Infliction of crush injury to the two chords situated near the scrotum or the scrotum itself is also mentioned in Atharva veda. This shows the references of vasectomy and castration respectively.
Infliction of crush injury to the two chords situated near the scrotum or the scrotum itself is also mentioned in Atharva veda.<ref>Atharvaveda VI-138/4-5, part 2,Vishveshwaranad vedic institute, Hoshiapur, edition 1, 1961.</ref> This shows the references of vasectomy and castration respectively.
In current practices, sterilization in males is achieved through vasectomy. In females, various procedures like laparotomy, culdotomy, laparoscopy are opted for sterilization. These methods are irreversible and opted for permanent contraception.
In current practices, sterilization in males is achieved through vasectomy. In females, various procedures like laparotomy, culdotomy, laparoscopy are opted for sterilization. These methods are irreversible and opted for permanent contraception.