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In this way, looking at the different procedures of roga vriddhi, it is evident that roga marga plays a definite role in the roga vriddhi, which may take place in the same roga marga or in other roga marga. </ol></ul>
In this way, looking at the different procedures of roga vriddhi, it is evident that roga marga plays a definite role in the roga vriddhi, which may take place in the same roga marga or in other roga marga. </ol></ul>
== The inter-connectedness  of the different roga marga ==
<p style='text-align:justify;'>Dosha can move from one marga to another. The movement of the dosha from internal pathway towards other marga will be clear in most of the diseases. But in the case of external pathways, the movement of dosha from shakha towards koshtha is not so easy. The reason may be that the diseases of the internal pathway produce many symptoms externally. But the diseases of the external pathway generally may not have any serious symptoms and signs pertaining to internal or medial pathway. The reason for this can be given in the following paras.  <ol type="a"><li>Body due to its defense mechanism generally tries to push out the factors, which are not suitable to it. If the koshtha is filled with such morbid factors, in order to defend the organs of koshtha from any type of damage they are pushed to other margas if not expelled out. This is done preferably through the marga of poshana. The causes of movement of the doshas from koshtha to shakha have been mentioned by acharya Charak. [Cha.Sa.Sutra Sthana 28/31] </li>
<li>The same case is not found in the diseases of external pathways. Because the morbid dosha will not be able to move back to koshtha easily. This is because the viloma gati of dosha will have to take place here. This sort of movement is possible only with the co-operation of the srotas. The causes of movement of doshas from shakha to koshtha , mentioned by acharya Charak, plays role for this. [Cha.Sa.Sutra Sthana 28/32] Thus, compared to abhyantar rogamarga, the diseases of bahya roga marga takes longer duration. </li></ol>
he movement of the morbid factors in the diseases of medial pathways will be of different type. In these diseases, the movement of the dosha will be from one organ to the other organ of the same roga marga. In diseases like amavata, vatarakta, etc. which are related with the joints coming under medial pathway, signs and symptoms of the malfunction of  heart (hridaya) or bladder (basti) or both etc. will be present. In the same way, the involvement of the heart may produce signs and symptoms related with extrenal pathway in their premonitory stage (purvarupavastha). Prameha and rajayakshma, which are the diseases of medial pathway, may be quoted as examples. In these disorders, excessive growth of hair, nails etc. are observed in premonitory stage. 
It can be said that most of the diseases of external pathway originate from colon (pakwashayottha). In the diseases of external pathway apart from the external treatment (bahya chikitsa or bahirparimarjana chikitsa), virechana is preferred. It is only through suitable virechana dravyas, skin diseases are treated successfully. 
Virechana have special influence on colon (pakwashaya).  Thus, the disorders, which subside by means of virechana, the diseases of external pathways may be said to originate from colon (pakwashayottha).  </p>
== Rogamarga related to prognosis ==
<p style='text-align:justify;'>The purpose for describing roga-marga is to know prognosis (sukha sadhyatvadi jnanartham). [Chakrapani on Cha.Sa.Sutrasthana 11/48] [Chakrapani on Cha.Sa.Sutrasthana 10/12] [Chakrapani on Cha.Sa.Sutrasthana 10/15,16] [Cha.Sa.Sutrasthana 10/18,19] The contribution of roga marga to prognosis depends on the robustness of the site.[Chakrapani on Cha.Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 30/327] </p>
== Rogamarga for precise treatment ==
<p style='text-align:justify;'>Roga marga is explained in view of precise treatment for diseases occurring in a particulat rogamarga.  [Madhukosha on Madhava Nidana, Sarvaroga Nidana Adhyaya Shloka No.10]
As koshtha/abhyantar roga-marga is the place of jatharagni, all its diseases manifest due to poor agni (agnimandya or agni dushti), resulting into ama. Vamana and virechana maybe the line of treatment for shodhana purpose for the diseases occurring here, depending on the classification of origin from stomach (amashaya samuttha) and colon (pakwashaya samuttha vyadhi). 
In the diseases of external pathways, dhatwagnimandya will be prominent. Snehana-swedana will be of use for bringing the dosha from shakha to koshtha and removal through the nearby orifice. Virechana and raktamokshana are one of the best shodhana measures for the diseases of external patways. In addition, kshara, and agnikarma can also be applied for the diseases. 
For the diseases of medial pathway, prana and vyana vayu are found to be involved. Basti and nasya maybe more beneficial. As the diseases of madhyama roga-marga are generally originated from colon (pakwashayottha) and due to obstructed vayu, basti maybe the first line of treatment. Basti is capable of preventing and overcoming the afflictions of marma, asthi sandhi etc. [Cha. Sa. Siddhi Sthana 9/ 7]. Additionally, the diseases of head like facial paralysis (ardita), neck stiffness (manyastambha), hemiplegia (pakshaghata), etc. can be treated with nasya. 
Similarly, shamana aushadha may also be categorized as acting specifically on a particular roga marga.  </p>
== Roga Marga : a special type of classification of diseases ==
<p style='text-align:justify;'>Some of the expert ayurvedic physicians believe that the description of roga marga denotes special type of disease classification. Such a classification is exceptional in comparison to systemic classification of disease. The systemic classification does not give any contribution in the field of prognosis and management. Whereas it is not so in the case of ayurvedic classification of diseases in terms of roga marga. The systemic classification is based on the anatomical and physiological continuity, whereas not always the organs of a particular roga marga have anatomical attachment. e.g. madhyama roga marga. The connection between the organs of a particular marga is evident pathologically, hence termed as roga marga. </p>
== Contemporary approach ==
<p style='text-align:justify;'>The contemporary approach to understand the body and the pathogenesis of any disease is analytical. Whereas that of ayurveda is holistic and comprehensive. With this basic difference, it maybe said that such a concept of ‘rogamarga’ is also unique in Ayurveda, where different set of diseases are said to occur under a single rogamarga. Further, the prognostic approach of contemporary medical science is not based on the systems involved; whereas this concept of rogamarga is also having significance for the prognosis. </p>
== Current researches ==
=== Thesis ===
<ul style='text-align:justify;'><li>Bhojani Meera et al: A study on Nirdesha Chatushka of Charaka Samhita and applied aspect of Trayo-Rogamarga, MD Thesis, 2003, IPGT&RA, Jamnagar : A detailed description on the concept of rogamarga and doshagati is explained. A clinical trial is done on the patients of tamaka shwasa and pravahika, based on the concept of rogamarga. It was found that the line of treatment for the diseases occurring in a single rogamarga maybe similar and for the abhyantara rogamarga, the treatment maybe focused on jatharagni centered (correction of the digestion). </li></ul>
=== Articles ===
<ul style='text-align:justify;'><li>Vilas Kad, Tushar Auti. A review on trividha rogamarga & its role in manifestation of disease. Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci. 2015;4(2):29-34<ref name="ref12">Vilas Kad, Tushar Auti. A review on trividha rogamarga & its role in manifestation of disease. Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci. 2015;4(2):29-34 </ref></li>
<li>Jyoti Devangamath Et Al: Crucial Role Of Rogamarga To Understand Vyadhi. International Ayurvedic medical Journal {online} 2016 {cited 2016 July} Available from:<ref name="ref13"/></li>
<li>Asharani Amitkumar Kore : Concept Of Dosha-Gati With Special Reference To Kshaya-Sthan-Vruddhi Gati; IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 2; February- 2015<ref name="ref14">Asharani Amitkumar Kore Concept Of Dosha-Gati With Special Reference To Kshaya-Sthan-Vruddhi Gati IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 2;  Pages-628-6333 </ref></li>
<li>Kore Asharani Amitkumar, Concept of Urdhav-Adho-Tiryak Gati of Dosha ; UJAHM 2015, 03 (05): Page 7-9;<ref name="ref15">Kore Ashrani , CONCEPT OF URDHAV-ADHO-TIRYAK GATI OF DOSHA, UJAHM 2015, 03 (05): Page 7-9 </ref></li>
<li>Dr. Kulkarni. Pratibha et al., Rogamarga and Dosha Gati ; wjpmr, 2016,2(6), 97-99;<ref name="ref16">Kulkarni Pratibha et .al. Roga Marga and Dosha Gati , World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research , 2016,2(6), 97-99.  </ref></li>
<li>Pushpa Tuppad. Conceptual study of Rogamarga. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2022;3:53-58;<ref name="ref17">Pushpa Tuppad, Conceptual study of Rogamarga. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(3):53-58 Available From : </ref></li>
These studies have derived the important role played by roga marga in the pathogenesis of the disease, its prognosis and the line of management. The dosha gati in its vikrita avastha is through the roga marga. </ul>
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