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These herbs are helpful as stress reliever, memory booster, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anti-aging medications in mental disorders.
These herbs are helpful as stress reliever, memory booster, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anti-aging medications in mental disorders.
Ayurveda herbs and formulations are researched for their effects in various aspects. Rasayana Ghana tablet (RGT), an Ayurvedic combination of Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia Miers.) , dried fruit rind of Aamalaki (Emblica officinalis Garten.) , and whole part of Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris Linn.), is indicated for reducing mental stress and premature ageing. This classical formulation is prescribed with unequal quantity of ghee and honey as vehicle for maintenance of sexual vigor (vrishya), stability and steadiness (sthiratva), peacefulness and treatment of diseases (shanta vikara-dukkham), balance in mind and body (samah) and longevity (shatam jeevati) with black hairs (it restricts graying of hairs).[Ashtanga Hridaya, Uttara stana, 39/ 159]
Ayurveda herbs and formulations are researched for their effects in various aspects. Rasayana Ghana tablet (RGT), an Ayurvedic combination of Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia Miers.) , dried fruit rind of Aamalaki (Emblica officinalis Garten.) , and whole part of Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris Linn.), is indicated for reducing mental stress and premature ageing. This classical formulation is prescribed with unequal quantity of ghee and honey as vehicle for maintenance of sexual vigor (vrishya), stability and steadiness (sthiratva), peacefulness and treatment of diseases (shanta vikara-dukkham), balance in mind and body (samah) and longevity (shatam jeevati) with black hairs (it restricts graying of hairs).[A. Hr. Uttara stana, 39/ 159]
In experimental part of study, it showed potent anti-stress, ulcer preventing and adaptogenic activity. It showed good anxiolytic and antidepressant activity as well. In clinical research, the rasayana formulation improved quality of life in stressed individuals. It was effective in decreasing the physical complaints related to quality of life, improving the mental and emotional state, decreasing stress evaluation score in various aspects of life, increasing life enjoyment parameters and thus overall quality of life. It can be easily inferred that as the stress increases, the quality of life decreases to the hazardous physical and psychological impact of stress.
In experimental part of study, it showed potent anti-stress, ulcer preventing and adaptogenic activity. It showed good anxiolytic and antidepressant activity as well. In clinical research, the rasayana formulation improved quality of life in stressed individuals. It was effective in decreasing the physical complaints related to quality of life, improving the mental and emotional state, decreasing stress evaluation score in various aspects of life, increasing life enjoyment parameters and thus overall quality of life. It can be easily inferred that as the stress increases, the quality of life decreases to the hazardous physical and psychological impact of stress.
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A retrospective analysis of researches on effect of ayurvedic management in psychiatric diseases was done. The data showed that Ayurvedic formulations like aamalakyadi and medhya rasayana ghrita (in Alzheimer’s disease), rasayana ghana tablets (in stress), brahmi ghrita (in depression), shirodhara (in insomnia), saraswatarishta (in perimenopausal syndrome) are moderately effective in treatment of psychiatric diseases.
A retrospective analysis of researches on effect of ayurvedic management in psychiatric diseases was done. The data showed that Ayurvedic formulations like aamalakyadi and medhya rasayana ghrita (in Alzheimer’s disease), rasayana ghana tablets (in stress), brahmi ghrita (in depression), shirodhara (in insomnia), saraswatarishta (in perimenopausal syndrome) are moderately effective in treatment of psychiatric diseases.
Sattvavajaya therapy and powder of Pippalimula with jaggery are observed effective in patients of insomnia. Sattvavajaya therapy was found more effective in reducing mental symptoms like tension (chinta), fear (bhaya) and anger (krodha).
Sattvavajaya therapy and powder of Pippalimula with jaggery are observed effective in patients of insomnia. Sattvavajaya therapy was found more effective in reducing mental symptoms like tension (chinta), fear (bhaya) and anger (krodha).
====3. Panchakarma (purification therapies):====
====3. Panchakarma (purification therapies):====
The purification therapies improve clarity in senses, mind and intellect. [Cha.Sa. Sutra Sthana 16/6] [Cha. Sa. Sutra Sthana 15 /22] They are indicated in the management of all psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders based upon state of dosha. [Cha.Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 9, 10]
The purification therapies improve clarity in senses, mind and intellect. [Cha.Sa. Sutra Sthana 16/6] [Cha. Sa. Sutra Sthana 15 /22] They are indicated in the management of all psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders based upon state of dosha. [Cha.Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 9, 10]