159'''</big>'''
<p style='text-align:justify;'>The important concepts of [[Ayurveda]] and their contemporary practices are published in this section. If you wish to contribute,  then see the links [[Contribute_to_the_Charak_Samhita_New_Edition_Project|Contribute online ]] and [[guidelines for writing]] or contact us. </p>
<p style='text-align:justify;'>The important concepts of [[Ayurveda]] and their contemporary practices are published in this section. If you wish to contribute,  then see the links [[Contribute_to_the_Charak_Samhita_New_Edition_Project|Contribute online ]] and [[guidelines for writing]] or contact us. </p>
==Basic learning of [[Ayurveda]]==
{| class="wikitable"
!colspan="5"|Monographs/Chapters on Concepts and Contemporary Practices
#[[Ayurveda | What is Ayurveda (knowledge or science of life)?]]
#[[Shastra | What is Shastra (science)?]]  
!colspan="5"| '''Basic learning of [[Ayurveda]]'''
#[[Tantrayukti | Tantrayukti (technical tricks to understand texts)]]
#[[Adhyayana | Adhyayana (Methods of study and learning)]]
| [[Ayurveda | What is Ayurveda (knowledge or science of life)?]]
#[[Interactive session on Contemporary Ayurveda]] (Based on interactive session)
| [[Shastra | What is Shastra (science)?]]  
#|[[Adhyapana vidhi|Teaching methods in Ayurveda (Adhyapana vidhi)]]
| [[Tantrayukti | Tantrayukti (technical tricks to understand texts)]]
| [[Adhyayana | Adhyayana (Methods of study and learning)]]
==Fundamental Concepts of [[Ayurveda]]==
| [[Interactive session on Contemporary Ayurveda]] (Based on interactive session)
#[[Prakriti | Prakriti (fundamental constitution)]]  
|[[Adhyapana vidhi|Teaching methods in Ayurveda (Adhyapana vidhi)]]
#[[Deha Prakriti | Deha Prakriti (somatic constitution)]]
#[[Manas prakriti| Manas Prakriti (psychological constitution)]]
#[[Purusha | Purusha (holistic human being)]]
!colspan="5"| ''' Fundamental Concepts of [[Ayurveda]]'''
==Fundamental Concepts - [[Panchamahabhuta | Panchamahabhuta (five fundamental elements)]]==
| [[Prakriti | Prakriti (fundamental constitution)]]  
# [[Panchamahabhuta | Panchamahabhuta (five fundamental elements)]]
| [[Deha Prakriti | Deha Prakriti (somatic constitution)]]
#[[Akasha mahabhuta|Akasha mahabhuta (ether or space element)]]
| [[Manas prakriti| Manas Prakriti (psychological constitution)]]
#[[Vayu mahabhuta | Vayu mahabhuta (air element)]]
#[[Agni mahabhuta | Agni mahabhuta (fire element)]]
#[[Jala mahabhuta | Jala mahabhuta (water element)]]
#[[Prithvi mahabhuta | Prithvi mahabhuta (earth element)]]
| [[Purusha | Purusha (holistic human being)]]
| [[Tanmatra]]
== Fundamental Concepts of Ayurveda - [[Pramana | Pramana (methods of acquiring knowledge)]] ==
| [[Avyakta]]  
#[[Pramana | Pramana (methods of acquiring knowledge)]]
#[[Pratyaksha Pramana‎‎ | Pratyaksha pramana (knowledge by direct perception)]]
#[[Anumana Pramana | Anumana pramana (knowledge by inference)]]
!colspan="5"|  ''' Fundamental Concepts - [[Panchamahabhuta | Panchamahabhuta (five fundamental elements)]]'''
#[[Aaptopadesha Pramana‎‎ | Aaptopadesha pramana (knowledge by authoritative statement)]]
#[[ Yukti Pramana | Yukti pramana (knowledge by logical application)]]
| [[Akasha mahabhuta|Akasha mahabhuta (ether or space element)]]
#[[ Upamana Pramana | Upamana pramana (knowledge by analogy)]]
| [[Vayu mahabhuta | Vayu mahabhuta (air element)]]
| [[Agni mahabhuta | Agni mahabhuta (fire element)]]
== Fundamental Concepts of Ayurveda - Theories and applications- Siddhanta ==
| [[Jala mahabhuta | Jala mahabhuta (water element)]]
| [[Prithvi mahabhuta | Prithvi mahabhuta (earth element)]]
#[[Kaarya Kaarana Siddhanta| Kaarya Kaarana Siddhanta (cause and effect theory)]]
#[[Swabhavoparam vada|Swabhavoparam vada (theory of natural destruction)]]
!colspan="5"| ''' Fundamental Concepts of Ayurveda - [[Pramana | Pramana (methods of acquiring knowledge)]]'''
#[[Samanya Vishesha Theory| Samanya Vishesha Siddhanta (Theory of similarity and dissimilarity)]]  
| [[Pratyaksha pramana‎‎ | Pratyaksha pramana (knowledge by direct perception)]]
#[[Samavaya| Samavaya ( Inseparable relationship)]]
| [[Anumana pramana | Anumana pramana (knowledge by inference)]]
#[[Abhava| Abhava(Non existence)]]  
| [[Aaptopadesha pramana‎‎ | Aaptopadesha pramana (knowledge by authoritative statement)]]
#[[Disha | Disha (directions)]]  
| [[ Yukti pramana | Yukti pramana (knowledge by logical application)]]
#[[Kala]] [[Kala|(Time)]]
| [[ Upamana pramana | Upamana pramana (knowledge by analogy)]]
== Fundamental Concepts of [[Ayurveda]] pharmacology ==
!colspan="5"| ''' Fundamental Concepts of Ayurveda - Theories and applications- Siddhanta'''
# [[Dravya | Dravya (matter or substance)]]
| [[Kaarya Kaarana Siddhanta| Kaarya Kaarana Siddhanta (cause and effect theory)]]
# [[Guna |Guna (qualities or properties)]]
| [[Swabhavoparam vada|Swabhavoparam vada (theory of natural destruction)]]
# [[Karma | Karma (action)]]  
| [[Padartha]]
# [[Rasa|Rasa (taste and its pharmacology)]]
| [[Samanya Vishesha Theory| Samanya Vishesha Siddhanta (Theory of similarity and dissimilarity)]]  
# [[Veerya|Veerya (potency)]]
# [[Vipaka|Vipaka (post digestive effect)]]
# [[Prabhava|Prabhava (influential effect)]]
# [[Satmya | Satmya (adaptability or suitability)]]
| [[Samavaya| Samavaya ( Inseparable relationship)]]
# [[Aushadha Sevana Kala | Aushadha Sevana Kala (times of administration of medicines, chronopharmacology)]]
| [[Abhava| Abhava(Non existence)]]  
| [[Disha | Disha (directions)]]  
== Components of Health- [[Sharira]] & [[Dosha]] ==
| [[Kala]] [[Kala|(Time)]]
# [[Ayu|Ayu (life)]]
!colspan="5"| ''' Fundamental Concepts of [[Ayurveda]] pharmacology '''
# [[Sharira|Sharira (body)]]
# [[Srotasa|Srotas (Channels of transport and transformation)]]
| [[Dravya | Dravya (matter or substance)]]
# [[Marma]]
| [[Guna |Guna (qualities or properties)]]
# [[Kala Sharira]]
| [[Karma | Karma (action)]]  
# [[Dosha]]  
| [[Rasa|Rasa (taste and its pharmacology)]]
# [[Vata dosha]]
| [[Veerya|Veerya (potency)]]
# [[Pitta dosha]]
# [[Kapha dosha]]
| [[Vipaka|Vipaka (post digestive effect)]]
| [[Prabhava|Prabhava (influencial effect)]]
== Components of Health- [[Agni]] ==
| [[Satmya | Satmya (adaptability or suitability)]]
| [[Aushadha Sevana Kala | Aushadha Sevana Kala (times of administration of medicines, chronopharmacology)]]
# [[Agni]]
# [[Dhatvagni]]
# [[Bhutagni]]
!colspan="5"| ''' Components of Health- [[Sharira]] & [[Dosha]]'''
# [[Koshtha |Koshtha (gut pattern)]]
# [[Varna]]
| [[Ayu|Ayu (life)]]
| [[Sharira|Sharira (body)]]
== Components of Health- [[Dhatu | Dhatu (body tissues or components)]] ==
| [[Srotasa|Srotas (Channels of transport and transformation)]]
| [[Marma]]
# [[Dhatu | Dhatu (body tissues or components)]]
| [[Kala Sharira]]
# [[Rasa dhatu | Rasa dhatu (body fluids)]]
# [[Rakta dhatu | Rakta dhatu (blood tissue)]]
| [[Dosha]]  
# [[Mamsa dhatu | Mamsa dhatu (muscle tissue)]]
| [[Vata dosha]]
# [[Meda dhatu | Meda dhatu (fats or lipid tissue elements)]]
| [[Pitta dosha]]
# [[Asthi dhatu | Asthi dhatu (osseous or bone tissue)]]
| [[Kapha dosha]]
# [[Majja dhatu | Majja dhatu (marrow tissue)]]
# [[Shukra dhatu | Shukra dhatu (reproductive tissue elements)]]
# [[Ojas | Ojas (vital essence)]]  
!colspan="5"| ''' Components of Health- [[Agni]]'''
== Components of Health -[[Mala | Mala (Excretory products)]] ==
| [[Agni]]
| [[Dhatvagni]]
# [[Mala | Mala (Excretory products)]]
| [[Bhutagni]]
# [[Purisha | Purisha (stools)]]
| [[Koshtha |Koshtha (gut pattern)]]
# [[Mutra | Mutra (urine)]]
| [[Varna]]
# [[Sweda | Sweda (sweat)]]
! colspan="5" |'''Components of Health- [[Dhatu | Dhatu (body tissues or components)]]'''
== Components of Health -[[Aatma]],[[Indriya]], [[Manas]] ==
| [[Rasa dhatu | Rasa dhatu (body fluids)]]
# [[Aatma | Aatma (soul or spirit)]]
| [[Rakta dhatu | Rakta dhatu (blood tissue)]]
# [[Indriya | Indriya (sense and motor organs)]]
| [[Mamsa dhatu | Mamsa dhatu (muscle tissue)]]
# [[Manas | Manas (Mind and mental health)]]
| [[Meda dhatu | Meda dhatu (fats or lipid tissue elements)]]
# [[Manovaha srotas]]
| [[Asthi dhatu | Asthi dhatu (osseous or bone tissue)]]
# [[Sattva|Sattva (Purity and mental strength)]]
# [[Rajas|Rajas (Activity and indulgence)]]
| [[Majja dhatu | Majja dhatu (marrow tissue)]]
# [[Tamas|Tamas (Ignorance and illusion)]]
| [[Shukra dhatu | Shukra dhatu (reproductive tissue elements)]]
# [[Buddhi | Buddhi (Intellect and intelligence)]]
| [[Ojas | Ojas (vital essence)]]  
# [[Dhriti|Dhriti (restraint)]]
# [[Smriti | Smriti (memory)]]
# [[Prajnaparadha | Prajnaparadha (intellectual errors)]]
# [[Dhairya| Dhairya (courage)]]
! colspan="5" |'''Components of Health -[[Mala | Mala (Excretory products)]]'''
# [[Samadhi| Samadhi (deep meditation)]]
|[[Purisha | Purisha (stools)]]
== Concepts and Practices of Preventive and Promotive Health in Chikitsa ==
|[[Mutra | Mutra (urine)]]
|[[Sweda | Sweda (sweat)]]
# [[Rasayana | Rasayana (rejuvenation and vitalizing therapy)]]
# [[Vajikarana | Vajikarana (aphrodisiac or virility enhancing therapy)]]
# [[Dinacharya | Dinacharya (daily regimen for health)]]
# [[Ritucharya|Ritucharya (seasonal regimen for health)]]
! colspan="5" |''' Components of Health -[[Aatma]],[[Indriya]], [[Manas]]'''
# [[Nitya sevaniya - asevaniya dravya|Nitya sevaniya - asevaniya Dravya (Daily consumable & non consumable foods)]]
# [[Ahara vidhi | Ahara vidhi (dietary guidelines)]]
| [[Aatma | Aatma (soul or spirit)]]
# [[Nidra | Nidra (sleep)]]
| [[Indriya | Indriya (sense and motor organs)]]
# [[Brahmacharya]]
| [[Manas | Manas (Mind and mental health)]]
# [[Vyayama]] [[Vyayama|(exercise)]]
|[[Manovaha srotas]]
# [[Dhumapana]]  
== Fundamental Concepts of Diagnosis and Management in [[Ayurveda]] ([[Nidana]]) and ([[Chikitsa]]) ==
| [[Sattva|Sattva (Purity and mental strength)]]
| [[Rajas|Rajas (Activity and indulgence)]]
# [[ Hetu | Hetu (causes)]]
| [[Tamas|Tamas (Ignorance and illusion)]]
# [[ Linga | Linga (symptomatology/features)]]
# [[ Aushadha|Aushadha (therapeutics)]]
# [[Vikriti|Vikriti (abnormalities)]]
# [[Shatkriyakala | Shatkriyakala (Six stages of disease evolution and treatment intervention)]]
| [[Buddhi | Buddhi (Intellect and intelligence)]]
# [[Kha vaigunya | Kha vaigunya (defects in body systems)]]
| [[Dhriti|Dhriti (restraint)]]
# [[Vyadhi | Vyadhi (disease)]]
| [[Smriti | Smriti (memory)]]
# [[Rogamarga|Rogamarga (disease pathways)]]
| [[Prajnaparadha | Prajnaparadha (intellectual errors)]]
# [[Viruddha Ahara]] [[Viruddha Ahara|(incompatible food)]]
# [[Ama]]
# [[Ashayapakarsha]]
| [[Dhairya| Dhairya (courage)]]
# [[Aupasargika vyadhi|Aupasargika vyadhi (Contagious diseases)]]
| [[Samadhi| Samadhi (deep meditation)]]
# [[Adharma]]
# [[Pranavaha srotas]]
# [[Udakavaha srotas]]
# [[Annavaha srotas]]
# [[Pramanatah Pariksha]]
! colspan="5" |'''Concepts and Practices of Preventive and Promotive Health in Chikitsa '''
# [[Samhanana|Samhanana Pariksha]]
| [[Rasayana | Rasayana (rejuvenation and vitalizing therapy)]]
== Diagnosis and management of prevalent diseases==
| [[Vajikarana | Vajikarana (aphrodisiac or virility enhancing therapy)]]
| [[Dinacharya | Dinacharya (daily regimen for health)]]
# [[Amavata]]
| [[Ritucharya|Ritucharya (seasonal regimen for health)]]
# [[Jwara | Jwara (various fevers)]]
|[[Nitya sevaniya - asevaniya dravya|Nitya sevaniya - asevaniya Dravya (Daily consumable & non consumable foods)]]
# [[Infectious diseases]]
# [[Cancer]]
| [[Ahara vidhi | Ahara vidhi (dietary guidelines)]]
# [[Acid peptic diseases‎‎]]
| [[Nidra | Nidra (sleep)]]
# [[Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome]]
| [[Brahmacharya]]
# [[Cardiac diseases]]
| [[Vyayama]] [[Vyayama|(exercise)]]
# [[Neurological diseases]]
| [[Dhumapana]]  
# [[Skin diseases in Integrative Medicine]]
# [[Psychiatric diseases‎‎]]
! colspan="5" |''' Fundamental Concepts of Diagnosis and Management in [[Ayurveda]] ([[Nidana]]) and ([[Chikitsa]])'''
# [[Emergency medicine in Ayurveda]]
# [[Rheumatic diseases]]
| [[ Hetu | Hetu (causes)]]
# [[Kidney diseases]]
| [[ Linga | Linga (symptomatology/features)]]
# [[Janapadodhvansa]]
| [[ Aushadha|Aushadha (therapeutics)]]
# [[Udavarta]]
| [[Vikriti|Vikriti (abnormalities)]]
# [[Pakshaghata|Pakshaghata (hemiplegia)]]
| [[Shatkriyakala | Shatkriyakala (Six stages of disease evolution and treatment intervention)]]
== Concepts and Practices in [[Chikitsa]] - Major therapies (shad vidha upakrama) ==
| [[Kha vaigunya | Kha vaigunya (defects in body systems)]]
| [[Vyadhi | Vyadhi (disease)]]
# [[Langhana | Langhana (reducing/depleting/fasting therapy)]]
| [[Rogamarga|Rogamarga (disease pathways)]]
# [[Brimhana | Brimhana (nourishing therapy)]]
| [[Viruddha Ahara]] [[Viruddha Ahara|(incompatible food)]]
# [[Rukshana | Rukshana (drying or absorbing therapy)]]  
| [[Ama]]
# [[Stambhana | Stambhana (styptic or stopping therapy)]]  
# [[Snehana (unction therapy)]]
| [[Ashayapakarsha]]
# [[Swedana | Swedana (sudation or fomentation therapy)]]
|[[Aupasargika vyadhi|Aupasargika vyadhi (Contagious diseases)]]
# [[Upavasa|Upavasa (therapeutic fasting)]]
| [[Adharma]]
== Concepts and Practices in Chikitsa - [[Panchakarma | Panchakarma (five therapeutic purification procedures)]]==
# [[Panchakarma in modern lifestyle]]
|[[Pranavaha srotas]]
# [[Deepana |Deepana (therapy for kindling digestion)]]
|[[Udakavaha srotas]]
# [[Pachana |Pachana (therapy for promoting digestion)]]
|[[Annavaha srotas]]
# [[Vamana | Vamana (therapeutic emesis)]]  
|[[Pramanatah Pariksha]]
# [[Virechana | Virechana (therapeutic purgation)]]  
|[[Samhanana|Samhanana Pariksha]]
# [[Basti | Basti (therapeutic enema)]]
# [[Nasya | Nasya (intra nasal administration)]]
! colspan="5" |'''Diagnosis and management of prevalent diseases'''
# [[Raktamokshana | Raktamokshana (blood letting therapy)]]  
# [[Madhutailika Basti]]
| [[Amavata]]
# [[Vaitarana Basti]]
| [[Jwara | Jwara (various fevers)]]
# [[Piccha basti]]
| [[Infectious diseases]]
# [[Matra basti]]
| [[Cancer]]
# [[Yapana basti]]
| [[Acid peptic diseases‎‎]]
# [[Asthapana basti]]
# [[Shirodhara]]
| [[Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome]]
| [[Cardiac diseases]]
== Concepts and Practices in gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics (Kaumarabhritya tantra) in [[Ayurveda]] ==
| [[Neurological diseases]]
| [[Skin diseases in Integrative Medicine]]
# [[Artava | Artava (ovum and menstruation)]]
| [[Psychiatric diseases‎‎]]
# [[Menstrual disorders]]
# [[Garbha‎‎ | Garbha‎‎ (fetus or embryo)]]
| [[Emergency medicine in Ayurveda]]
# [[Prenatal care (garbhini paricharya)]]
| [[Rheumatic diseases]]
# [[Sutika Paricharya | Sutika Paricharya (Postnatal care)]]
| [[Kidney diseases]]
# [[Contraceptives‎‎]]
| [[Janapadodhvansa]]
# [[Menopausal Syndrome]]
# [[Congenital disorders]]
# [[Neonatal care]]
|[[Pakshaghata|Pakshaghata (hemiplegia)]]
# [[Immunization]]
# [[Stanya|Stanya (breast milk)]]
! colspan="5" |''' Concepts and Practices in [[Chikitsa]] - Major therapies (shad vidha upakrama)'''
| [[Langhana | Langhana (reducing/depleting/fasting therapy)]]
| [[Brimhana | Brimhana (nourishing therapy)]]
| [[Rukshana | Rukshana (drying or absorbing therapy)]]  
| [[Stambhana | Stambhana (styptic or stopping therapy)]]  
| [[Snehana (unction therapy)]]
| [[Swedana | Swedana (sudation or fomentation therapy)]]
| [[Upavasa|Upavasa (therapeutic fasting)]]
! colspan="5" |''' Concepts and Practices in Chikitsa - [[Panchakarma | Panchakarma (five therapeutic purification procedures)]]'''
|[[Panchakarma in modern lifestyle]]
|[[Deepana |Deepana (therapy for kindling digestion)]]
|[[Pachana |Pachana (therapy for promoting digestion)]]
| [[Vamana | Vamana (therapeutic emesis)]]  
| [[Virechana | Virechana (therapeutic purgation)]]  
| [[Basti | Basti (therapeutic enema)]]
| [[Nasya | Nasya (intra nasal administration)]]
| [[Raktamokshana | Raktamokshana (blood letting therapy)]]  
| [[Madhutailika Basti]]
| [[Vaitarana Basti]]
| [[Piccha basti]]
| [[Matra basti]]
| [[Yapana basti]]
|[[Asthapana basti]]
! colspan="5" |'''Concepts and Practices in gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics (Kaumarabhritya tantra) in [[Ayurveda]]'''
| [[Artava | Artava (ovum and menstruation)]]
| [[Menstrual disorders]]
| [[Garbha‎‎ | Garbha‎‎ (fetus or embryo)]]
| [[Prenatal care (garbhini paricharya)]]
| [[Sutika Paricharya | Sutika Paricharya (Postnatal care)]]
| [[Contraceptives‎‎]]
| [[Menopausal Syndrome]]
| [[Congenital disorders]]
| [[Neonatal care]]
| [[Immunization]]
|[[Stanya|Stanya (breast milk)]]
'''Total chapters:''' '''159'''
'''[[Contents under development]]'''
'''[[Contents under development]]'''
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